Topic: Bush,the War Criminal..Part two | |
Cut aid to single mothers? Do you know any single mothers that have gotten their benefits cut? My father died when I was 13 years old, hence the reason I am back in NY when I was studying in Florida to become a doctor. I have seen people milk the system for years. I know personally people who are 3rd generation welfare recipients. Its called laziness. These ***holes want to make money then they work for it. These people are irresponsible parasites who feed off of my tax money and yours too if you are a hard working american. Because I am white I did not get into the school that I wanted to get into and because I am white I got overlooked for many of the scholarships I applied for. So before you say that aid is being cut look around you. These people are getting plenty of aid. Sh*t they get enough money to live more than comfortably. Yes, I will acknowledge that some are in crappy situations not by their own personal choices but the beautiful thing about our country is that you can work your way out of those situations, and as for most of those single mothers out there, they should have used a condom... not entierly true..when I lived in the States I worked in social services..there is a war in the US against the poor, sure there are people who take advantage of the situation but they are not a drain on the system...I worked with people who (this was just 4 years ago), received 130 dollars plus an exta 30 dollars in food stamps a month..oh yea, living off the fat there...pell grants are practically non existent, so with less money available for education, fewer anglos are able to get into the schools they want due to minorities getting prefrences..war is expensive, someones got to pay and its the poor of America who are doing just that...dont even get me started on minimum wage jobs...they are just one step up from welfare... I made it through school with the help of pell grants. Quite easy to get actually. and hey medicaid and medicare are very much used here very frequently. maybe not enough to completly live on..BUT thats the point to not them become dependent on the system. AND some people would rather sell drugs or steal...its cheap and easy. those are the lazy ones....and the system will catch up wit them. if Im correct, you are a single mom...waaaay easier for you to get a pell grant than than the young white male who made the above referenced post. |
Where did you work because in NY there are people who use their families children to get even more money. The lady who my widowed mother was kind enough to loan my basement to for over a year and didnt pay rent made almost 2.5 grand a month. She claimed unemployment for her and her husband as well as her daughters whose ages she lied about and her grandchildren.
you know. get your boots on the ground and talk abotu war crimes. there are children and women attacking US convoys in iraq, once theyre shot down their friends come and grab the weapons, WHOOPS they were civlians. and they know you guys will eat it up! lol. the nature of an insurgency is to undermine your enemies culture and home and fighting men. good job helping the extremists guys! :D maybe its because they want you the fck out of their country...if you invaded mine Id be doing all I could to get rid of you too... That is why Argentina had their asses handed to them? The gaucho's dropped their pea shooters, ran for the hills, threw on the saddles and went back to cow poking. |
we all know IRAQ had nothign to do with it. but islam as a whole embraced 9-11. they all deserve to die for that
wow, you people really dont get it do you. i feel very sorry for you all. sure video games are for kids ot you. but to anyone with sense theyre a billion dollar industry. i know ms. argentina is just made that no one likes her slimy country and shes lonely. we get it. troll somewhere else. as for guyguy, if youre not gonna travel to argentina to knock the bats out of her belfry, make a point or dont post. seriously guys, make a point, dont just try to make someone else look dumb, make yourself look smarter! make a point and back it with facts! and dont feel overwhelmed if not everyone agrees with you! we are in the country of free speech, enjoy saying what you have to say! i fought so you could enjoy that right! please please show me the same amount of respect you would show anyone else you spoke with on the street. this is turning into a pissing contest like all of these threads do! argue your point! dont argue the person! |
Yesterday the Senate released a bi-partisan report that the intelligence leading up to the invasion of Iraq was falsified intentionally as to WMDs and Iraq's connection to 9/11 and Al Qeada. The making of aggressive wars is a crime according to the Nuremburg Trials. Bush is also guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Below are the crimes cited by the military tribunal for the Nuremburg Trials:
ARTICLE 6 The Tribunal established by the Agreement referred to in Article 1 hereof for the trial and punishment of the major war criminals of the European Axis countries shall have the power to try and punish persons who, acting in the interests of the European Axis countries, whether as individuals or as members of organizations, committed any of the following crimes. The following acts, or any of them, are crimes coming within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal for which there shall be individual responsibility: Buzz up!on Yahoo!(a) Crimes against Peace: namely, planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a Common Plan or Conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing; (b) War Crimes: namely, violations of the laws or customs of war. Such violations shall include, but not be limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity; (c) Crimes against Humanity: namely, murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war,14 or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of domestic law of the country where perpetrated. Leaders, organizers, instigators, and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a Common Plan or Conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such plan. |
i know they INVEST. but its not a controlling stake. theyre economy is rocky when ours is. they need ALL of our money. every drop of it. they need us to send our moeny over there and make them ahppy so they can builld toy robots and try to make their kids stop glowing.
