Topic: Bi-Polar, Schizo, Etc.
iRon's photo
Sat 09/13/08 04:59 PM

Yep and it just a sign that she was not the right one for you. Send her a thank you note for showing you her real colors, wish her well on the SECOND OR THIRD OR FORTH try with that ex and move on........

You can go through the seven process of healing or just jump to the last one and be happy...........


Naw, I'm not that kind of guy. She'll come back to me. True, she is not right for me, but maybe that will make me right.

Dude read what your wrote. When I read this I thought you were your like 18, your 55......All I can say is enjoy pain and I wish far better for you.

And why would you even take her back??? So she can hurt you again?????? deserve better!!!!!!

grneyedldy1967's photo
Sat 09/13/08 05:03 PM

Why would someone want someone that was bipolar, schizo etc? There's way too much drama and it's like a roller coaster ride.. plus they normally don't stay on their meds!

You don't like roller coasters? Roller coasters with mile-high sex?

I love roller coasters.. and sex! But I don't want a relationship with someone with mental problems. I have to deal with them at work....

redhead44613's photo
Sat 09/13/08 05:05 PM
there is nothing wrong with mentally ill people!!! They need love to! :angry:

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 09/13/08 05:10 PM
I was with someone who was Bi Polar. The problem was that she wasn't medicated in ANY way. She was in complete denial ( until after she left and figured out that trying to kill the one you love isn't a good idea ). Now she's medicated, but I would never be able to trust her to keep up on the meds.

iRon's photo
Sat 09/13/08 05:12 PM

there is nothing wrong with mentally ill people!!! They need love to! :angry:

Absolutely correct as long as they are addressing their issue and have it under control.......taking there meds and under a doctors care. The problem is far to many people don't take their med and don't take care of the issue is the big issue for people in a relationship with a person that has mental issues.....

redhead44613's photo
Sat 09/13/08 05:39 PM

there is nothing wrong with mentally ill people!!! They need love to! :angry:

Absolutely correct as long as they are addressing their issue and have it under control.......taking there meds and under a doctors care. The problem is far to many people don't take their med and don't take care of the issue is the big issue for people in a relationship with a person that has mental issues.....
I went to my doc an she said I dont need meds.... but when I tell people that I do have it they stop talking to me

MalenaC's photo
Sat 09/13/08 05:41 PM
That is happening in 45% of relationships

no photo
Sat 09/13/08 05:55 PM
manic-depression is a touchin my soul

rockin songglasses

alonenotlonely's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:19 AM
Thanks to all for the comments.

Just because someone is bipolar doesn't mean they are bad people. She's a beautiful person with a mental illness. She warned me from the first date.

I just don't think I knew how bad it could be for everyone involved.

She may never come back and I may move on before then. Time will heal all. However, I'm gonna read everything I can on the subject so I'll be better prepared should there be another.

Grace & Peace to all.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:16 AM

Why would someone want someone that was bipolar, schizo etc? There's way too much drama and it's like a roller coaster ride.. plus they normally don't stay on their meds!
Gotta agree, dated a woman that told me up front she was bi polar once, thought to myself, no problem slaphead she was a basket case to say the least. It was like, oh baby, your so sweet, stop and go in the store, come back out and "Where the Hell have you been, you been messin around" five minutes later and its like Oh, your the greatest,rofl

SharpShooter10's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:19 AM
<--- certifiable and doesn't stay on medsbigsmile

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:20 AM

Mental issue girls are the best, but are also the most trouble lol. Usually pretty high maintenance.

Some people talk about me being high-maintenance as if that's a problem .. :tongue:

playwithmeoooolala's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:20 AM
my x before this last x went back to his x which was the x before me

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:21 AM

Just had one leave me and go back to her ex-husband. Anyone dealt with this? And, as she was so much a woman I want, is there another one out there? Love living on the edge.

waving waving waving waving waving

:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:


JusWannaSayHi's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:21 AM

Mental issue girls are the best, but are also the most trouble lol. Usually pretty high maintenance.

Some people talk about me being high-maintenance as if that's a problem .. :tongue:


playwithmeoooolala's photo
Sun 09/14/08 02:27 AM

no photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:51 PM

Just had one leave me and go back to her ex-husband. Anyone dealt with this? And, as she was so much a woman I want, is there another one out there? Love living on the edge.

I myself would likely be bored with "normal". Speaking from the perspective of having bipolar disorder II (depression to hypomania, a milder form of mania), I fully expect that "normal" people would likely be nervous around me, but that's their problem, not mine. :banana: :banana: My own illness breeds creativity and I see that that the gifts of the illness greatly outweigh the curse.

Now, borderline and schizoaffective disorder, well that's much more accute than my own condition and a bit of a challenge. I don't know that it's possible to have a serious relationship with someone who's borderline unless she could trust love, which is a challenge at best. frustrated frustrated frustrated

Friendleewon's photo
Sun 09/14/08 06:19 PM

Why would someone want someone that was bipolar, schizo etc? There's way too much drama and it's like a roller coaster ride.. plus they normally don't stay on their meds!

As Someone diagnosed with Bi-Polar, I feel this is an unfair Myth. Their are many Bi-Polar People functioning VERY Well in Our Society, but like anything else You don't hear about the Good. Once My Diagnosis was made a lot of Things started making sense and Questions were answered. After They got My Meds and Dosages changed around to the Proper Ones there was a 1000% Improvement. PLEASE don't Profile and Categorize All of Us because of some.

no photo
Mon 09/15/08 12:21 AM
EVERYBODY HERE IS FREAKING NUTS!!!!noway laugh laugh laugh drinker

no photo
Mon 09/15/08 12:22 AM
Now hurry up and make me a sandwich..........

I dont have all night!!!explode laugh frown happy noway sad bigsmile