Topic: Bush,the War Criminal..Part two | |
japans economy hinges on us buying their games and systems. their exports are limited, they either be nice ot us, or theyre just left with europe. next comment please.... OMG...that is just toooooo really believe the stuff youre saying dont you??? ![]() |
no no no, no history lessons here you got to go all the way back to World War2 for that the mess in the middle east goes as far back as world war one..the British created the "middle east" by dividing the spoils of war for themselves to keep France and Germany out of that region....for those of you who dont like to Lawrence of Arabia...(based on a real guy).. ![]() sorry, you're right. I was only thinking of Potsdam where the Soviets and the US agreed to share Iran (but we muscled em out) |
Back on topic !! Bush and his father are war happy and love making a deficit that the country is going to have a hard time getting back ...and will force who ever becomes President to raise taxes ....don't see any other way to pay it off !! Then to top it Bush borrows money from China to give us this pay off called a stimulus rebate !! ![]() So what do we call it when saddam invaded kuwait? Was that not warmongering? |
Back on topic !! Bush and his father are war happy and love making a deficit that the country is going to have a hard time getting back ...and will force who ever becomes President to raise taxes ....don't see any other way to pay it off !! Then to top it Bush borrows money from China to give us this pay off called a stimulus rebate !! ![]() So what do we call it when saddam invaded kuwait? Was that not warmongering? ![]() |
again,shes a *****. i have not heard a convinving argument from the communist in our midst yet, she just talks and talks and points and laughs when we dont agree. ugh.
japans economy hinges on us buying their games and systems. their exports are limited, they either be nice ot us, or theyre just left with europe. next comment please.... OMG...that is just toooooo really believe the stuff youre saying dont you??? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Back on topic !! Bush and his father are war happy and love making a deficit that the country is going to have a hard time getting back ...and will force who ever becomes President to raise taxes ....don't see any other way to pay it off !! Then to top it Bush borrows money from China to give us this pay off called a stimulus rebate !! ![]() So what do we call it when saddam invaded kuwait? Was that not warmongering? that was just the puppet trying to cut his strings... Oh I forgot, it is only wrong when the US does it, but it is perfectly Ok for some thrid world country to invades other countries and Islands |
again,shes a *****. i have not heard a convinving argument from the communist in our midst yet, she just talks and talks and points and laughs when we dont agree. ugh. Im not here to convince anyone of anything...if you recall the original topic was whether George Bush should be convicted as a war criminal... I only point and laugh at funny things...(pointing and laughing right now)... ![]() |
again,shes a *****. i have not heard a convinving argument from the communist in our midst yet, she just talks and talks and points and laughs when we dont agree. ugh. some people just dont play well. me I learned to function very well in society years ago. ya want some cheescake?? |
I will agree with you there. Lawrence of Arabia is an excellent movie, and in my top 3 favorite of all time. And I will also agree that it has a lot to do with the partitioning of the ottoman empire after world war I. However it may not have been as bad if the British did not bolster the Ottomans during the course of the 19th century...and it was all because they did not want the Russians to gain a warm water port... However back on topic. Yes the Chinese and the Japanese as well as the EU have many investments in the US, just as we have many investments in them. Yes we had a surplus during the Clinton administration but that was only because the military budget was cut. Many do not realize this but many people were forced to retire from the service, my uncle included. He served for almost 30 years in the special forces including a number of years as a Nightstalker, for those of you who do not know what that is watch Black Hawk Down. He fought in Panama, Bosnia, etc. And after all of his years of service what happened? Oh we cannot promote you because we cant afford to have any more Colonels in our Army. With every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The surplus due to the war is mainly because we got rid of personnel and weapons.
Back on topic !! Bush and his father are war happy and love making a deficit that the country is going to have a hard time getting back ...and will force who ever becomes President to raise taxes ....don't see any other way to pay it off !! Then to top it Bush borrows money from China to give us this pay off called a stimulus rebate !! ![]() So what do we call it when saddam invaded kuwait? Was that not warmongering? that was just the puppet trying to cut his strings... Oh I forgot, it is only wrong when the US does it, but it is perfectly Ok for some thrid world country to invades other countries and Islands its never ok to invade soveriegn nations..thats why Gen. Vidala is a criminal and paying for his crimes...what has your country done about its war criminal? |
wow, you people really dont get it do you. i feel very sorry for you all. sure video games are for kids ot you. but to anyone with sense theyre a billion dollar industry. i know ms. argentina is just made that no one likes her slimy country and shes lonely. we get it. troll somewhere else. as for guyguy, if youre not gonna travel to argentina to knock the bats out of her belfry, make a point or dont post.
