Topic: all alone
Tue 09/16/08 08:27 AM

Shshshs Being alone means you can do what you want to when you want to.

You can watch whatever you want to on tv.

You can eat what you wish.

You can stay up late if you like.

You can go where you want to.

You can walk through the house neked if you like.

You never have to make sure it is okay with someone else on what you decide.

You don't have to worry about someone else making plans for you that you don't want.

Hummmmm so tell me what is so bad being alone.

Ohhh and to answer that one I have a dog and the net so now what is the excuse lmao :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

then I sleep late , tv's boreing , I eat too much, go alone {boreing }neked scares the deer is that ok ?

SVImager's photo
Tue 09/16/08 08:28 AM

not to worry at 70 you'll have all the other people at the home to be with

Yeah... and I heard they are all very sexually active.
Now, if you were attached at 70, you wouldn't be able to reap the benefits of a target rich environment. (ie. Women live longer than Men).

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 09/16/08 08:32 AM

then I sleep late , tv's boreing , I eat too much, go alone {boreing }neked scares the deer is that ok ?

Well I don't watch a lot of tv,noway I keep the blinds closed shshsh don't want to shock them into a heart attack.surprised But I do enjoy sleeping in on the weekends if I choose to bigsmile

And well ya got me on going alone is boring guess that is why I stay home huhhhh lmao

SVImager's photo
Tue 09/16/08 08:33 AM
Man is not meant to be alone.

ladyliz1417's photo
Tue 09/16/08 08:35 AM
Not afraid to be alone but don't like being lonelysad2

Tue 09/16/08 08:36 AM

then I sleep late , tv's boreing , I eat too much, go alone {boreing }neked scares the deer is that ok ?

Well I don't watch a lot of tv,noway I keep the blinds closed shshsh don't want to shock them into a heart attack.surprised But I do enjoy sleeping in on the weekends if I choose to bigsmile

And well ya got me on going alone is boring guess that is why I stay home huhhhh lmao
we all gotta laugh or we're in lots of trouble ! scared my bear this mornin it was funny !lmao

BabyFaceLady's photo
Tue 09/16/08 08:38 AM
I think about that alot, sometimes it is a little depressing to consider, but like others have said being alone is MUCH better than living with someone you don't enjoy. I am fine either way it turns out. I have siblings and three kids so I know there will always be someone around to enjoy. I am keeping my fingers crossed for that special someone though... :-)

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 09/16/08 08:38 AM
Naw it gets funny when you happen to glance in the mirror in the morning and scare yourself due to you have no clue who that is looking back at ya.:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 08:38 AM
there is a huge difference between being alone and feeling lonely...I dont see why anyone at any age need be alone if they dont wish to be..there are many opportunities to be with people, to make friends, etc..

Now if you're worried about ending up an "old-maid", without a husband thats a different story, and frankly, by 70, even if you were married there is always the chance of winding up a widow and ending up being "alone"...

kojack's photo
Tue 09/16/08 08:41 AM
I'm afraid to die alone or deal with my parents deaths alone since I have no siblings

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 08:41 AM
how can you be alone when there is 12890478943782347893292 people in the world????noway

Tue 09/16/08 08:42 AM

Naw it gets funny when you happen to glance in the mirror in the morning and scare yourself due to you have no clue who that is looking back at ya.:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
thats a different malady thats called alzheimers ! why am I here ?

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:05 AM
Well out of all honesty why worry with what is 20- 30 years down the road. Should we not think about today instead or the near future like in the next day, week or month?

We spend too much time in the past and in the future and forget to enjoy what we have now.

Myself I'm alone as far as a partner. But I have my kids that live close by. I have a brother and sister that live close a grandbaby and at home I have a dog and the internet. So with all of those I'm not lonely.

What I do miss at times yes is the closeness of a partner to share little things with go places with or just sit and laugh and enjoy each others company.

So I may be alone but.........I'm not lonely.

When it comes down to it when I was married towards the end even though I had someone I was miserable for I feel we are better off alone then with someone that no longer wants to be there with you.

So even when your with someone life is not always what you want it to be then it leaves you with doubts of where you are.

So I say be happy with where you are and what you have enjoy the here and now and leave the future to enjoy or worry about when you get there.bigsmile

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:07 AM

Is anybody out there afraid to live alone? I mean, if you think about, your 70 not married. and live alone. What kind of life could that be?

I don't know -- I've been married, I've had a number of live-in arrangements, and I've lived alone for extended periods too. There's good and bad in all of it. I'd rather be alone than be with the wrong person.

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:10 AM

Is anybody out there afraid to live alone? I mean, if you think about, your 70 not married. and live alone. What kind of life could that be?

I don't know -- I've been married, I've had a number of live-in arrangements, and I've lived alone for extended periods too. There's good and bad in all of it. I'd rather be alone than be with the wrong person.


SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:13 AM

Is anybody out there afraid to live alone? I mean, if you think about, your 70 not married. and live alone. What kind of life could that be?

I don't know -- I've been married, I've had a number of live-in arrangements, and I've lived alone for extended periods too. There's good and bad in all of it. I'd rather be alone than be with the wrong person.

yeah ditto! nice belly there gypsybigsmile

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 09:18 AM

Is anybody out there afraid to live alone? I mean, if you think about, your 70 not married. and live alone. What kind of life could that be?

I don't know -- I've been married, I've had a number of live-in arrangements, and I've lived alone for extended periods too. There's good and bad in all of it. I'd rather be alone than be with the wrong person.

yeah ditto! nice belly there gypsybigsmile
Thanks!!! And one day this belly is going to be with another belly and we will make beautiful bellies together!!!noway devil laugh

michiganman3's photo
Tue 09/16/08 11:38 AM

Well out of all honesty why worry with what is 20- 30 years down the road. Should we not think about today instead or the near future like in the next day, week or month?

We spend too much time in the past and in the future and forget to enjoy what we have now.

Myself I'm alone as far as a partner. But I have my kids that live close by. I have a brother and sister that live close a grandbaby and at home I have a dog and the internet. So with all of those I'm not lonely.

What I do miss at times yes is the closeness of a partner to share little things with go places with or just sit and laugh and enjoy each others company.

So I may be alone but.........I'm not lonely.

When it comes down to it when I was married towards the end even though I had someone I was miserable for I feel we are better off alone then with someone that no longer wants to be there with you.

So even when your with someone life is not always what you want it to be then it leaves you with doubts of where you are.

So I say be happy with where you are and what you have enjoy the here and now and leave the future to enjoy or worry about when you get there.bigsmile


TheShadow's photo
Tue 09/16/08 12:41 PM

Is anybody out there afraid to live alone? I mean, if you think about, your 70 not married. and live alone. What kind of life could that be?

Thats when it's time to shoot myselflaugh laugh laugh

galendgirl's photo
Thu 09/18/08 08:29 PM

Is anybody out there afraid to live alone? I mean, if you think about, your 70 not married. and live alone. What kind of life could that be?

Very happy if you aren't "lonely" while being alone -