Topic: why are old people so grumpy?
PATSFAN's photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:16 PM
Don't make me shake my fist at you againlaugh laugh laugh laugh

I would have got away, if it wasn't for you medling kids!!rofl rofl rofl

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:17 PM

i've heard it said that when you're young your convictions are the mountain from which you gaze upon the world and when you're old they become the cave in which you hide.

Awesome thought. Wish I had thought that up.

no photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:18 PM

Don't make me shake my fist at you againlaugh laugh laugh laugh

I think they're grumpy because they didn't have Mutual Match back in the Depression.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:19 PM


Well I always figured it this way:

They have lived a long time and time is running too short to be into frivolity.

They have earned the right to be straight shooters whenever they so choose to be and it should be listened to. We may learn something. If not learn something, we may see a different view, giving us a more rounded view of things.

Have you ever tried being kind, understanding, human and patient? They do deserve it. Even if they appear to just be mad all the time.

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:20 PM

Don't make me shake my fist at you againlaugh laugh laugh laugh

I think they're grumpy because they didn't have Mutual Match back in the Depression.

Oh I think mutual match would have put them over the edge back thenlaugh laugh

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:28 PM

Don't make me shake my fist at you againlaugh laugh laugh laugh

I think they're grumpy because they didn't have Mutual Match back in the Depression.

Yea but they had Dime A Dance fund raisers and they met a lot of people. Now you go to dance and the floor would cave in before someone will come over and ask.

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:31 PM

not getting enough bj

LOL I used to think that but you should see some of the "romance" going on in nurseing homes.

No1sLove's photo
Mon 10/27/08 09:33 PM

They just have more practice at it. :tongue:

Don't worry, you will get better at it if you keep trying. :wink:

Mr_Music's photo
Tue 10/28/08 01:56 AM
Edited by Mr_Music on Tue 10/28/08 01:59 AM
I wonder if all those who have been mentioning the Great Depression as an excuse realize that by 65 years ago, it had been long over for several years already in most countries. But anyway....

My personal speculation is, a good handful of seniors are a bit disgruntled because there was a time when the world actually functioned properly. People knew what their responsibilities were and what was expected of them. Today, the world still functions somewhat, but most people in today's world have a look on their face like a monkey doing a math problem. The folks 'back then' didn't have to deal with more than HALF of the crap we have today, because they knew when and how to nip it in the bud. Today's people either CAN'T do that, or have no clue HOW to. With all the so-called "advancements" of today, it's surprising how dumb we've become.


RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 10/28/08 02:00 AM
Horn doesn't work. Watch for finger. Now that is grumpy.laugh

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 10/28/08 02:03 AM
My favorite is; "I didn't wake up grumpy; I let her sleep."laugh

no photo
Tue 10/28/08 02:12 AM
I'm 49 and old to boot!!!

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 10/28/08 04:44 AM


id be grumpy too if i was in a nursing home and had people telling me when and when i cant take a crap,and feeding me instead of letting me eat and telling me when or when i cant go out side.

if they aren't in a nursing home maybe its just cause they got hemorrhoids
maybe ED too.

You guys are hysterical. That's sooooooooooo 90's .. whoa

What decade you livin in? slaphead 65 yr olds are not in nursing homes. NINETY-FIVE year olds are ...

Get with the program .. geessssssh.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 10/28/08 06:45 AM
50 is the new 35.laugh

BonnyMiss's photo
Tue 10/28/08 06:46 AM
Have you tried sitting in what you deposited in your depends for a whole day?

no photo
Tue 10/28/08 06:58 AM


id be grumpy too if i was in a nursing home and had people telling me when and when i cant take a crap,and feeding me instead of letting me eat and telling me when or when i cant go out side.

if they aren't in a nursing home maybe its just cause they got hemorrhoids
maybe ED too.

You guys are hysterical. That's sooooooooooo 90's .. whoa

What decade you livin in? slaphead 65 yr olds are not in nursing homes. NINETY-FIVE year olds are ...

Get with the program .. geessssssh.
Thank you Fade..

charleyxray's photo
Tue 10/28/08 09:07 AM
What happens is that "old" leaves your brain and settles in your knees. That's not to bad because you can still get around. Then "old" takes off and settles in another part of your body. That's when guys get grumpy!

no photo
Tue 10/28/08 09:13 AM

not getting enough bj

LOL I used to think that but you should see some of the "romance" going on in nurseing homes.

I read once that the highest rate of sexually transmitted disease in America is in "The Villages". The retirement community in Florida

cflbikedog's photo
Tue 10/28/08 09:16 AM
Because they are forced to wear giant shorts, black knee socks and sandals....

DragonFlyTat's photo
Tue 10/28/08 09:25 AM

Don't make me shake my fist at you againlaugh laugh laugh laugh

I would have got away, if it wasn't for you medling kids!!rofl rofl rofl
love it