Topic: im ashamed
michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:07 PM
WHO would you DO for a klondike bar?
Thats the questionlaugh

izzie's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:12 PM

WHO would you DO for a klondike bar?
Thats the questionlaugh
how many klondike bars you got there?!?!?!?

izzie's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:13 PM

Some people will do anything for a klondike barsmokin smokin smokin
HEY!! it was a REALLY good klondike bar!!!!

Etrain's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:15 PM

Some people will do anything for a klondike barsmokin smokin smokin
HEY!! it was a REALLY good klondike bar!!!!

was it...moist??? creamy???smokin smokin smokin

eileena9's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:15 PM
You got a Klondike bar for doing it??????????

Gosh durn it.......I didn't get anything!!!sad sad sad ......Story of my life........the taller me gets the good stuff!!!!

izzie's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:18 PM

You got a Klondike bar for doing it??????????

Gosh durn it.......I didn't get anything!!!sad sad sad ......Story of my life........the taller me gets the good stuff!!!!
im thinkin that mishican man has more klondike bars.. im tryin to talk them outa him... not sure what/who i will have to do to get them.. but i will try to get an extra for you..

after all.. you earned it the other nite!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

izzie's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:19 PM

Some people will do anything for a klondike barsmokin smokin smokin
HEY!! it was a REALLY good klondike bar!!!!

was it...moist??? creamy???smokin smokin smokin

no.. COLD and hard!!!

no photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:20 PM
I think I need to run to the store!devil

Etrain's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:21 PM

Some people will do anything for a klondike barsmokin smokin smokin
HEY!! it was a REALLY good klondike bar!!!!

was it...moist??? creamy???smokin smokin smokin

no.. COLD and hard!!!

hmmm...doesn't sound very excitingsmokin

eileena9's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:21 PM

You got a Klondike bar for doing it??????????

Gosh durn it.......I didn't get anything!!!sad sad sad ......Story of my life........the taller me gets the good stuff!!!!
im thinkin that mishican man has more klondike bars.. im tryin to talk them outa him... not sure what/who i will have to do to get them.. but i will try to get an extra for you..

after all.. you earned it the other nite!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Yay!!! Can I have one with the caramel and the nuts???happy happy happy

izzie's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:22 PM

I think I need to run to the store!devil
the store?? why buy what you can EARN!!

izzie's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:23 PM
ANYTHING can be exciting!! just depends on how adventurous you are!

Some people will do anything for a klondike barsmokin smokin smokin
HEY!! it was a REALLY good klondike bar!!!!

was it...moist??? creamy???smokin smokin smokin

no.. COLD and hard!!!

hmmm...doesn't sound very excitingsmokin

izzie's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:24 PM
hhhmm.. cream and nuts!?!?!?

a bit greedy.. but lemme see what i can arange!

You got a Klondike bar for doing it??????????

Gosh durn it.......I didn't get anything!!!sad sad sad ......Story of my life........the taller me gets the good stuff!!!!
im thinkin that mishican man has more klondike bars.. im tryin to talk them outa him... not sure what/who i will have to do to get them.. but i will try to get an extra for you..

after all.. you earned it the other nite!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Yay!!! Can I have one with the caramel and the nuts???happy happy happy

scotty1964's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:25 PM
i have that bear tattooed!!!laugh

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:25 PM
When me and the ex-wife first got together we would enjoy 'Nutty Buddies' afterwards.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:25 PM
The Videos sold well thou! devil :banana:

eileena9's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:26 PM
But it's good with the cream and the nuts...........oh wait.........are you still talking about ice cream?devil devil

Etrain's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:27 PM
I guess I'm boring...I sure would like to know more about this klondike bar thing izzdrool drool drool

izzie's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:27 PM

The Videos sold well thou! devil :banana:
still waiting for my cut from those there sister!!!

michiganman3's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:27 PM

But it's good with the cream and the nuts...........oh wait.........are you still talking about ice cream?devil devil

Not me...........