Topic: Prophecies | |
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Sat 10/11/08 06:56 AM
Nastradamus predicted that a commet would run in Quadrain 2 62.
It has been long interpreted that this quadrain he was speaking of economic disaster. what do you see in this quadrain? has he predicted whats happening right now? Quatrain 2:62 Mabus then will soon die, there will come Of people and beasts a horrible rout: Then suddenly one will see vengeance, Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet shall run. Here is what has happened as he said the comet shall run. Monday oct 6 2008 CNN) -- A meteor, or shooting star, is usually the size of a pebble, or even a grain of sand, burning up in the atmosphere. An asteroid like the meteor shown here should be visible Monday night over northeastern Africa. On Monday night, an asteroid that may be the size of a car will likely burn up in the atmosphere over northeastern Africa, according to the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. But the planet is not in peril. The asteroid, spotted by an Arizona observatory only Monday afternoon, will burn up in the upper atmosphere at about 10:46 p.m. ET (2:46 a.m. GMT). It will not pose a threat to aircraft or people on the ground, but it may put on a show. Called an asteroid while in space, astronomers refer to it as a meteor once it interacts with the atmosphere and begins to heat and glow. While the meteor will burn up over Egypt and the Sudan, traveling from the southwest to the northeast, it could be visible from much of southern Europe, northeastern Africa, and the Middle East, according to Christine Pulliam of the Harvard center. Don't Miss Share your sky photos, stories She said the meteor could appear, cloud-cover permitting, as bright as a full moon, and may produce a loud boom or popping noise. Italy's University of Pisa calculated the odds are between 99.8 percent and 100 percent that the object, traveling at 28,800 mph, will encounter the Earth's atmosphere. "We want to stress that this object is not a threat," said Dr. Timothy Spahr, director of the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center. "We're excited since this is the first time we have issued a prediction that an object will enter Earth's atmosphere." "We're eager for observations from astronomers near the asteroid's approach path," said Gareth Williams of the Minor Planet Center. "We really hope that someone will manage to photograph it." The Minor Planet Center, at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, is a worldwide clearinghouse for asteroid and comet observations. It collects and disseminates observations and calculates orbits. E-mail to a friend |
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Sat 10/11/08 07:14 AM
Personally I have always seen nastradamus as a prophet. He never asked for it. He had Jewish ancestry. So he knew the law. He used the cleanliness of the law to bring down the plaque alot by himself as drs. ran he went into villages. he used erbs for medicines that other drs knew nothing of. He wrote these quadrains in a lauguage that would not deem himself a demon as people were being tried and executed for witchcraft.
He bacame famous from other people spreading the word not him. Most have always said well you say he said that after the fact. This quadrain has been for a long time said would be economic disaster. What are the chances that at a very late hour scientists would see this comet and it is the size of a car not a grain of sand would glow as the moon and prbally make a sonic boom exactly when the world from congress being in basically an emergency session because economic disaster was at our door which has filtered all around the world. I believe we have seen a deciefered prophecie before the event.. Blessings..Miles |
From wikipedia:
Nastradamus is Nas' fourth studio album released under Columbia Records, and his first album to be released under his new imprint Ill Will Records. The LP was released to the public in November 1999 and was originally intended to be a release of the bootlegged second disc of I Am..., but it was instead decided, seven months after the release date of I Am..., to record an entirely new LP. It debuted at #7 on the Billboard 200 selling 232,000 copies in its first week. The resulting Nastradamus album has therefore been almost unanimously regarded as Nas' worst LP, receiving his weakest ratings from many publications such as Allmusic and The Source. Many believe the record wasn't as good because it was rushed to be released only a few months after I Am.... Others, however, took issue with the flossy/jiggy style production on the album, a complaint mollified for some by the Nastradoomus MF Doom mashup bootleg created by Max Bedroom. However, despite the criticism leveled at the album, it still managed to receive a Platinum certification by the RIAA. Nostradamus on the other hand was a French seer who wrote his prophecies in quatrains which are so vague and ambiguous we can apply them to almost any current event with moderate success. |
If I open the paper and read today's horoscope for my astrological sign, it will say..." blah, blah, blah"...and if I wanted to I could first allow it to imprint in my brain as a suggestion, as I am reading it, then on a lesser consciousness create that self same prophetic passage in the paper into actually happening.
Interpretation... and possibly insight into what may come, was how I see Nostradamus, but just like that 2000 year old mouldy tome, I can twist it to MY interpretation, and call it fact. |
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Sat 10/11/08 03:06 PM
What I quoted from him has been enterpreted as a economic failure. Now in the same sentence he says a comet shall run. Being seen across the sky.
This comet was found only hours before it hit the earths atmoshere. The size of a car even causing a sonic boom. This was oct6.. Congress was still trying to finsh the bailout warning and it passed oct8th. the stock market took a huge hit as everyone was scared and was selling off. What Nastradus said the quick appearing of this comet just when this emergency session was going on and had been interpreted to mean an economic failure. What are the odds these things would come together at the same time. and astronomers did not even know this car size comet was near..Shalom...Miles |
The odds are pretty good in 500 years of 2 things like that coinciding.
But... If you believe in Nostradamus' predictions then please continue to believe. Don't let anyone else sway your decision. As soon as you stop believing what you believe in then that's when you become one of the sheep. Freedom to think what you want and freedom to say what you want is what makes the world (most of it) a wonderful place. |
Um...the book of Revelations tells what is to be in the end times. THE END TIMES.
We are seeing biblical prophesy happen right before our eyes & some people want to ignore those facts. At your own peril... |
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Tue 10/14/08 03:54 PM
The OT tells more about the end than the Book of Revelations does.
People have discounted. (a good bargain )That thier could of been Prophets since Yahshua. He speaks about the spirit of Prophecy. Nostradumus of all the people since Yahshua fits the role of a Prophet more than anyone I have heard of. The library of books he had were burnt and little is known what was in them. He healed the people yet was hated and hunted by the Pope. This type thing has happened to all the prophets of old.Shalom...Miles |
Agreed... just like they hated God's messengers...they hate us too. one disputes the OT porphesies Miles. In fact, everything in the OT leads us to Christ. |
I have yet to see a prophecy that is not just a jumble of words put together and saved, that somehow fall into place at some later time.
I could do pages of these quatrains and let my children hold onto them and they could fit some time and place after I am gone. You have a 50-50 chance of them fitting. Nope do not hold Nastradamus in any high esteem for his quatrains. I believe he did more in his normal daily life that was noteworthy. |
Yes that's what they said in Noah's time...then came the flood. See what happens when you don't adhere to the word of God?
Yes that's what they said in Noah's time...then came the flood. See what happens when you don't adhere to the word of God? Science and religion need to agree... or one or both of them be wrong. Given the vast diversity of sub-races within the human race... It is quite a stretch to believe that all mankind descended from Noah and his get... a far enough stretch that it borders on the astronomical. Therefore that flood must have been confined to a certin area or other groups survived besides that of Noah. Anything less would be outside the bounds of real science... |
Agreed... just like they hated God's messengers...they hate us too. one disputes the OT porphesies Miles. In fact, everything in the OT leads us to Christ. Who hates you? |