Topic: Creation Versus Evolution | |
and yes there were dinos, and the earth is millions of years old, the adamic race about 10,000 or so
never fear, i am thinking of a topic addressing these false teachers as well . ought to be a hoot when I do
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Sat 09/20/08 08:55 AM
Its a waste of time to constantly feel the need to explain to us that this is "only how you feel and you do not wish to force your beliefs on others." This is an open forum and as such, people tend to post topics that they feel strongly about and let the chips fall where they may. Its going to occur whether you make that statement or not. It is implied. and it is my belief and I do feel strongly about it. and all we can do is share different thoughts and let the chips fall is just a saying, i have others, will try to come up with one What I am sensing is that you are a Christian in some respect who rejects the notion of evolution in lieu of the biblical account of Genesis and Adam and Eve. You are definitely not a traditional fundamentalist Christian. You tend to be a little more rational than that and dont accept their position in many instances. You do also lend credibility to the theory that the Earth is indeed billions of years old. If you simply want to sit here and state this to be the case, then there is no cause for debate that I can ascertain. Very excellent points. Bravo.Of course I do not believe in any "second comings" or "judgment day" but I do agree with you that people can be easily abused, manipulated and in some cases actually harmed both emotionally and physically or financially. Its important to keep our wits about us regardless. |
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Sat 09/20/08 09:53 AM
never fear, i am thinking of a topic addressing these false teachers as well . ought to be a hoot when I do Honestly I think you should begin a thread addressing that topic specifically. My personal feeling on "Evolution vs. Creationism" is that though it is an interesting debate, its been played to death. Its like the "old stand by" that non-Christians like to bring up with the sole intention of annoying fundamentalist sects. If you start a topic on the other, I would be interested though I might not be able to speak directly to it as I have never been a practicing Christian in my entire life. |
kind of a long reading but very good writing on the subject |
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Tue 09/30/08 10:40 AM
Evolution is the most intelligent way to create a universe.
Karma is the most intelligent way to judge it. So if we believe God to be intelligent I see no reason why we shouldn't believe in both evolution and karma. Anything less than these methods would require a God to baby-sit his universe. But why would God want to do that when it makes much more sense to design it to be self-sufficient without any need for his direct intervention? Why would God want to have to baby-sit his universe when that's totally unnecessary? |
What's up Abra? Not sure how to answer that one, I'm on major Brain drain at the moment, been up way to long. I don't know if he does baby sit us though, I think I kind of understand what you are saying though. We definately are on both ends of the spectrum i believe, have Christians bothered as well by some of my views.
take it easy, will come back to the question when i'm better rested, been a long night. |
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree. Genesis 1:11
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. Genesis 1:24 Notice that God lets "the earth bring forth" the plants and animals, rather than create them directly. So maybe the creationists have it all wrong. Maybe Genesis is not so anti-evolution after all. You need to look at this logically. There is no way some supreme being blew on some dust and made homo sapien already to go. It was a long course of events over an extended period. Fish did not one day look at the side of the shore and decide they would like to have legs. Nothing had a 950 year life span It was much more involved than that. Nothing would "adapt" over the course of one life time. It happened over an over again with just about all the mammals. Many animals would go extinct in this process. |
If you beleive evolution, just wanna ask you a question. why are things not changing this time from maybe frog to monkey etc?
I beleive God created this universe just about 2000 years ago. I don't beleive in evolutionist taking millions & millions of gradual formation and changes to come to something. He talked this world into being including human beings which he created in His own image mannually. Just look at the nature and see how detailed, orderly and perfect it is...this saws that somebody may have created it with precision and plan inplace. ...its not a result of uncoordinated process. May our good Lord Help us understand Him |
If I answer that question for you will you read it or just go on preaching and ignore it because it is an involved concept.
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Wed 10/01/08 10:08 PM
ikesalanu said:
I beleive God created this universe just about 2000 years ago. If you're going to go the direction of picking a date that totally conflicts with all scientific evidence, (not to mention biblical teaching) then why not just believe that the universe was created at the instant you were born? Seems just as logical to me.
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Thu 10/02/08 02:29 AM
Oh gosh I didnt even realize he said that, 2000 years. Well that would certainly explain why dogs have not suddenly morphed themselves into monkey, nor fish into antelopes. Isnt it obvious?
I beleive God created this universe just about 2000 years ago. My sincere apology for all who’ve read my comments earlier. It shouldnt be 2000 years but suppose to be 6000 years old. It was an oversight and am sorry for causing a bit of disturbance to your intelligences. |
I beleive God created this universe just about 2000 years ago. My sincere apology for all who’ve read my comments earlier. It shouldnt be 2000 years but suppose to be 6000 years old. It was an oversight and am sorry for causing a bit of disturbance to your intelligences. |
I beleive God created this universe just about 2000 years ago. My sincere apology for all who’ve read my comments earlier. It shouldnt be 2000 years but suppose to be 6000 years old. It was an oversight and am sorry for causing a bit of disturbance to your intelligences. My intelligence wasn't disturbed dont worry. I would still disagree and its equally as ludicrous. |
Evolution is the most intelligent way to create a universe. Karma is the most intelligent way to judge it. So if we believe God to be intelligent I see no reason why we shouldn't believe in both evolution and karma. Anything less than these methods would require a God to baby-sit his universe. But why would God want to do that when it makes much more sense to design it to be self-sufficient without any need for his direct intervention? Why would God want to have to baby-sit his universe when that's totally unnecessary? |
Since we are exchanging videos. Try this one out. I wont spoil it of course. |
From myspace, a different way of looking at some things !
