Tue 09/02/08 09:07 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
I don't think one man can disgrace the whole military. Either way Iraq is a waste of some of our bravest and brightest and many resources. But we do need to finish what we started, we don't need another nazi germany.
Um america is useing the same propaganda as Nazi germany did, america is attacking other nations like nazi germany did. America is spying on its own people like nazti germany did........need I go on?
what we did and are doing is not all the right thing to do. but to just leave Iraq more broken when we got there isn't the right thing either.
Tue 09/02/08 09:08 PM
no pics madman.
who the **** are you really???
Tue 09/02/08 09:08 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
Well its the truth why in the hell would I wish my kids to be maimed or cripled or killed over a war based on lies? Its a damn discrace they are over there and I wish they were not if that makes you feel any better about it
I'm a former soldier and none of us ever wantd to go to war BUT IT IS OUR JOB!!!!!!!!!!!
We keep our counrty safe even for people like you. WE havnt had an attack since 911 as I recall
anthrax letters after 911
came from a white guy here in the U.S
from a US government lab
Tue 09/02/08 09:09 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
I don't think one man can disgrace the whole military. Either way Iraq is a waste of some of our bravest and brightest and many resources. But we do need to finish what we started, we don't need another nazi germany.
Um america is useing the same propaganda as Nazi germany did, america is attacking other nations like nazi germany did. America is spying on its own people like nazi germany did........need I go on?
You can go on to another country if you hate America that much
yes intolerance of others opinions that's the answer. Instead of standing up for what you believe in if you don't like something you should just move. Cause that is what the freedom we are fighting for is all about.
Tue 09/02/08 09:09 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
Well its the truth why in the hell would I wish my kids to be maimed or cripled or killed over a war based on lies? Its a damn discrace they are over there and I wish they were not if that makes you feel any better about it
Why do you say it was based on lies, your precious bill clinton believed there was WMD in Iraq, was that a lie? He wanted Saddam out of Power also.
seriously? did you really just say that?
Clinton didn't get us into this war and make up intelligence. 4000 of our best have died because of false intelligence made up by the bush administration. And no one wanted Saddam in power, well except maybe Regan when he put him in power.
Reagan didn't put him in power.... was the President of Iraq from July 16, 1979 until April 9, 2003, Way before reagan, that was Jimmy Carters Watch.....
Tue 09/02/08 09:12 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
I don't think one man can disgrace the whole military. Either way Iraq is a waste of some of our bravest and brightest and many resources. But we do need to finish what we started, we don't need another nazi germany.
Um america is useing the same propaganda as Nazi germany did, america is attacking other nations like nazi germany did. America is spying on its own people like nazti germany did........need I go on?
what we did and are doing is not all the right thing to do. but to just leave Iraq more broken when we got there isn't the right thing either.
well there we agree. so to fix our wrong we need to hold those who made this mess accountable. We would have some credability if we did that. BUsh and cheney and the rest of the gang propagated this war for unjust and illegal reasons. I say take them to the world court and present evidence and have a fair trial. Then america will be redeemed. It wont happen by exterminating so many Iraqis those who are left will be willing to be a US puppet state
Tue 09/02/08 09:13 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
I don't think one man can disgrace the whole military. Either way Iraq is a waste of some of our bravest and brightest and many resources. But we do need to finish what we started, we don't need another nazi germany.
Um america is useing the same propaganda as Nazi germany did, america is attacking other nations like nazi germany did. America is spying on its own people like nazti germany did........need I go on?
what we did and are doing is not all the right thing to do. but to just leave Iraq more broken when we got there isn't the right thing either.
well there we agree. so to fix our wrong we need to hold those who made this mess accountable. We would have some credability if we did that. BUsh and cheney and the rest of the gang propagated this war for unjust and illegal reasons. I say take them to the world court and present evidence and have a fair trial. Then america will be redeemed. It wont happen by exterminating so many Iraqis those who are left will be willing to be a US puppet state
Jimmy Carter.
Tue 09/02/08 09:14 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
Liars only disgrace themselves. The military requires a high school diploma or in some cases a GED. Need I say more?
no, you shouldnt say any more.
that madman effin needs to though.
maybe he should nonimate his self to go to iraq
do some flippin good for THIS COUNTRY
actually maybe not, i have a feeling he'd be on the wrong side
The other side? You mean the guys that strap on the C4 lined designer warehouseman uniforms? Not a bad plan. Ask him if he wouldn't mind.
Tue 09/02/08 09:21 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
Liars only disgrace themselves. The military requires a high school diploma or in some cases a GED. Need I say more?
no, you shouldnt say any more.
that madman effin needs to though.
maybe he should nonimate his self to go to iraq
do some flippin good for THIS COUNTRY
actually maybe not, i have a feeling he'd be on the wrong side
The other side? You mean the guys that strap on the C4 lined designer warehouseman uniforms? Not a bad plan. Ask him if he wouldn't mind.
