Topic: Does anyone have a............. | |
Cat that likes you to play toss and catch with it? I have one and he loves those sponge balls and he gets it and brings it back & drops it, so we can throw it again. Weird!
Yes my cat does the same thing. She likes candy wrappers though. It all started w/a bag of salt water taffy. She doesn't always pick it up and carry it to you but she will swat it across the floor back to you. We call it Shadows version of air hockey.
Cat that likes you to play toss and catch with it? I have one and he loves those sponge balls and he gets it and brings it back & drops it, so we can throw it again. Weird! I had a calico years ago that played fetch with those things. Entertained for hours! |
<--------This is my cat that thinks it is a Dog (if I change my pic; just look at my profile, I have my black cat on there). And he is a ton of entertainment.
i've had a few cats that do it. Ruby the one i have now.. she's all about it.
One of my co workers has a cat named george & when he was a ktten he found a toothbrush in her house& brought it to her. She threw it away & he went after it. For a while they played fetch until he got older!