"That he actually has the lead at this point DESPITE all the ignorance out there really is commendable - it almost restores my hope for America!" What's ignorant is all those people who think he is some kind of "messiah". Just leave off the last 3 letters and you'll see how he'll F*ck up the government. And don't ask me to send my son for military service when this country is surely going to need it. Someone in my family has served since the Revolution but it stops with me. You liveral a$$holes can go to Reverend Wright's church and ask for volunteers. I'm sure you'll find plenty. Wow, I think that pretty much exemplifies the ignorance I was talking about... You wouldn't vote for him because three letters off his name would... spell something? Man, it doesn't stop. ![]() And you might not have noticed ![]() Click the link for that Readers Digest global poll - you can see the results for other countries. In nearly every case, it's less than 10% support for McCain, and over 80% support for Obama - except in the US, the only place in the world where it's even close. And much of that, due to ignorant people... Too many McCain supporters criticisms of Obama sound like skinhead criticisms of those they hate, or Ku Klux Klan members - not facts, just this fear from ignorance... Realize this: You get in wars when the world perceives you as an evil empire. In 8 years, we've gone from being perceived as a pillar of reason, to being militarily aggressive, UN-defying radicals. We have to fix that, and there's actually LOGIC behind that statement. Click that readers digest poll. Not only would McCain prolong the war that's doing us so much damage in the way the world perceives us, but a vote for McCain further isolates us - from 90% of the world agreeing with a vote for Obama, to less than 10% of them understanding a vote for McCain. Personally, I DON'T want war - so I don't want to isolate us in the world, nor create the perception (again) that the US population supports wasting our efforts, and in fact depleting our defenses on continuing the radically militant policies that we have under Bush. Simply put - I don't understand your argument, somehow tying Obama to war? Sounds like another internet rumor I haven't heard of yet. ![]() |
Did you say "it's not propaganda", and post a link with "Obama's plans to destroy America" in the URL, in the same post? ![]() How about something a little less biased - here's the Reader's Digest compiled view of the election from a global view: Click on any country. Our country is the only one where the poll is even close. And even within the boundaries of the USA - I haven't seen a poll showing McCain in the lead at all, at any point. Funny thing about your "They're taking a poll on AOL!!!!"... Once upon a time, around the invention of the telephone, they used this new tool to conduct national surveys to try to predict the president. Result of the telephone survey? Landslide Republican. Result of the election? Landslide Democratic victory. How can this be? Only the rich had telephones at that point in time. ![]() Very very similarly - who still uses AOL? Largely the extremely conservative, who were willing (for some reason) to pay $25/month for dialup when other services out there were $10/month... now not even AOL charges anymore, but they retain their customer base. You see no bias in that? Try looking at what the rest of the world sees. I've found one thing: When I'm standing in a room and find myself in the minority, chances are good that I'm wrong... this case, with such a large chunk of McCain support coming from the prejudiced and ignorant, it paints that picture even more strongly, IMO - because not only isn't he ahead (even in this country), but a good chunk of his support is fundamentally prejudice and ignorance based - which would make him even less ahead, if those votes weren't allowed to count. Seriously...What gives you the right to call McCain supporters ignorant? Talk about typical and biased... I support neither, and thankfully so. I will be able to say I didnt vote for either one of them. I didn't call all McCain supporters ignorant - I'm criticizing the McCain supporters who are ignorant. In other words (as I was careful to choose wording to isolate, such as "a good chunk of McCain supporters), some but not all. What I said was, "what if you took the McCain supporters who ARE making their decisions based on virtues of ignorance - racism, internet rumor, beliefs that he is Muslim - apparently that voting for him will lead to war is a new one to me (above) - that the campaign might not be close. I wouldnt' be surprised if more than 10% of McCain supporters were supporting McCain because they had some emotional fear, like racism or believing Obama is a terrorist because his middle name is Hussein... ![]() But no where did I ever say, or imply, that all McCain supporters were ignorant... |
Edited by
Tue 11/04/08 06:47 AM
Did you say "it's not propaganda", and post a link with "Obama's plans to destroy America" in the URL, in the same post? ![]() How about something a little less biased - here's the Reader's Digest compiled view of the election from a global view: Click on any country. Our country is the only one where the poll is even close. And even within the boundaries of the USA - I haven't seen a poll showing McCain in the lead at all, at any point. Funny thing about your "They're taking a poll on AOL!!!!"