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Topic: Did you all know....
no photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:09 PM
Did u know before Benezir Bhutto died, she said in an interview that Bin Laden was murdered.

Did you know the hole in the Pentagon crash was 65 feet wide, and the aircraft that hit it, is 124 feet wide.

Did you know Magic Johnson survived Aids? Yet we think there's no cure.

Did you know Iraq has 26 billion in cash reserves, meanwhile we are in debt?

Did you know our government spent 40 million into the clinton sex scandal, and only $600,000 into the WTC investigation. 65 million was spent investigating Clinton's lies, and only 15 million spent on the 9/11 commission.

Did you know while your salaries are going down, your CEO's are getting bonuses.

Did you know **** Cheney was commanding war games with phantom hijacked aircraft on 9/11. And that the Air Force was told not to take down the planes on 9/11.

Did you know the Meridian plaza burned for 19 hours and never collapsed. Yet the WTC fell within an hour.

Did you know only 20% of the seats in the hijacked aircraft were filled on 9/11, and all other planes were at least 70% full.

Did you know that very important evidence in the WTC was destroyed before the investigation started?

Did you know that Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) just offered all the people of Venezuela a new car with clean gas, in exchange for their cars with dirty gas...along with $5000 for gas...even though they only pay 12 cents a gallon.

Did you know Bin Laden was trained by the CIA.

Did you know the Head of Security at the WTC knew of the attacks months before it happened. Hence why he told all his staff not to come to work that day.

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:10 PM
half of that is true and the other half has no facts or anyhting remotely resembling facts mixed in. check your sources homes. lol. someone has you jumping at shadows

coz1976's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:14 PM
better watch out that aint the kind of stuff to put on hereindifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent indifferent

beauty314's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:19 PM
and your point is?

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:21 PM
"Did you know that very important evidence in the WTC was destroyed before the investigation started?" a big ****ing plane.

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:22 PM

"Did you know that very important evidence in the WTC was destroyed before the investigation started?" a big ****ing plane.

lmfao. nice.

zanne46's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:23 PM

and your point is?

his point is educating ppl who could careless about....

TRUE FACTS.....grumble frustrated frustrated frustrated

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:25 PM
ahhh yes. americans did WTC, were all asses and liars and ignorant. lol

bring me PROOF of any of this. ANY of it! lol. dont give me theories or conjecture bring me mother ****in proof,lol.

zanne46's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:27 PM

half of that is true and the other half has no facts or anyhting remotely resembling facts mixed in. check your sources homes. lol. someone has you jumping at shadows

I agree..but quite a lot is delete the things that can't be proved..the otheres are facts.....grumble :smile: frustrated

beauty314's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:34 PM

and your point is?

his point is educating ppl who could careless about....

TRUE FACTS.....grumble frustrated frustrated frustrated

these sound like facts that my ex would've come up with back in the militia days..

no photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:36 PM

**** Cheney


rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Etrain's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:40 PM
If you think the USA government is innocent and didn't have there dirty hands in all this stuff I will advice you to back away from your crack pipesrofl rofl rofl

no photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:42 PM

Did you know the Meridian plaza burned for 19 hours and never collapsed. Yet the WTC fell within an hour.

Seriously, did the Meridian plaza get hit by an airplane?

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:43 PM
oh for gods sake etrain, they didnt have to kill people you all believed about the WMDs (that were evacuated i went INOT a chemical plant he built)

come on guys, this is just your mistrust for their handling growing too fast and it makes you crazy, relax and have a brew, jesus.

Etrain's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:46 PM

oh for gods sake etrain, they didnt have to kill people you all believed about the WMDs (that were evacuated i went INOT a chemical plant he built)

come on guys, this is just your mistrust for their handling growing too fast and it makes you crazy, relax and have a brew, jesus.

Mistrust...of our government...thats silly...lets all blindly follow these idiots...blind faith is a real bad idea...and I am having a brewdrinker drinker drinker

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:48 PM
i dont have blind faith and thats the single worst collection of words ever, blind faith is for people with no facts, and fact is they didnt need 9/11 nor did they cause it. just like those idiots who saw the damned planes and said it was missles. "oh the size of the hole" whatd ya think it was like in the cartoons where its a hole shaped like a plane? lol

Etrain's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:54 PM

i dont have blind faith and thats the single worst collection of words ever, blind faith is for people with no facts, and fact is they didnt need 9/11 nor did they cause it. just like those idiots who saw the damned planes and said it was missles. "oh the size of the hole" whatd ya think it was like in the cartoons where its a hole shaped like a plane? lol

ok...that part...hole shaped like a plane..lololol...I would need more proof to believe it but I wouldn't put it past our government...They are all money hungry crooks who I wouldn't trust to clean my bathroom let alone run this country...thats both parties...whats the solution...hell if I know...maybe have another beer and think about that hole shaped like an airplanerofl rofl rofl

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:59 PM

Did u know before Benezir Bhutto died, she said in an interview that Bin Laden was murdered.

Did you know the hole in the Pentagon crash was 65 feet wide, and the aircraft that hit it, is 124 feet wide.

Did you know Iraq has 26 billion in cash reserves, meanwhile we are in debt? [Oil, not cash.]

Did you know our government spent 40 million into the clinton sex scandal, and only $600,000 into the WTC investigation. 65 million was spent investigating Clinton's lies, and only 15 million spent on the 9/11 commission. [6.2-7 million was spent on the Clinton sex scandal, not quite sure on the amount spent in the WTC investigation as I can't find it anywhere.]

Did you know while your salaries are going down, your CEO's are getting bonuses. [Yep, that is the masterful "bailout" plan.]

Did you know **** Cheney was commanding war games with phantom hijacked aircraft on 9/11. And that the Air Force was told not to take down the planes on 9/11. [Debateable and also dependant on what source you trust more, personally, I'm going with the Air Force that said they couldn't reach it in time (something about speed restrictions/afterburner).

Did you know the Meridian plaza burned for 19 hours and never collapsed. Yet the WTC fell within an hour. [Jet fuel burns at around 800 to 1500 degrees farenheit where oil burns at about 940 farenheit.]

Did you know only 20% of the seats in the hijacked aircraft were filled on 9/11, and all other planes were at least 70% full. [Not sure about the 20%, but yes they were not full and it was quite an open flight for both.]

Did you know that very important evidence in the WTC was destroyed before the investigation started? [Yep, fire will do that.]

Did you know that Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) just offered all the people of Venezuela a new car with clean gas, in exchange for their cars with dirty gas...along with $5000 for gas...even though they only pay 12 cents a gallon. [At least he is picking up on something.]

Did you know Bin Laden was trained by the CIA. [Speculation, go ahead...ask the CIA.]

Did you know the Head of Security at the WTC knew of the attacks months before it happened. Hence why he told all his staff not to come to work that day. [He (John O'Neill) Warned of possible attacks, he did not have previous knowledge of the attacks but knew that there was a definate possibility they would be attacked again.]

(Interesting sidenote about John O'Neill, he was hired on September 10th of 2001 and the 11th was his first or second day on the job.)

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 10/07/08 09:04 PM

half of that is true and the other half has no facts or anyhting remotely resembling facts mixed in. check your sources homes. lol. someone has you jumping at shadows

I agree..but quite a lot is delete the things that can't be proved..the otheres are facts.....grumble :smile: frustrated

I debunked the few, though really some of them I couldn't even find...kinda like they were made up?smokin

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/07/08 09:09 PM
like really? lol. cause a politician who hates alqaeda is gonna follow osama around and check his pulse. duh,lol.

man its all just the crazy ramblings of scared people. join the army, grow a pair.

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