Topic: Cheating
unsure's photo
Mon 03/26/07 02:18 PM
Awww sexyredbone...never give up, when you least expect it...BOOM there
he is!! You have to come and post more into the threads and get to know
more people~~there are a lot of great guys in here!! Good luck in your
search...happy hunting flowerforyou

sportsnut69's photo
Mon 03/26/07 02:19 PM
hey sexyredbone would u travel a few hundred miles

Mon 03/26/07 02:20 PM
well you must be *UNSURE* bout what i said did i say every and all
women??? im tired though of women sayin all the guys you guys....its
gettin old....

unsure's photo
Mon 03/26/07 02:23 PM
Did you read my post? I stuck up for the guys! I think you are "UNSURE"
of what you just read, I was the first one to say that women cheat just
like men do. Oh I know what I read, I think maybe you should reread what
you wrote...I am sure that some of the women took it the same way I did.
If I took it wrong, I am sorry but I don't think I did:wink:

Americanangel101's photo
Mon 03/26/07 02:30 PM
OK I don't want this to turn into a battle of the sexes let's just say
to all you what reasoning is behind men or women that cheat?

SexyRedBone's photo
Mon 03/26/07 02:42 PM
Thank You Unsure.
Its so hurtful to be cheated on that's why my 10 year marriage is
I would never cheat because I know the hurt and pain it causes which I'm
sure many of you are familiar with.
The Question is why do people cheat?
I have no answer AmericanAngel.

unsure's photo
Mon 03/26/07 02:43 PM
haha angel its all good!! I think people cheat because they don't like
commitments. I honestly believe that some people can't make a commitment
and stick to it no matter how hard they try.
My feelings for the men that do it when they hit their middle ages and
they go for the younger women is this: they want to feel young again and
they can't handle getting older. Not all men, but some of the men that I
have known do this, thats the reason.
My feeling for the women that do this, they are not getting the
emotional feelings from their husband that they need. Maybe their
husbands are not showing them the attention they need.
Sometimes, its the empty nest syndrom...the kids move out, then they
realize they don't really know each other.

no photo
Mon 03/26/07 02:45 PM
Why do people cheat? could be a number of answers for that..and women
can cheat too, not just men..Thats y when i find my truelove i want to
make sure hes going to be 100% happy with me and only me and to be very
honest..Its hard and scary, it really is..

BigGlenn's photo
Mon 03/26/07 02:47 PM
I'm ready to start cheating on myself!!

casey366's photo
Mon 03/26/07 02:47 PM
No you are not wrong..what I found to be true is that cheating is just
another form that somthing isnt right...I'm not saying with you he could
be just dealing with a ton of emtional things that he wont deal with if
you get what I'm saying. A man that is togeather emotionally wont cheat
becasue he will break up with you 1st or wont feel the need to step
outside the relationshipe no matter what...

lazyj321's photo
Mon 03/26/07 02:48 PM
first of all it is a matter of the heart issue.. would i want it done
to me..NO... so i will not do it to someone else..

buttons's photo
Mon 03/26/07 02:51 PM
grumble grumble grumble cheaters suck!grumble grumble

no photo
Mon 03/26/07 03:41 PM
And suckers cheat, so it all evens out....

nurjoyce's photo
Mon 03/26/07 03:56 PM
it is not just a guy thing...people in general

Americanangel101's photo
Mon 03/26/07 04:41 PM
sweet the one thing you need to keep in mind is that is you do get with
someone and they do cheat it won't be because of something you did or
that your man isn't happy with you. It is a choice that he is making for
whatever reason. I just wanted to say that because that is what my
friend is going through and she was blaming herself.
BTW everyone she has been reading and she says thanx for some of the
more helpful info.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
Flowers for everyone.
I think the main thing that this has taught me is that you should never
be too secure in your relationship, but make sure you are secure with
yourself. Wish me luck guys me and Jess got two pints of Ben and Jerry's
Rocky Road and a fifth of Crown to go with our movies we rented. Love ya
much to all that answered.:heart:

FedMan's photo
Mon 03/26/07 04:45 PM
well asking if it's in the ,ale dna to cheat then that would put it in
any males dna if it's based on sexual gender, so in a roundabout way it
would be safe to assume that it is meant as all men cheat. but surely we
know that's not the case same as with female of the species.

Ms_Scorpio71's photo
Mon 03/26/07 04:50 PM
only selfish men cheat :angry: but they can not take getting cheated

izzie's photo
Mon 03/26/07 05:02 PM
i have been in 7 sereous relationships in my life.. and every guy has
cheated... with more than one girl... i began to wonder if its not them,
if it was me... im over that thought by now... but i have never cheated,
n im a pretty nice person, randomly cranky, but overall nice... then i
tried to blaime the other girls... there were to many of them to
blaime... after a LONG time i decided... if people shouldnt be togethr
then this stuffwill probibly happen.. if you love someone n they love
u... it wont... i hope... thats my random story...

burgundybry's photo
Mon 03/26/07 05:10 PM
here's my 2 cents worth..see the box to the left? if guys had a few
more knobs and dials, women, a few less, then probably wouldn't

izzie's photo
Mon 03/26/07 05:14 PM
we r not as complicated as you try to make us out to be.. i have at
least 5 less nobs or dials thanthat pix of yours burg... hehe