Cut aid to single mothers? Do you know any single mothers that have gotten their benefits cut? My father died when I was 13 years old, hence the reason I am back in NY when I was studying in Florida to become a doctor. I have seen people milk the system for years. I know personally people who are 3rd generation welfare recipients. Its called laziness. These ***holes want to make money then they work for it. These people are irresponsible parasites who feed off of my tax money and yours too if you are a hard working american. Because I am white I did not get into the school that I wanted to get into and because I am white I got overlooked for many of the scholarships I applied for. So before you say that aid is being cut look around you. These people are getting plenty of aid. Sh*t they get enough money to live more than comfortably. Yes, I will acknowledge that some are in crappy situations not by their own personal choices but the beautiful thing about our country is that you can work your way out of those situations, and as for most of those single mothers out there, they should have used a condom... not entierly true..when I lived in the States I worked in social services..there is a war in the US against the poor, sure there are people who take advantage of the situation but they are not a drain on the system...I worked with people who (this was just 4 years ago), received 130 dollars plus an exta 30 dollars in food stamps a month..oh yea, living off the fat there...pell grants are practically non existent, so with less money available for education, fewer anglos are able to get into the schools they want due to minorities getting prefrences..war is expensive, someones got to pay and its the poor of America who are doing just that...dont even get me started on minimum wage jobs...they are just one step up from welfare... I made it through school with the help of pell grants. Quite easy to get actually. and hey medicaid and medicare are very much used here very frequently. maybe not enough to completly live on..BUT thats the point to not them become dependent on the system. AND some people would rather sell drugs or steal...its cheap and easy. those are the lazy ones....and the system will catch up wit them. if Im correct, you are a single mom...waaaay easier for you to get a pell grant than than the young white male who made the above referenced post. No sexism there. I raised my three children alone while working my ass off to make ends meet and do you think for a moment that I could get a grant for being a single parent? BAH! |
Are you kidding me? Yeah if you are a single mother. I lived with my aunt and uncle in Florida. I graduated high school with a 5.9GPA, was in the top 10% of my senior class, and I was denied from the University of Florida, I stayed in FL because their state bright futures scholarship would cover my tuition 100%. I was denied that and many other scholarships, yet a guy i played football with on the Varsity squad who had a 3.2GPA got in and got his whole education payed for. He was a black guy, I am not racist i just do not believe in being politically correct.
well madison go get bush then. if youre 100% right go ahead. maybe info was falsified, do you know who falsified it? it might have been an agent in the field who wanted a big break. and btw, saddam did have chemical weapons he used with realtive ease on the kurds, thats a WMD in my book.
I hate to say it but I think 911 was an inside job
feel free to go to bed silly commie. i cant wait til some neighbor eyes your countries oil and grabs it up. maybe you'll survive, maybe you wont. maybe you'll be raped amybe you wont. who will scream for americas help then? were always the bad guys til YOU get attacked. ALWAYS. wow...a little hostile arent you??? hope you get some deprogramming before they send you back home... lets take a look at this.. why DOES America keep going to everyones aid after being called the "bad guy"...just how codependent are you people anyways...??? |
Cut aid to single mothers? Do you know any single mothers that have gotten their benefits cut? My father died when I was 13 years old, hence the reason I am back in NY when I was studying in Florida to become a doctor. I have seen people milk the system for years. I know personally people who are 3rd generation welfare recipients. Its called laziness. These ***holes want to make money then they work for it. These people are irresponsible parasites who feed off of my tax money and yours too if you are a hard working american. Because I am white I did not get into the school that I wanted to get into and because I am white I got overlooked for many of the scholarships I applied for. So before you say that aid is being cut look around you. These people are getting plenty of aid. Sh*t they get enough money to live more than comfortably. Yes, I will acknowledge that some are in crappy situations not by their own personal choices but the beautiful thing about our country is that you can work your way out of those situations, and as for most of those single mothers out there, they should have used a condom... not entierly true..when I lived in the States I worked in social services..there is a war in the US against the poor, sure there are people who take advantage of the situation but they are not a drain on the system...I worked with people who (this was just 4 years ago), received 130 dollars plus an exta 30 dollars in food stamps a month..oh yea, living off the fat there...pell grants are practically non existent, so with less money available for education, fewer anglos are able to get into the schools they want due to minorities getting prefrences..war is expensive, someones got to pay and its the poor of America who are doing just that...dont even get me started on minimum wage jobs...they are just one step up from welfare... I made it through school with the help of pell grants. Quite easy to get actually. and hey medicaid and medicare are very much used here very frequently. maybe not enough to completly live on..BUT thats the point to not them become dependent on the system. AND some people would rather sell drugs or steal...its cheap and easy. those are the lazy ones....and the system will catch up wit them. if Im correct, you are a single mom...waaaay easier for you to get a pell grant than than the young white male who made the above referenced post. YES but much easier for him to work through school also. and the federal govt also offers very low inrest rate student loans. IF people want to go to school....they will..regardless of their level of income. I know this..because YES, i did spend time on medicaid, gave birth to my eldest child on medicaid. recevied food stamps and a check every month. maybe it wasnt much, but it surely helped me get started on the right track. |
**** Pc, its weakening our country. as for getting grants join the army i guess? thats the only guaranteed way besides working your ass off, being a minority or getting lucky.