Iam sure many of us good americans would go to extremes if our country were invaded and a tyrant declared mission accomplished and then stayed another five years with talk of a hundred more years to come. picture yourself as an Iraqi for a moment and see this from there perspective. These people have sufferd for so long Under saddam when he was our client all durring the Iran war, then Kuwait and Iraq one and two. The average Iraqi is not responsible for any of this carnage yet they are the ones liveing in hell
Tue 09/02/08 09:22 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
Liars only disgrace themselves. The military requires a high school diploma or in some cases a GED. Need I say more?
no, you shouldnt say any more.
that madman effin needs to though.
maybe he should nonimate his self to go to iraq
do some flippin good for THIS COUNTRY
actually maybe not, i have a feeling he'd be on the wrong side
The other side? You mean the guys that strap on the C4 lined designer warehouseman uniforms? Not a bad plan. Ask him if he wouldn't mind.
Iam sure many of us good americans would go to extremes if our country were invaded and a tyrant declared mission accomplished and then stayed another five years with talk of a hundred more years to come. picture yourself as an Iraqi for a moment and see this from there perspective. These people have sufferd for so long Under saddam when he was our client all durring the Iran war, then Kuwait and Iraq one and two. The average Iraqi is not responsible for any of this carnage yet they are the ones liveing in hell
War is the price you pay for peace.
BTW: Jimmy Carter.
Tue 09/02/08 09:24 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
Liars only disgrace themselves. The military requires a high school diploma or in some cases a GED. Need I say more?
no, you shouldnt say any more.
that madman effin needs to though.
maybe he should nonimate his self to go to iraq
do some flippin good for THIS COUNTRY
actually maybe not, i have a feeling he'd be on the wrong side
The other side? You mean the guys that strap on the C4 lined designer warehouseman uniforms? Not a bad plan. Ask him if he wouldn't mind.
Iam sure many of us good americans would go to extremes if our country were invaded and a tyrant declared mission accomplished and then stayed another five years with talk of a hundred more years to come. picture yourself as an Iraqi for a moment and see this from there perspective. These people have sufferd for so long Under saddam when he was our client all durring the Iran war, then Kuwait and Iraq one and two. The average Iraqi is not responsible for any of this carnage yet they are the ones liveing in hell
War is the price you pay for peace.
BTW: Jimmy Carter.
Nice orwellian double speak eh? b4 war we had peace
Sun 12/02/07
Tue 09/02/08 09:27 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
Liars only disgrace themselves. The military requires a high school diploma or in some cases a GED. Need I say more?
no, you shouldnt say any more.
that madman effin needs to though.
maybe he should nonimate his self to go to iraq
do some flippin good for THIS COUNTRY
actually maybe not, i have a feeling he'd be on the wrong side
The other side? You mean the guys that strap on the C4 lined designer warehouseman uniforms? Not a bad plan. Ask him if he wouldn't mind.
Iam sure many of us good americans would go to extremes if our country were invaded and a tyrant declared mission accomplished and then stayed another five years with talk of a hundred more years to come. picture yourself as an Iraqi for a moment and see this from there perspective. These people have sufferd for so long Under saddam when he was our client all durring the Iran war, then Kuwait and Iraq one and two. The average Iraqi is not responsible for any of this carnage yet they are the ones liveing in hell
DO you only listen to part of what people say and then just harp on that? 100 years. listen to the whole speech and not just bits and peices then comment on just a part of the sentance
Tue 09/02/08 09:27 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
Liars only disgrace themselves. The military requires a high school diploma or in some cases a GED. Need I say more?
no, you shouldnt say any more.
that madman effin needs to though.
maybe he should nonimate his self to go to iraq
do some flippin good for THIS COUNTRY
actually maybe not, i have a feeling he'd be on the wrong side
The other side? You mean the guys that strap on the C4 lined designer warehouseman uniforms? Not a bad plan. Ask him if he wouldn't mind.
Iam sure many of us good americans would go to extremes if our country were invaded and a tyrant declared mission accomplished and then stayed another five years with talk of a hundred more years to come. picture yourself as an Iraqi for a moment and see this from there perspective. These people have sufferd for so long Under saddam when he was our client all durring the Iran war, then Kuwait and Iraq one and two. The average Iraqi is not responsible for any of this carnage yet they are the ones liveing in hell
War is the price you pay for peace.
BTW: Jimmy Carter.
Nice orwellian double speak eh? b4 war we had peace
Really? Where's your source?
