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Topic: Knowledge of good and evil is awareness
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Tue 09/02/08 04:32 PM

Perhaps an expression of true love for one's self would be in admitting the things seen as "bad", rather than hide them away... Coming to an acceptance that none of it is truly "bad" requires being able to see what we've secretly labled as such.

Bringing it out in the open for full exposure.

No more hiding.

Well who said anyone was hiding the "bad?":tongue:

Good and bad is still a matter of opinion. And why would you hide it unless in your opinion it was bad and you felt you needed to hide it from someone other than yourself?

If you see something you would like to change in yourself, then work on changing it if you think it is "bad." If you don't think it is bad then don't change it. But don't let other people try to tell you that it is bad if you don't think it is bad.

I just think people should always strive to become better people and they will feel better about themselves, not because other people judge them.


Actually, I spoke of one who had lived one's life hiding from SELF-PERCEIVED "bad". Living one's life believing one should compensate for all hidden "bad" by being "good"... deep-down believing all “good” was farce. Any love given could not be fully received (or given). A way of being that could easily become more deeply ingrained by subscribing to much religious dogma.

One can not begin to even entertain ideas of "changing" some aspect of one's self until there is willingness to even acknowledge the presence of "error" or "bad", whether perceived or actual. Is it really "bad" or simply one's interpretation based on past experience? Probably the latter.

Again... What I speak of has nothing to do with others' views or judgment.

It’s an inside job.

How does a person get a "self perceived bad" if not from others? Were they born with guilt? Is a person born with low self esteem? If not, where does this come from? A past life perhaps? A forgotten childhood?

I can only imagine it comes from other people or from a forgotten trauma or childhood or simply from negative self talk learned throughout their life..from others.

These things can be overcome and self esteem regained with self understanding and self forgiveness.


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Tue 09/02/08 04:47 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 09/02/08 04:52 PM
When you find all your own abilities have been exhausted, in trying to overcome pain from childhood, or abuse or hurt or neglect....and you just feel life has become meaningless... with no true meaning or purpose ....

There is ONE who can help you ...when no one or nothing else can...

His Name is Jesus.flowerforyou

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Tue 09/02/08 04:50 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 09/02/08 04:51 PM

When you find all your own abilities have been exhausted in trying to overcome pain from childhood, or abuse or hurt or neglect....or meanngless in trying to find true meaning and purpose in life....

There is ONE who can help you ...when no one or nothing else can...

His Name is Jesus.flowerforyou

Sorry to dispute that Morningsong.
But that is not it. That is not the answer.


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Tue 09/02/08 04:55 PM

When you find all your own abilities have been exhausted in trying to overcome pain from childhood, or abuse or hurt or neglect....or meanngless in trying to find true meaning and purpose in life....

There is ONE who can help you ...when no one or nothing else can...

His Name is Jesus.flowerforyou

Sorry to dispute that Morningsong.
But that is not it. That is not the answer.


Jeannie... I say this with Loving Kindness..and With All Sincerity :

Jesus is the ONLY Answer for the World Today.:heart::heart::heart:

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Tue 09/02/08 04:59 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 09/02/08 05:00 PM

When you find all your own abilities have been exhausted in trying to overcome pain from childhood, or abuse or hurt or neglect....or meanngless in trying to find true meaning and purpose in life....

There is ONE who can help you ...when no one or nothing else can...

His Name is Jesus.flowerforyou

Sorry to dispute that Morningsong.
But that is not it. That is not the answer.


Jeannie... I say this with Loving Kindness..and With All Sincerity :

Jesus is the ONLY Answer for the World Today.:heart::heart::heart:

I know you are sincere I just think you are mistaken.

Jesus is a fictional character in my opinion and the story is a myth written by Roman aristocrats in an attempt to destroy Judaism. Its all fiction.

The knowledge of good and evil is awareness and awareness comes from going within and with self realization. This is my opinion. People must save themselves by becoming aware of Love and aware of self.

You may be sincere, but I feel that you are attempting to lead people down a false path. What you believe is important to you. You have your opinions and I have mine.

Bless you. flowerforyou :heart: drinker

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Tue 09/02/08 05:04 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 09/02/08 05:07 PM

Be Blessed Too Jeannie....flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

splendidlife's photo
Tue 09/02/08 05:56 PM

Perhaps an expression of true love for one's self would be in admitting the things seen as "bad", rather than hide them away... Coming to an acceptance that none of it is truly "bad" requires being able to see what we've secretly labled as such.

Bringing it out in the open for full exposure.

No more hiding.

Well who said anyone was hiding the "bad?":tongue:

Good and bad is still a matter of opinion. And why would you hide it unless in your opinion it was bad and you felt you needed to hide it from someone other than yourself?