... Once upon a time, around the invention of the telephone, they used this new tool to conduct national surveys to try to predict the president. Result of the telephone survey? Landslide Republican. Result of the election? Landslide Democratic victory. How can this be? Only the rich had telephones at that point in time. ![]() Very very similarly - who still uses AOL? Largely the extremely conservative, who were willing (for some reason) to pay $25/month for dialup when other services out there were $10/month... now not even AOL charges anymore, but they retain their customer base. You see no bias in that? Try looking at what the rest of the world sees. I've found one thing: When I'm standing in a room and find myself in the minority, chances are good that I'm wrong... this case, with such a large chunk of McCain support coming from the prejudiced and ignorant, it paints that picture even more strongly, IMO - because not only isn't he ahead (even in this country), but a good chunk of his support is fundamentally prejudice and ignorance based - which would make him even less ahead, if those votes weren't allowed to count. Seriously...What gives you the right to call McCain supporters ignorant? Talk about typical and biased... I support neither, and thankfully so. I will be able to say I didnt vote for either one of them. I didn't call all McCain supporters ignorant - I'm criticizing the McCain supporters who are ignorant. In other words (as I was careful to choose wording to isolate, such as "a good chunk of McCain supporters), some but not all. What I said was, "what if you took the McCain supporters who ARE making their decisions based on virtues of ignorance - racism, internet rumor, beliefs that he is Muslim - apparently that voting for him will lead to war is a new one to me (above) - that the campaign might not be close. I wouldnt' be surprised if more than 10% of McCain supporters were supporting McCain because they had some emotional fear, like racism or believing Obama is a terrorist because his middle name is Hussein... ![]() But no where did I ever say, or imply, that all McCain supporters were ignorant... Oh geez...that's a small minded way of thinking about McCain supporters. That is sooo wrong an insignuation. There are MANY reasons to vote FOR John McCain...he's way more experienced than OBAMA when it comes to the correct role of the fed. govt. in our natl. security issues. I want to know that the person who takes that position will really defend us against FOREIGN threats & not use the fed govt. against his fellow americans like the clintons did...(& possible OBAMA). After the last week of the McCain campaign, he is so energized that no one can say he's one breath away from if that isn't a hateful comment on someone who has endured so much & still has so much life then you are circling the planet. At 911 it was the REPS who built up this nations's courage to stand. It will always be REPS who come up with real ideas instead of keeping americans in a constant state of crisis as some excuse to go on spending sprees, compliments of the tax payer....and it will be REPS who, in 2 yrs, will have to clean up the mess DEMS will leave behind when their lunacy gets swept out of office. Those are a few reasons to vote FOR John McCain. |
There is no way i would vote for Mc2old, His running mate thinks this country is one big Miss Alaska beauty pagaent
Naw, she just has media problems (along with others) trying to put words in her mouth and clip out the good stuff :) :)
She’s not perfect, but who among us is? Many of us really like her. She was a great choice. Time will tell huh?? Peace, BB ---O's trying to buy the seat, and for all those funds, can only state a small lead?? WAKE up America! ----- copy-- So now, Senator Obama has raised over $600 million dollars. Because I remained committed to a principle we both agreed upon, he is able to outspend me at least seven to one. Remember that, next time you see an ad run by Senator Obama. Or the next one. Or the one after that. Or the one after that. Or the one after that. Or the one after that. Or the one after that. And if that doesn’t bother you – at least a little – just ask yourself one question: What if Senator Obama, running on a platform of Change and “a new kind of politics” was the one to accept public financing, and the Republican opponent did not. What if the Democrat, true to his principles and a personal pledge, held true to his beliefs, while the Republican raised six hundred million dollars and turned off the standard credit card anti-fraud protections while doing so? What if the Republican outspent the democrat more than seven to one, and, as a result was up by a few points in key battlefield states. What would you think then? Would you not be inclined to say he “bought the election?” And do you think, in the face of that advantage, that anyone will ever accept public financing again? And what if, in the face of that disadvantage, all you had to trust and depend on was the fundamental integrity of the press to present whatever damaging information they and their army of reporters could uncover, on either candidate? What if they too failed to live up to their obligation to you? Then where would this principled stand leave you? I’m John McCain, and I approved this message. |
The media is trying to put words in her mouth.
I saw her interview with Couric. ![]() ![]() |
I like nachos.
I like nachos. With spicy cheese please. ![]() |
I like nachos. With spicy cheese please. ![]() me too but hold the jalapenos ![]() |
Well, McCain gave a very classy concession speech.
One thing I wouldn't ever criticize McCain - his heart is clearly in the right place, and is clearly in his work. Either candidate would have been a major improvement compared to Bush. And beyond that, Obama's election gives me hope that this country isn't comprised of fearful, racist, gullible people. I've had the feeling it was for the past 4 years - I can finally reconnect my jaw, which fell off 4 years ago when Bush was reelected... |
Epic fail for any of u mccain supporters huh?
well its epic fail for me too i liked Ron Paul, id like to say it was rigged but i dunno maybe everyones been programmed by the media to believe theres only two sides,just talk about the sides of the same coin. |
Well, McCain gave a very classy concession speech. One thing I wouldn't ever criticize McCain - his heart is clearly in the right place, and is clearly in his work. Either candidate would have been a major improvement compared to Bush. And beyond that, Obama's election gives me hope that this country isn't comprised of fearful, racist, gullible people. I've had the feeling it was for the past 4 years - I can finally reconnect my jaw, which fell off 4 years ago when Bush was reelected... I had that same jaw problem 4 yrs. ago. ![]() |