I created the universe. I created man by using evolution. There is a missing link in mankind's theory of evolution. The missing link is many light years long. That is the amount of your "time" I took to extract some earthly being's body from the planet and inject a soul into it (make it humanoid). While I was doing this, almost all other life on the planet you call earth was eliminated along with the dinosaurs. After allowing other forms of less threatening life to evolve again, I put Man back on the planet. Then I cloned woman from man and put her on earth. This all took place about seven thousand of your calendar years ago. Humans have killed the body my son has occupied many times. You have tried to kill the one he occupies now many times. Your lying proseciutors and judges have had him locked up in your prisons and your psychiatric wards. They have done this to try to silence his true message and to make money. You have forced him into a life of poverty with your judgmental record keeping! You need to stop; you have started world wars with you pursuit of power and greed! If you are part of any of this system of revenge, or preservation of wealth, beware, you will suffer a thousand times for each harmful act you have inflicted on him or anyone else, for any reason. Do not harm your self either, I love you and it hurts me to see you abuse yourself! I will only forgive you to the extent you forgive your fellow man! Humans can never own anything! I own it all, and yet you continue to lie, and steal from me by using your concept of ownership! I gave "USE" of the planet you call earth to all humans that are descendents of my creation. There is plenty of food to feed every person on the planet. There are plenty of funds/money to provide good medical care for every person on the planet. You had better start caring more about your fellow man than your fancy cars, clothes and homes etc. Throughout history humans have allowed killing of each other for many different reasons. World wars have been fought because of nothing but greed and lies. It is not always the people’s fault who starts them. Many times they were just doing what they were taught by a corrupt society that cares more about money and or power than it does about the well being of it's fellow man. Understand, that not all humanoid entities on earth are of my creation, some of them are of satan/evil. These soul-less creatures (that outwardly look like humans) are using humans so that they may remain wealthy and in power. They distort the truth to the point that it seems like reality. Most of them become the leaders of major organizations on earth. Some of these organizations are things like; religions, governments, huge private clubs (Free Masons) and many more. Quit giving respect to people based on what they look like or what they own or there status in society. They are lying to you in order to get you to do there destructive work for them. "Be ye not un-equally yoked" or in other words, do not become involved with liars. Do not work for them, do not date or marry them. Do not have any relationship with any person whom makes a lie. It is easy to see who they are. They will speak in absolutes when an absolute is a lie. They will make things up to try to get you to spend your time/money to obtain what they want for themselves, and give very little to you. KNOW YE THIS; Lies come from "in the forehead", your brain, and "on the palm of the hand". This is the way it should have been written in English. The money and goods you give value to (which in reality have no value) get passed from palm of the hand to palm of the hand. That is how you should be able to identify the "mark of the beast/satan". My son told you to do two things before the heads of the organization you call "church" crucified him about two thousand years ago. Teach the gospel (truth) and love one another. The real Church is the body and spirit of my son. The other organizations you call church are only large political clubs. Politics is religion! The only way to get into my presence is through my sons’ teachings, honesty and love is all he taught! If you are using the moments I gave you for anything else, you are "bastards" (it's in the book you call "bible"). Understand that men wrote the "bible". Man has decided who many of the "saints" are, these men are not saints! Many of your rock and roll music era artists tried to express these things to you, and your "church" people came up with laws to shut them up and lock them up and discredit their true message. "Rock and Roll”, the most famous rock that ever rolled is the one that rolled away from the tomb of Jesus Christ (not a coincidence). Quit judging each other, that is my business, and no one else's. Locking people up for things they might do is just as bad as doing those things yourself. "Vengence is mine". By the way, the earth does not end for trillions of light years from now. However, "TIME" (another form of lying so that one person can be worth more money and have more power or influence than another) will end the moment someone is stupid enough to kill the body my son occupies now! Hence his words, "Lo, I am with you always, even until the end of time". When my son said "I will return in like manor", he meant he will get there the same way he did the first time, through a human womb! He has already been born from the womb. You will not be able to figure out who he is until I decide to give the gift of all power to him. For those of you, who seem to have a problem with a mother Mary's virgin birth, look up the meaning of the word "hermaphrodite"! ONE MORE THING, Doctors are not God, Judges are not God, the Pope is not God! I'M NOT GOD, or at least I don't think I am! I'm just trying to get people to think for themselves instead of continuing to kill each other in the name of GOD, ALLAH, YAWEH, JEHOVAH, COUNTRY, FAMILY etc, etc, etc! |
I have no problem with people believing that evolution is simply how god would have gone about the process of introducing humans to the planet. I dont personally reach that conclusion but it is a position taken by many modern and progressive Catholics. A friend of mine (who went to school for human and evolutionary studies) currently accepts this view as well.
bottom line...we don't know.. I think that where the line in some rock and roll song "give me somth'in to believe in" comes from. as for me I will choose to believe in the teachings of Jesus.