Jimmy Carter.
Sun 12/02/07
Tue 09/02/08 09:28 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
Liars only disgrace themselves. The military requires a high school diploma or in some cases a GED. Need I say more?
no, you shouldnt say any more.
that madman effin needs to though.
maybe he should nonimate his self to go to iraq
do some flippin good for THIS COUNTRY
actually maybe not, i have a feeling he'd be on the wrong side
The other side? You mean the guys that strap on the C4 lined designer warehouseman uniforms? Not a bad plan. Ask him if he wouldn't mind.
Iam sure many of us good americans would go to extremes if our country were invaded and a tyrant declared mission accomplished and then stayed another five years with talk of a hundred more years to come. picture yourself as an Iraqi for a moment and see this from there perspective. These people have sufferd for so long Under saddam when he was our client all durring the Iran war, then Kuwait and Iraq one and two. The average Iraqi is not responsible for any of this carnage yet they are the ones liveing in hell
War is the price you pay for peace.
BTW: Jimmy Carter.
Nice orwellian double speak eh? b4 war we had peace
When has there ever been before war
Tue 09/02/08 09:30 PM
again its a horrible tactic to attack somebodys family.
nobody can watch there kid 24/7
we give them choices as best we can.
still, it is there life.
wtf u gonna do if one of your kids decides to enlist madman????
you gonna stand beside them and support their choice?????
I enlisted myself so I wouldnt have much cradability I am sure neither of my kids would though My daughter asked me when she was 11 0r 12, "Dad if binladan is from Afghansitan why are we fighting in Iraq'? She had more sence then than most of the adults who post on this forum. I would never encourage my kids to join the military after all I busted my ass to raise them and dont care for their lives to be wasted in Iraq
u just disgraced the whole united states military.
Liars only disgrace themselves. The military requires a high school diploma or in some cases a GED. Need I say more?
no, you shouldnt say any more.
that madman effin needs to though.
maybe he should nonimate his self to go to iraq
do some flippin good for THIS COUNTRY
actually maybe not, i have a feeling he'd be on the wrong side
The other side? You mean the guys that strap on the C4 lined designer warehouseman uniforms? Not a bad plan. Ask him if he wouldn't mind.
Iam sure many of us good americans would go to extremes if our country were invaded and a tyrant declared mission accomplished and then stayed another five years with talk of a hundred more years to come. picture yourself as an Iraqi for a moment and see this from there perspective. These people have sufferd for so long Under saddam when he was our client all durring the Iran war, then Kuwait and Iraq one and two. The average Iraqi is not responsible for any of this carnage yet they are the ones liveing in hell
War is the price you pay for peace.
BTW: Jimmy Carter.
Nice orwellian double speak eh? b4 war we had peace
When has there ever been before war
That was a long long long time ago
Tue 09/02/08 09:36 PM
Come on Jimmy, where's your source?
Jimmy Carter.
In the meantime, let's get back on topic:
I think they should leave her daughter out of politics.
Tue 09/02/08 09:40 PM
Come on Jimmy, where's your source?
Jimmy Carter.
In the meantime, let's get back on topic:
I think they should leave her daughter out of politics.
I have no idea what your looking for spacy. I responded to a comment that said (war is the price you pay for peace) well prior to war people are at peace eh? if you cant understand that your wasteing my time.
Sun 12/02/07
Tue 09/02/08 09:41 PM
Come on Jimmy, where's your source?
Jimmy Carter.
In the meantime, let's get back on topic:
I think they should leave her daughter out of politics.
good call but it seems evertime anything like this comes up it allways goes back to the sub of the Bush admin. Get over it people he will be gone come JAN
Tue 09/02/08 09:43 PM
Come on Jimmy, where's your source?
Jimmy Carter.
In the meantime, let's get back on topic:
I think they should leave her daughter out of politics.
Well what did you expect? You have a woman running for VP who is a rabid supporter of abstinance only sex education and her kid turns up pregnant. Its not big news kids get knocked up all the time however not many of there parents are public figures who would rather tell kids to just say no to sex rather than give them advice on how to not get pregnant.
Tue 09/02/08 09:44 PM
Come on Jimmy, where's your source?
Jimmy Carter.
In the meantime, let's get back on topic:
I think they should leave her daughter out of politics.
I have no idea what your looking for spacy. I responded to a comment that said (war is the price you pay for peace) well prior to war people are at peace eh? if you cant understand that your wasteing my time.
OH Come on, Jimmy....you answered to my comment about war being the price you pay for peace; "Nice orwellian double speak eh? b4 war we had peace (Laughing smiley)"
I THEN asked you where your source was...You never responded.
Typical Jimmy Carter of ya...