seriously guys, make a point, dont just try to make someone else look dumb, make yourself look smarter! make a point and back it with facts! and dont feel overwhelmed if not everyone agrees with you! we are in the country of free speech, enjoy saying what you have to say! i fought so you could enjoy that right! please please show me the same amount of respect you would show anyone else you spoke with on the street. this is turning into a pissing contest like all of these threads do! argue your point! dont argue the person! |
Back on topic !! Bush and his father are war happy and love making a deficit that the country is going to have a hard time getting back ...and will force who ever becomes President to raise taxes ....don't see any other way to pay it off !! Then to top it Bush borrows money from China to give us this pay off called a stimulus rebate !! ![]() So what do we call it when saddam invaded kuwait? Was that not warmongering? that was just the puppet trying to cut his strings... Oh I forgot, it is only wrong when the US does it, but it is perfectly Ok for some thrid world country to invades other countries and Islands its never ok to invade soveriegn nations..thats why Gen. Vidala is a criminal and paying for his crimes...what has your country done about its war criminal? We would, but we don't have any war criminals in our country, just the ones at gantamino Bay |
I will agree with you there. Lawrence of Arabia is an excellent movie, and in my top 3 favorite of all time. And I will also agree that it has a lot to do with the partitioning of the ottoman empire after world war I. However it may not have been as bad if the British did not bolster the Ottomans during the course of the 19th century...and it was all because they did not want the Russians to gain a warm water port... However back on topic. Yes the Chinese and the Japanese as well as the EU have many investments in the US, just as we have many investments in them. Yes we had a surplus during the Clinton administration but that was only because the military budget was cut. Many do not realize this but many people were forced to retire from the service, my uncle included. He served for almost 30 years in the special forces including a number of years as a Nightstalker, for those of you who do not know what that is watch Black Hawk Down. He fought in Panama, Bosnia, etc. And after all of his years of service what happened? Oh we cannot promote you because we cant afford to have any more Colonels in our Army. With every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The surplus due to the war is mainly because we got rid of personnel and weapons. well said and thus the reason for Americas deficit..wars are very expensive.... |
i would love some cheesecake. lol. and if your post is to charge GWbush with something, make your point on what hes getting charged with and also, you went off topic several times ot bash the US which is what started this mess, so argue your point on that big mouth.
I will agree with you there. Lawrence of Arabia is an excellent movie, and in my top 3 favorite of all time. And I will also agree that it has a lot to do with the partitioning of the ottoman empire after world war I. However it may not have been as bad if the British did not bolster the Ottomans during the course of the 19th century...and it was all because they did not want the Russians to gain a warm water port... However back on topic. Yes the Chinese and the Japanese as well as the EU have many investments in the US, just as we have many investments in them. Yes we had a surplus during the Clinton administration but that was only because the military budget was cut. Many do not realize this but many people were forced to retire from the service, my uncle included. He served for almost 30 years in the special forces including a number of years as a Nightstalker, for those of you who do not know what that is watch Black Hawk Down. He fought in Panama, Bosnia, etc. And after all of his years of service what happened? Oh we cannot promote you because we cant afford to have any more Colonels in our Army. With every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The surplus due to the war is mainly because we got rid of personnel and weapons. well said and thus the reason for Americas deficit..wars are very expensive.... |
Like I said before, we get the **** for what other countries won't stand up and do. When we stand up for other countries we are called evil. I'll give you a good example of evil, how about Stalin? You know how many people were killed during his rule? Or how about Mao? Oh and yeah now Putin and his new puppet president, what do you think they are scheming? I see the world split into two again in the near future...
Red Cross Says America is Definitively Guilty of War Crimes |
we, the only country that ever, EVER abides by the geneva convention anymore are the bad guys, we who build schools, who enlighten people to their god given rights of freedom and the right to be happy and honest with themselves. are the bad guys. i wish to god that our country would leave the world to its own devices for just 10 years and watch them all devolve into animals again. no one understands the good, cause all their countries show them are the bad, its WW2 in the pacific all over again........
Back on topic !! Bush and his father are war happy and love making a deficit that the country is going to have a hard time getting back ...and will force who ever becomes President to raise taxes ....don't see any other way to pay it off !! Then to top it Bush borrows money from China to give us this pay off called a stimulus rebate !! ![]() So what do we call it when saddam invaded kuwait? Was that not warmongering? that was just the puppet trying to cut his strings... Oh I forgot, it is only wrong when the US does it, but it is perfectly Ok for some thrid world country to invades other countries and Islands |