If you see something you would like to change in yourself, then work on changing it if you think it is "bad." If you don't think it is bad then don't change it. But don't let other people try to tell you that it is bad if you don't think it is bad.

I just think people should always strive to become better people and they will feel better about themselves, not because other people judge them.


Actually, I spoke of one who had lived one's life hiding from SELF-PERCEIVED "bad". Living one's life believing one should compensate for all hidden "bad" by being "good"... deep-down believing all “good” was farce. Any love given could not be fully received (or given). A way of being that could easily become more deeply ingrained by subscribing to much religious dogma.

One can not begin to even entertain ideas of "changing" some aspect of one's self until there is willingness to even acknowledge the presence of "error" or "bad", whether perceived or actual. Is it really "bad" or simply one's interpretation based on past experience? Probably the latter.

Again... What I speak of has nothing to do with others' views or judgment.

It’s an inside job.

How does a person get a "self perceived bad" if not from others? Were they born with guilt? Is a person born with low self esteem? If not, where does this come from? A past life perhaps? A forgotten childhood?

I can only imagine it comes from other people or from a forgotten trauma or childhood or simply from negative self talk learned throughout their life..from others.

These things can be overcome and self esteem regained with self understanding and self forgiveness.


A little 5-year-old girl wishes to spend all her time with her beloved older 10-year-old sister.

She follows her big sister's every move and is too young to understand how Big Sister would allow any other to come between their infinite bond. Her big sister seems honored by this and is completely open and loving.

Then, one day, Big Sister's 10-year-old friend comes over for a visit. Little Sister tries everything possible to get big sister's attention. She follows the older girls around everywhere they go. Naturally, Big Sister wishes to have time with her friend without the little one in every frame.

Finally, Big Sister and friend decide to cross the street to see the pool being filled. Little Sister tries to follow...

Big Sister says NO. "You can not come with us. I want it to be just us bigger girls". Little sister doesn't accept this and follows anyway. Big sister says no again. This time, with force. Little Sister begins to fuss and carry on. "But, I want to come with you!" and "Why not?!". Big Sister then promises to come back in a little bit to bring Little sister across to see the pool. Little Sister complains bitterly. How could her big sister betray her so? Big Sister turns around one more time and again promises her return...

Little sister says "I hate you!" Drops to the ground and begins ripping up grass and throwing it in anger. Little Sister says, "I'll never talk to you again!" Little Sister thinks this will get Big Sister back sooner. So, she continues to tantrum.

Some time later, Big Sister does attempt to return to the other side to get Little Sister, but she is stopped.

Little Sister hears a scream, car brakes, and looks up. All goes dark for little Sister. Little Sister sees nothing but black until standing directly over her big sister, appearing to be napping under the front of a car on the street.

Big Sister dies 10 days later.

Little Sister tells no one of her words and thoughts on that day, but sees her family in complete misery... for years. Little Sister begins a journey of belief in her own evil... Never telling of it for fear of being cast out for such "badness".

Little Sister sees it in all areas of her life, but will not speak of it.

Little Sister grows up and finds romantic relationships. The same pain of perceived betrayal rears its head again and again for her to learn/clear/heal. She feels so much pain that it frightens her. She goes into therapy, tells her story over and over again, but feels only a fragment of relief.

Years pass and Little Sister decides to study Psychology. She encounters Spiritual Psychology and is taught that Self-Forgiveness will free her. She tries and tries, but can only see it as possible for others (not herself). She decides to help others pass through this process. Something she herself hasn't completed. She believes that, by seeing it for others, it may become possible for her.

She has a little girl of her own. She begins to see how her own fears (hidden and visible) may impact her little one and feels great need for further exploration.

She discovers much more this time. This time the desire to move into peace is not only driven by self-preservation, but by concern of another... Her child.

Little by little, she learns that, until having this child, she'd lived a life portraying outer "good", fully believing in inner "bad". She knows there is much more to all of this journey than meets the eye and that Love has been it's ultimate cause.

Of course we all know that the 5-year-old is completely innocent. It should follow that the "grown" Little Sister is also completely innocent. She herself knows this, yet has lived the majority of her life based on the belief in her own bad (despite all her "good" deeds and despite all therapy and education).

To transform anything, one must first allow one's self to acknowledge ALL beliefs... To bring them to the surface to accept and release.

Yes... it IS possible to admit one's own "bad" before freeing one's self from the bonds of horrific self-judgment.

Besides... there is equal balance of both sides in everyone... just as in nature. Our self-consciousness is what has divided into "good" and "bad". This "knowledge of good and evil" is simply the human condition/experience. A deliberate fall from grace.

We are all divine beings having human experience.

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Tue 09/02/08 06:23 PM
We are all divine beings having human experience.

Very true. Its a wild ride.

We are here to find joy.


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