Topic: walking in like cattle
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Thu 10/02/08 04:32 PM
dull looks on aged faces
deferring motion
and emotion
to their offspring

a feeding procession
of demands

makes dull children still

Wolfeyes58's photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:09 PM
I see what you're trying to say in this little diddy.

no photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:10 PM
except those that step out of the linebigsmile

no photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:31 PM

I see what you're trying to say in this little diddy.

i've seen it nearly every day in whines and placations

no photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:32 PM

except those that step out of the linebigsmile


i had better things to teach:wink:

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:43 PM
bigsmile flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:46 PM

bigsmile flowerforyou

hello :wink: glasses

LAMom's photo
Thu 10/02/08 07:00 PM
:heart: flowers

Yaaaaaaaaaaa I am so loving your Re-Birth

no photo
Thu 10/02/08 07:03 PM

:heart: flowers

Yaaaaaaaaaaa I am so loving your Re-Birth

its forever lasting it seems


was that a hoot and a hollerhappy

LAMom's photo
Thu 10/02/08 07:04 PM

:heart: flowers

Yaaaaaaaaaaa I am so loving your Re-Birth

its forever lasting it seems


was that a hoot and a hollerhappy

And a Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I am so proud of that Girlllllllllllllllllllbigsmile

no photo
Thu 10/02/08 07:07 PM
Edited by ak0 on Thu 10/02/08 07:07 PM

i am a girlblushing

LAMom's photo
Thu 10/02/08 07:10 PM


i am a girlblushing

Yes Lovely you are

s1owhand's photo
Fri 10/03/08 12:42 PM

AngelLight's photo
Fri 10/03/08 12:48 PM

dull looks on aged faces
deferring motion
and emotion
to their offspring

a feeding procession
of demands

makes dull children still

Wow! great write flowers

So often, you really know how to get to the heart of the matter :heart:

Jess642's photo
Fri 10/03/08 02:49 PM
Hmmmm I dunno.....enigmatically the dulled perhaps just need a bit of a buff... friction can give the brightest sheen.

The joyful grace that flows from the young, casts a sunset glow upon my face....flowerforyou glasses

Mystique42's photo
Fri 10/03/08 03:23 PM

no photo
Sat 10/04/08 08:56 AM

lol yes. the faces and expressions are the same.

i wrote this cuz i took pause over and over again one day at work noticing mature moms with their school age kids. of a particular variety and the impressions just stuck with me til i wrote

no photo
Sat 10/04/08 08:59 AM

dull looks on aged faces
deferring motion
and emotion
to their offspring

a feeding procession
of demands

makes dull children still

Wow! great write flowers

So often, you really know how to get to the heart of the matter :heart:

it was all the image that day afforded me which i guess is the point. i am going to be a cow so i can teach you to be more of a or a better cow than i. God forgive me

no photo
Sat 10/04/08 09:02 AM

Hmmmm I dunno.....enigmatically the dulled perhaps just need a bit of a buff... friction can give the brightest sheen.

The joyful grace that flows from the young, casts a sunset glow upon my face....flowerforyou glasses

this sect surely weren't missing any microdermabrasion

no photo
Sat 10/04/08 09:03 AM


hi mystiqueflowerforyou