Topic: i have found the man of my dreams
catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:10 PM
:tongue:cyber pets had to have somebody to torture them devil

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:12 PM

brandy12345's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:15 PM
i will be expecting child support that will b $9.95 a month for our
internet bill

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:16 PM

lets see;; Clyde & Gregs?
betty & Clyde??????
woman & Greg's Clyde booped???? noway

Greg's woman better boop clydes betty???

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:17 PM
wtf you said you loved me now I got to pay you????? See they get you
no matter where you at scandolous ass womenlaugh laugh laugh

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:17 PM
by the way just kidding, Im fixed so HA! it ISNT MINE MAURY SHOW HERE I
COMEglasses glasses glasses glasses glasses glasses

brandy12345's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:19 PM
You got my keyboard sticky and now you want to say it is not yours I
will take you to Jerry Springer and get Steve on your butt.laugh
laugh laugh

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:22 PM
hey I didnt get your keyboard sticky:tongue:

brandy12345's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:23 PM
Oh that was the love of my life from last month will you love me even
though i am pregnant with his cyber baby??

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:24 PM
noway eeccckkk!!! turns & walks out fast! i thought we were bashin
not cyberin againnnnndevil

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:26 PM
ohhhh you better stop b4 i tell them about your cyber thong and the
dance you did for me that one night when we went to the cyber Radisson
and drank a cyber bottle of bacardi limon:tongue:

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:26 PM
now now catch ill never tell bout our night under the piss tree

brandy12345's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:28 PM
aaawwwwwwww sweet memories!!

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:28 PM
u mean sweet mammorieslaugh laugh :tongue: laugh

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:29 PM
hey is it windy as hell where your at brandy?

no photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:29 PM
hmmmm, I better cover my eyes.... I can't watch all this graphicness.

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:29 PM

brandy12345's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:30 PM
Its freezing it was 78 yesterday and 30 today!!!

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:30 PM
yeah i know we got 40 mph gusts and its cold as hellmad mad

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 04/04/07 09:30 PM
damn maybe if you did i wouldn't be the ol' maid of JSH! :wink:

blushing I still have wet dreams!

or wet my bed dreamin!grumble