Topic: Quantum mechanics' knowledge | |
That photo of Michael Jackson with ET!!!!!!
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That photo of Michael Jackson with ET!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Thank you for the continued dialogue throughout my limited time here, you have made a difference in many lives. That I am sure of. Regarding the existence of simultaneity, I am actually right in the middle of absorbing Einstein's Relativity(both), Euclidian geometry, Minkowski's four dimensional world, and Maxwell's electrodynamics for the sole purpose of understanding the subject in more depth... mathematically speaking. It is not for the light-hearted mathematician!!! lol... Krimsa... Either way its a bad endorsement for the religion.
I am fairly certain that s1ow's suggestion was meant to be taken a little differently than it seems you have taken it. If human compassion is elevated on any level by the words contained in the Bible, than why could that be construed as anything other than a gain of compassion??? In other words, who says 'God' endorses any religious doctrine??? |
Been a long time Creative. Good to see ya. I remember Maxwells in school. Quite amazing how far back it goes.
Thier is a new therory I thought you might be interested in from 2006. pretty interesting to me at least Take care Miles |
Regarding the existence of simultaneity, I am actually right in the middle of absorbing Einstein's Relativity(both), Euclidian geometry, Minkowski's four dimensional world, and Maxwell's electrodynamics for the sole purpose of understanding the subject in more depth... mathematically speaking. It is not for the light-hearted mathematician!!! lol... There's something should mention about Relativity (just because it seems to elude a lot of students, and sometimes even professors!) Einstein's Relativity says that our experience of space and time are relative to our motion and/or our gravitational frame of reference in the case of General Relativity. Space and time can be 'relative' concept with respect to each other. So a lot of people conclude that this means that everything is relative and we can't speak in terms of absolutes ever! But that is truly a very wrong misconception. And that's where the mathematical world of Minkowski's four-dimensional "spacetime" comes into play. In 'spacetime' things are absolute! That was the whole purpose of creating the four-dimensional spacetime in the first place. Once time and space are taken to be a single 4-dim fabric then we return to an 'absolute' yet 4-dimensional world. In other words, the fabric for 'spacetime' is an 'absolute' fabric. But space and time when viewed as completely seperate entities are necessary 'relative' one to the other. This is the whole purpose of the Minkowski mathematics. I should mention also that it's been quite a while since I have actually done any math along those lines. So don't be asking me to explain the equations. I'd have to re-think about it again, and I'm not sure I feel up to it. This would be especially true in the case of the Maxwell electrodynamics. There was a time when I was pretty well versed in it mathematically, but I've gotten away from it in the last decade. Looks like you've found yourself a new hobby though. That's good. ![]() Krimsa... Either way its a bad endorsement for the religion.
I am fairly certain that s1ow's suggestion was meant to be taken a little differently than it seems you have taken it. If human compassion is elevated on any level by the words contained in the Bible, than why could that be construed as anything other than a gain of compassion??? In other words, who says 'God' endorses any religious doctrine??? I just felt a need to comment on your last sentence to Krimsa, "Who says that God endorses any religious doctine?" I believe that the vast majority of Christians will claim that the Bible is the "Word of God". If that's not a claim that their religion is directly endorsed by God I don't know what is. |
Yes, I would need to say that we seemed to have read two very different posts in that case. I like yours better. Heh. ![]() |
James wrote
Looks like you've found yourself a new hobby though. That's good. I preferred his other hobby of writing me poetry ... ![]() Now our conversations involve string theory, relativity and slit experiments ... Give me back my boyfriend!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The probability of getting your boyfriend back is,...
0.000000000000000½ Quantum mechanics just sucks the romance out of eveyone like a big old black hole. |
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Ow...ow...ow...ow...ow.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The probability of getting your boyfriend back is,... 0.000000000000000½ Quantum mechanics just sucks the romance out of eveyone like a big old black hole. that high huh? ![]() |
Hey James.... there are no fractions allowed in probability.
It is good to see you!! Howzit??? |
Edited by
Sun 10/12/08 10:29 PM
Artgurl needs a poem for her boyfriend’s lost his way
he’s studying the sciences of electron wave decay He’s hoping that he’ll find his thrill and the answer to Free Will but life has gone and passed him by as his girlfriend starts to chill He had it all and never knew that there was nothing more to know his woman gave him all her love but he failed to help it grow She packed her bags and left him with nothing but a note: “I hope you find your answers”,… and that was all she wrote. |
Been a long time Creative. Good to see ya.
