Topic: What is the "mark of the beast"? | |
Surely satan is smart enough to use something as his mark that we would not easily recognize!
I think people that wear blue corduroy shirts are obviously in league with Satan.
I think people that wear blue corduroy shirts are obviously in league with Satan. |
I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit! So therefor all art, fiction writings, or songs are satanic? |
I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit! So therefor all art, fiction writings, or songs are satanic? |
Evidently, offering opinions and expression outside of blunt "yes" or "no" answers is satanic also.
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I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit! So therefor all art, fiction writings, or songs are satanic? If you claim that all of deceit and lying is satanic, and all of the things I mentioned are not "true" as art is an enterpritation and fiction is not true, then all of that is satanic, now if you say "no" you have defeated your whole statement. Do people think things through before they speak them anymore? |
I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit! So therefor all art, fiction writings, or songs are satanic? Why and where would you get this...... |
I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit! So therefor all art, fiction writings, or songs are satanic? Why and where would you get this...... well if you are capable of thinking beyond a flat plain of thought, when you write a story lets say about a bear named BooBoo and a cat named Sally and they talk and play... That is not reality bears and cats are not friends the bear would eat the cat in a heartbeat, therefore the story is not reality which is a lie. Therefore the story is a lie, hence his statement that all lies and deception are satanic. If A then B = C.... This disproved his therory of the "mark" of satan. |
I would also add that we humans on occasion are known to espouse what is referred to as a "little white lie" in which you might reassure a friend or family member that their new haircut is fabulous when it is an absolute disaster. So based on his theory, are we to assume that anyone who fabricates the truth in order to spare someone's feelings is the tool of Satan?
I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit! So therefor all art, fiction writings, or songs are satanic?There is no inherent "intent to deceive" involved with art, fictional wrinting, or songs. Peace ![]() |
I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit! So therefor all art, fiction writings, or songs are satanic?There is no inherent "intent to deceive" involved with art, fictional wrinting, or songs. Peace ![]() Lying is presenting a false statement period.whether or not you intend to deceive, humor, or manipulate. Saying a bear talks is a false statement therefor it is a lie. |
Well where that line might possibly become a little blurry is say when someone writes a novel or a screenplay "based on actual events" Have you ever seen that little disclaimer come up at the start of a movie? In the case of film, it means that someone took an actual recorded event in history, say the Vietnam war as an example, but then wrote a fictitious story with created characters and plot line. In that sense, I could understand where it might be a stretch, but I can also see Lily's point I think. Its not a bold faced lie per se because there is a presumption that the film is not a completely accurate historical account. A prime example of where it can become a REAL problem is in a film called "The Last Temptation of Christ". Are you familiar with this one?
I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit! You spent four years looking up what the mark of the beast means? And then you arrived at that? Is that it? Well good for you.... Were you in gaol and had nothing else to do? ![]() |
I think people that wear blue corduroy shirts are obviously in league with Satan. Bwah hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! And those crazy fuzzy bucket hats! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well where that line might possibly become a little blurry is say when someone writes a novel or a screenplay "based on actual events" Have you ever seen that little disclaimer come up at the start of a movie? In the case of film, it means that someone took an actual recorded event in history, say the Vietnam war as an example, but then wrote a fictitious story with created characters and plot line. In that sense, I could understand where it might be a stretch, but I can also see Lily's point I think. Its not a bold faced lie per se because there is a presumption that the film is not a completely accurate historical account. A prime example of where it can become a REAL problem is in a film called "The Last Temptation of Christ". Are you familiar with this one? HMMM?? not sure i agree with you on your premise my lady, if the film has a disclaimer that lets you know part or all of it is fictional [or a lie as you say] then how could that be concidered an untruth? to me it would be being truthful by letting the viewers know that it was part or all fiction, if there were no disclaimer, then that would to me be an untruth, i prefer untruth over lie only because i use it to distinguish as you say bald face lies from from less harmful white lies, but i agree also with lily - a lie is a lie no matter how small or big it may be - a lie is an utnruthful word or comment or statement IMO- and it's something everyone does either by commission or omission. To me the biggerst lie there is is is for a human to say or state they dont lie. but it's also a guideline for me to know who i can better trust. one who says they don't lie? - NO!! one who admits they do or have?? yeppers. |
Edited by
Thu 10/02/08 02:09 PM
Well tribo I was in fact supporting Lily's position. I can see her point. I used the film "The Last Temptation of Christ" as an example. This was a fictitious film about the life and times of Jesus Christ yet when it first premiered and ran in the theaters, fundamentalist Christians turned out in droves to protest it being shown. Why? Because it depicted an intimate sexual relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
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Well tribo I was in fact supporting Lily's position. I can see her point. I used the film "The Last Temptation of Christ" as an example. This was a fictitious film about the life and times of Jesus Christ yet when it first premiered and ran in the theaters, fundamentalist Christians turned out in droves to protest it being shown. Why? Because it depicted an intimate sexual relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. ![]() The "job" of art in any form is to transfer you to another time or place, the only way to do that is to take you there with believeable lies. If it doesn't take you to that time or place, the artist didn't do his/her job. |
Right I agree. I am going to have to look that movie up now because I dont know what the problem was exactly. I think it was the "Lovey Dovey" scenes depicted between Jesus and Mary. It was very tastefully done however and portrayed Jesus as a human figure capable of feeling emotions so of course it upset a lot of people.
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Edited by
Thu 10/02/08 02:33 PM
I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit! So therefor all art, fiction writings, or songs are satanic?There is no inherent "intent to deceive" involved with art, fictional wrinting, or songs. Peace ![]() Lying is presenting a false statement period.whether or not you intend to deceive, humor, or manipulate. Ummm... that's not what the dictionary says. So all you're saying there is that you define "lying" differently than the dictionary does. As far as whose definition is more valid? Well ..... I would have to say the dictionary definition is, since there was no contrary definition specified in the original post and the dictionary is generally considered the stable reference for word definitions when no definition is specified. Saying a bear talks is a false statement therefor it is a lie. Not if it's a magical bear. ![]() ![]() ![]() |