we go to everyones aid because werre ****ing nice. you and yours know nothing of it though im afraid. venezuela never sends aid to any country. we are a super power and we accpet the responsibility that entails. including sending over 30 billion $ worth of aid to georgia within days after a cease fire.
well madison go get bush then. if youre 100% right go ahead. maybe info was falsified, do you know who falsified it? it might have been an agent in the field who wanted a big break. and btw, saddam did have chemical weapons he used with realtive ease on the kurds, thats a WMD in my book. And, more to the point, what actually happened, and how did the U.S. respond at the time? Halabja is a town in the southern part of Iraqi Kurdistan with about 60,000 inhabitants. In 1988, during the Iran-Iraq war, Kurdistan resistance fighters supported by Iranian troops took possession of the town. In a widely circulated account, Kendal Nezan wrote: The next morning Iraqi bombers appeared out of a clear blue sky. The people of Halabja were used to the successive attacks and counter-attacks of the Iraq-Iran war that had ravaged the region since September 1980. They thought they were in for the usual reprisal raid. Those who had time huddled in makeshift shelters. The rest were taken by surprise. Wave after wave of Iraqi Migs and Mirages dropped chemical bombs on the unsuspecting inhabitants. The town was engulfed in a sickly stench like rotten apples. The bombing stopped at nightfall and it began to rain hard. Iraqi troops had already destroyed the local power station, so the survivors began to search the mud with torches for the dead bodies of their loved ones. The scene that greeted them in the morning defied description. The streets were strewn with corpses. People had been killed instantaneously by chemicals in the midst of the ordinary acts of everyday life. Babies still sucked their mothers' breasts. Children held their parents' hands, frozen to the spot like a still from a motion picture. In the space of a few hours 5,000 people had died. The 3,200 who no longer had families were buried in a mass grave. [Nezan, "When Our 'Friend' Saddam Was Gassing the Kurds," Le Monde diplomatique, March 1998 ] According to Nezan, the gassing of the Kurds actually began in 1987 and continued into 1989. The aftermath of the Halabja massacre, however, was photographed by Iranian war correspondents and thus became worldwide news. However, recently Stephen Pelletiere wrote in the New York Times that Iran, not Iraq, gassed the Kurds of Halabja. This much about the gassing at Halabja we undoubtedly know: it came about in the course of a battle between Iraqis and Iranians. Iraq used chemical weapons to try to kill Iranians who had seized the town, which is in northern Iraq not far from the Iranian border. The Kurdish civilians who died had the misfortune to be caught up in that exchange. But they were not Iraq's main target. And the story gets murkier: immediately after the battle the United States Defense Intelligence Agency investigated and produced a classified report, which it circulated within the intelligence community on a need-to-know basis. That study asserted that it was Iranian gas that killed the Kurds, not Iraqi gas. The agency did find that each side used gas against the other in the battle around Halabja. The condition of the dead Kurds' bodies, however, indicated they had been killed with a blood agent - that is, a cyanide-based gas - which Iran was known to use. The Iraqis, who are thought to have used mustard gas in the battle, are not known to have possessed blood agents at the time. [Pelletiere, "A War Crime, or an Act of War?" The New York Times, January 31, 2003] |
Falsified? You know thats bullsh*t right? THOSE WEAPONS WERE SHIPPED OFF. THE UN WEAPONS INSPECTORS EVEN SAID THAT IRAQ WAS BUILDING UP WMD'S. If it was just the secdef saying that they had them i wouldnt trust it too much. However, we knew that Saddam had the means to kill many people. Look at how he gassed his own people? I believe in karma and him hanging from the gallow is karmas way of biting him in the a** for what he did.
as for my "programming" im a patriot and i believe in this country and its shining future ahead of it. every country has a dark past. theres no shame in me to say i love my country, can you say the same? have you joined your countries military? ready to defend it with your life? i doubt it. youd rather sit online and sling accusations with no basis from a corner of the world no one cares about. and im hostile because i hate venezuela. theyve done nothing for anyone. escpecially countries in need. do all of you there even have electricity yet?
madison, the make of a weapon doesnt matter when theyre neighboring countries with no border control. everyone gassed everyone, but the president of the time is the one who dictates what happens. 1988 didnt have the balls. so now we do. and you guys wanna slingball the troops up.
To say 9/11 was an inside job is to say that your government killed almost 3,000 people including my uncle, both of my best friend's parents, my teachers and quite a few of my local firemen.