Topic: Want to see how religions start? | |
As it is not my intention to offend individuals who have been "raised"
or as I put it "brainwashed" to believe in any particular faith, I can only say, excuse me for exemplifying your religion! One of the "richest" if not THE richest religions in the world, and yes not long ago their holdings outranked even the Catholic church, is the Mormans. This is what I would consider the absolutely most perfect study in human psychology, where religion is concerned, in the history of man. Why? It was conceptualized and developed in recent history. That means, it has been written and documented every step of the way. It is the most amazing thing to see how a religion develops and scary as any hell gets, to see what people will believe. If anyone is interested, I can see what web info I can look up. If no takers, I won't waste the time. |
So you are wondering what prompts the need for religion in the first
place? |
i did my own research on mormons and no thank you
Hi LadyA - I was not originally looking for what prompts the need for
religion at the time. I was actually trying to identify what truth there might be in religion, so I was strudying as many as I could. I started out by visiting places of worship, questioning friends and clergy and elders or whatever. I disocovered that there was no one real truth that could actually be substantiated. So I started looking at history and as creationists are quick to belittle science, I also started looking into archeology. All of this for years, but it was a seminar I went to hosted by ex-mormans that led me to wonder what the hell is this need to believe anyway. And I studied everything I could get my hands on about the Morman religion, including reading several versions of the Book of Morman. THAT'S when I started looking into the psychology behind religions. THANKS FOR ASKING ![]() |
religion is a touchy subject with most i have been raised in the church
and it is not a easy thing to contimplate for those with very narrow minded views and it is a matter of taking things on faith and not asking questions and leting someone else tell you what to do. Now dont get me wrong i love god and all that jazz but i was taught by a youth pastor that was very open and always told me if you have reason to question anything you look it up yourself and research it before you take it to heart |
Duchess, that's great. There are so many more churches who are
acknowledging the need for each individual to research, and find what makes them comfortable within their faith. I personally see it as one of two things - one that there are some great people out there with strong beliefs and they only want others to feel what they do about their religion and the other thing is - on the more organized religeous front - Let's get more folk in the congregation so we'll just be very non-denominational. That sounds cynical but it's the truth I've seen. You've been lucky, I'd say to be able to maintain a faith in spite of the hypocracies of "organized" or "power" religions. |
Mormons - your point was right on, its gotta be one of the best
documented religons. Interesting. I think we're in the midst of a newer religon dawning. The religon of the Secularists. You know, the type that preach and evangalize the "Truth of Science" [evolution as un-questionable fact], the selfrighteous Moral-Relativism ["its ok for someone to behave the way they do, and you cant question it"], and wrapped up with a casting out of any other religon ["Seperation of Church & State says you cant wish me a Merry Christmas" sort of craziness]. What I find scary about this mind-set is that it has all the Dogma and Fervor as any other faith, has all the charisma of being able to make any person of any-faith appear to be ignorant to the point of self-arrogance. And its so appealing to anyone who really hasnt questioned their own beleifs. Its a religon of specifically non-beleif but delivered with the best Dogma/Fervor that can be mustered. This ISNT Atheism or Agnostic - they're perfectly acceptable. This is 'self-glorification' out of ignorance. |
Redy, I read the Book of Mormon many years ago and was -- how can I say
this? -- a little perplexed. When they got to the part where Jesus tells three of the followers that they will be allowed to remain on Earth until the end of the world -- This is from =============================================================== A third time, Jesus appeared to the Twelve Nephite disciples alone. He named his Church and explained the principles of the final judgment. Three of the disciples were transfigured and beheld heavenly visions. Jesus granted these three disciples their wish to remain on earth as special servants until the end of the world (chaps. 27-28; see also three Nephites; Translated Beings). =============================================================== Where are these guys? Almost as crazy as the JWs changing their "end of the world" date every time it doesn't happen on schedule. Thank God I'm an atheist. ![]() |
I think we are missing the point. Yes, it is a faith thing. God could
prove scientificly or by outstanding mind blowing miracles constantly in sight for every onr to see......but once His exsistance is proven, then it is no longer by faith. God's plan for man has always been for us to recieve him BY FAITH. So trying to prove his exsistance in any way is futal.This is why none of the true artifacts, or original writings or things like the Ark of the covenant, Noahs' Ark, etc. have ever been, or ever will be found. On the note of blindly following ANY religious leader is just not good wisdom, you do need to find the truth for yourself. |
I truly am curious about who has or hasn't read the "Book of Mormon" and
decided to not learn how to spell properly? Funny thing about the "Mormon", "LDS" beliefs, How often do you hear a Member slamming another religion? Or Is the fact that there are no paid employees of this faith hard to swallow? The church members donate thier time to carry the word. Seems to me some people are misguided as to why the "Mormons" have the ability to grow at an astounding rate. There is plenty of documentation as to the teachings of christ in the doctrine of these "Latter Day Saints" Duchess could you enlighten me as to why you feel this way? Are the "LDS" Beliefs too strict? Are they to lenient? Maybe they are Vain? Maybe they are too helpful? Maybe it is because they ask you to find your own way in the scriptures and learn about yourself? I am very curious if there are a few "LDS" here that would help in this thread? G |
I think that my 'religion' started with me, not for
'self-glorification' out of ignorance. Ignorance lies in everyone.I'm not a Secularists. Or a christian scientist. I believe that regilion itself is a seperation of people for glorification.It causes wars against each other that seperates us.I believe that we are all one in the same.We are all a part of each other and everything else in existence includeing God.Really this is my belief in a nutshell, not really a 'religion'. |