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Topic: when meeting
dolphin14's photo
Sat 10/04/08 11:07 PM
Face then work my eyes down and all around

Puffins1958's photo
Sat 10/04/08 11:11 PM
I look into his eyes, then his smile.

breathless1's photo
Sat 10/04/08 11:12 PM
Edited by breathless1 on Sat 10/04/08 11:13 PM

First look is an overall look...body language

DING, DING! I agree 1,000,000%.

I observe the whole package initially, and not in a physical attraction sense, but rather how the woman carries herself and how she moves within her own space and time.

Everything else will fall nicely into place if she is comfortable with herself.

And for the woman above who mentioned hands? That is likely my second, and most intense, observation. A person's hands offer a very realistic story about them...man or woman. :wink:

galendgirl's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:01 AM

Eyes are good. I don't know why, but hands are very important to me. It seems like an odd body part, but my eyes go to the hands.

Beautiful hands are amazing... the mannerisms/gestures. That's not the first thing I notice but yeah, I do notice hands.

no photo
Sun 10/05/08 09:03 AM

Same here, eyes, always eyes love

A$$ comes a close second :tongue:


Lakersfan4eva's photo
Tue 10/07/08 11:42 PM

when meeting a person of the opposite sex for the first time, what part of the body do you look at first......
for example with me, i have to look at the eyes, i need to see if they have the eyes to look right into me and see who i truly am

eyes do it for me too plus a good forearm!

Mentork's photo
Wed 10/08/08 12:07 AM
This might sound weird, but i look at there nose.

Some peoples noses are so cute ^_^

no photo
Wed 10/08/08 12:10 AM
I look at their boobs!!

no photo
Wed 10/08/08 12:46 AM
do nails count?? i look at those... but maybe i am weird..

scoundrel's photo
Wed 10/08/08 12:54 AM
The bearing, their aura.

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