Thank you very much! It is good to be here, and to see you as well!!! Thank you for the share! The subject matter is so deep in relative understandings on a mathematical basis. There is much to learn and remember for me. It is a good thing that I am capable of it!!! I literally have tablets full of notes for comparison purposes! As always the foundational base is usually where an error lies, should there be one. General Relativity and Special as well are so closely intertwined with Maxwell's Thermodynamics thatshould one be proven false the other would surely follow suit! I am just attempting a thorough understanding of the claims. Right now, I am at a loss to accept Einstein's notion of a flat space-time fabric. The most common allusion is to that of a rubber membrane stretched around a frame. I hold that this analogy fails to describe actuality, and I believe that I can prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. The problem is that the very notion which I fail to find value in is the basis for black-holes, and the ability to stretch the space-time fabric. A huge task, none the less. |
Edited by
Sun 10/12/08 10:44 PM
Artgurl needs a poem for her boyfriend’s lost his way
he’s studying the sciences of electron wave decay He’s hoping that he’ll find his thrill and the answer to Free Will but life has gone and passed him by as his girlfriend starts to chill He had it all and never knew that there was nothing more to know his woman gave him all her love but he failed to help it grow She packed her bags and left him with nothing but a note: “I hope you find your answers”,… and that was all she wrote. That is very cute, James!!! At least you realize that we can take it!!! See.... you do know me better after all! Good write, by the way! Very witty, as always. The magician with verbal expression! |
Artgurl needs a poem for her boyfriend’s lost his way he’s studying the sciences of electron wave decay He’s hoping that he’ll find his thrill and the answer to Free Will but life has gone and passed him by as his girlfriend starts to chill He had it all and never knew that there was nothing more to know his woman gave him all her love but he failed to help it grow She packed her bags and left him with nothing but a note: “I hope you find your answers”,… and that was all she wrote. ![]() His girlfriend is starting to chill alright but it is because she still lives in Canada ... brrrrrr ![]() Loves moves beyond the borders of the spacetime continuum ... ![]() |
quantum physics change and will never be consistent, things change. The bible however doesnt nor does God. =)
The problem is that the very notion which I fail to find value in is the basis for black-holes, and the ability to stretch the space-time fabric. A huge task, none the less. Well, astronomers are pretty confident that they have actually observed the evidence for the existence of black holes. They do observe stars caught in a gravitational orbit of invisible masses that would need to be the mass of a black hole. They also have spectrums of the star's light as it passed behind the blackholes that agrees with the theories precisely. So if a theory is going to denounce blackholes, it's going to need to replace them with something pretty dog gone similar, because astronomers are actually observering these things (it's not just all theory anymore). Also, time dilation has been measured and confirmed in countless experiments in particle accellerators for decades now. And no one has observed anything yet that disagrees with the mathematical precision of Einstien's equations. So again, to replace the theory with something else, that 'other theory' is going to pretty much need to make the same predictions in the end anyway. You say it's a huge task, I think you're right. You'd almost need to understand the current theories and math pretty well, before improving on them. And it's extremely doubtful that you'd turn things topsy turvy for the simple reasons I just gave (the predictions of these theories have already been confirmed by observations pretty much). So yes, it would be a huge task to replace them with new theories that still keep in-line with observations. I've studied many of these problems in quite a bit of detail using differential equations and various forms of differential geometries. The mathematics works. And to change things up convincingly you'd need to provide mathematical descriptions. No one is going to be convinced of ideas that are mere speculation and haven't been worked out with mathematical rigor. One of the reason that I quit when I did is because I came to a 'mathematical horizon'. I began to realize that in order to move forward I would need to learn a lot more math, far more complex than the math I has already been using. I actually started down that road, but I just don't have the energy anymore. It seriously does take energy to think that deeply. It's tiring and I just don't have the energy to do it anymore even though I'm still interested. So I chose to abandon it and just enjoy my old age playing music, painting with watercolors, and writing poetry. ![]() I've been getting into learning magick lately too. The real thing, not stage illusions. In other words, I quit. I'm a quitter. ![]() |
quantum physics change and will never be consistent, things change. The bible however doesnt nor does God. =) The bible can't change, it's an ancient doctrine. But according to the Bible, God did change. In the Old Testament God told people to seek revenge and kill sinners and heathens. In the New Testament God told people to forgive people and turn the other cheek. It's a picture of a schizophrenic God that can't make up its mind. Highly undependable, and therefore untrustworthy. ![]() |