Topic: Knowledge of good and evil is awareness | |
Natural Instinct gets clouded by having to be "good". One begins to question their every motion through space. Maddening, I tell you. But as they dont have guilt or remorse, how can they be good or bad in terms of emotions? They know when they have chewed your $400 table that they are in the "dog"-house, but only because you are the head of the pack and they are down the pecking order. After the slink away from fear of a beating from you as you give them negative body language, they will return to you in as little as one second if you lighten your mood. They look for the non-verbal body language. They are not bad nor good in terms of evil, they are just instinctual. As humans we want to give them emotions they just dont posses. We want them to be like us as they are our best friends, whose total loyalty we cannot hope to find in another human being. I was speaking of Natural Instincts of Humans getting clouded. |
Going scuba diving already proves that humanity is not top of any food chain!!! (If you had seen some of the people I had to try and teach to dive, you would know what I mean) Ascribing human emotions and characteristics to any animal is a very big mistake. Compassion is not an animal trait, it is a human one. The mothering instinct is just that - an instinct. Dolphins have got it right ... their lives revolve around playing, eating and having sex. The dolphins are ok, personally im a patriots fan ![]() ok, seriously, i think the smartest animal [as to instincts] in the seas is the octopus [and relatives] but dolphins are up there also,as the whales to. You have to go with the Patriots - the Dolphins are run by a Tuna. |
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Mon 09/01/08 01:49 PM
If the Knowledge of Good and Evil is awareness... To what extent is one aware? A sliver? One who believes good and evil are opposing forces, may stay in the same position, over and over reenacting the same scenario with the same results. One then lives in a prison of either one or the other (good or bad). The side that will only be willing to see it's "good" (out of fear of viewing the "bad") turns to poop. Self condemnation results.
After a time, one becomes restless with the pain and sameness. Does one become more aware because of enduring the pain? One could spend eternity in the same pain (at least it's familiar ![]() In what other way than thru this portal can one begin to accept the balance that animals appear to already enjoy? Stumbling Along... |
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is within each individual, as the mind, HATE to see itself as all things, but rather only as "good", which make one see "evil and good" in all others, as it see itself in this manner......
the great "war" that has reaged in the hearts and minds of all mankind since the beginning of all mortal time, over all good and evil, even the same war, from the same spirit or "essence of thought", that has come to kill others in the persuit of "cleansing" evil...... it is amazing this "war" that leaves it's dead littered in the streets is stopped dead in it's tracks with the total acceptance of all "bad" of oneself, and without one wimper for assistance, as the true remorseful always have, lol..... since all beings, all animals, all weather, ALL ENVIRONMENT include "some good and some bad" no true "rest" from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that create all unrest of unhappiness, all misery, all pain, all grief, can come to be "passed away" within oneself, unitl this illsuion be shattered as as the mirror of the wicked stepmother....... it is not the TRUE PARENT OF ANY.......the true parent of any is not revealed or known until it is passed away from the "sight" of perception....... since there is "always" potential acts in any one day that can be "percieved" as good and evil, or good and bad, "balance" of self or full perception could NEVER be achieved seeing only what one deems to be as GOOD acts of oneself, lol..... it is an "illusion of the mind" that is created AND PERPETUATED BY ALL THINGS EXTERNAL, causing one to look to "disprove" any bad heard of oneself, lol......... this is the very essence of the tree of the knowldge of good and evil that exist and is fed, and the only way to cause it to die is to cut off it's food source, or daily bread..... ALL THINGS ARE AS TRUTH, OR THERE IS NO FREEDOM FROM THE "EVIL" THAT FEEDING ON THE "TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL" CREATE........... the greatest deception.......I AM GOOD...... this state is impossible to be as the whole truth! there will ALWAAYS be many acts that are as possible to be as "bad" in any one day......... it is an illusion that snags only those not seeing others, but seeing most self, and the desire to "save" oneself, or the motive to give ONESELF "happiness" MOST, by being "good", by giving only to get, loving to only be loved......... what is wrong with wanting! nothing........but wanting so much, that what is seen as all good and evil of others is based on them "not giving what is wanted for oneself" as percieved then as what is right and wrong........ please, who can make this cease to is all human nature, and it is only accpeting without bias all about oneself from oneself and all others....... bringing perpetual misery of the spirit, mind, and body.........the soul who walks out of the pit of the greatest trap ever set before mankind, except any that have no pride of others not being as "good" that don't meet some damn "expectation"........... all are FREE BEINGS.......ALL ARE TO BE ALLOWED TO LIVE AND LET LIVE...... NONE IS "NOT GOOD" IF THEY DON'T THINK, GIVE, OR ACT AS I DO, OR AS I WISH.......... who can give up the great decpetion of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that DECIEVE this is the way and path to happiness, and can suck in the bliss of the tree of life in the heart that flows like a river, opposite of the mind, that flood out all misery in a second, and allow sight that two as BOTH FREE is life, not ANY other TIED AS A PRISONER IN CHAINS TO ONES OWN TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL........ freedom ring forth from the valley of misery of the dead bones that litter the land, as the waters of freedom from the blood of the battle of armegeddon are released as the mind rages, and the blood of love flows forth, to the bridle of the mouth of the voice of the whole truth, and the flood of waters of peace encompass all that recieve, and fall upon their own sword of condemnation unto death, and the old sea of the mind give up it's dry bones, the first of life springing forth from empty and stagnet cisterns recognized, and unity is laid down for all, one by one and one for all, setting all free from the east to the west, from the north to the south, and the great river euphraties the mind sucks up the pain and misery once unleashed unto all others, now as remedy for itself, and the wisdom as gold pour forth from the hearts, as the heavens of the tree of life the heart reveal what was once beaten, as gold tried in the fire, and what now has become, is as grand beauty, transfixing all eyes upon the beautiful, and what is beyond all human comprehension, as the unveiling of the beginning and the end come into blurred focus, as the time of bliss of wisdom, tears rush thru, having full knowledege in advance of the bliss each tear sucked in create............ |
Natural Instinct gets clouded by having to be "good". One begins to question their every motion through space. Maddening, I tell you. But as they dont have guilt or remorse, how can they be good or bad in terms of emotions? They know when they have chewed your $400 table that they are in the "dog"-house, but only because you are the head of the pack and they are down the pecking order. After the slink away from fear of a beating from you as you give them negative body language, they will return to you in as little as one second if you lighten your mood. They look for the non-verbal body language. They are not bad nor good in terms of evil, they are just instinctual. As humans we want to give them emotions they just dont posses. We want them to be like us as they are our best friends, whose total loyalty we cannot hope to find in another human being. I was speaking of Natural Instincts of Humans getting clouded. Oh, I totally agree. Our instincts have long been decreased since we started using our supposed self-awareness. I sometimes think that we have done ourselves and our planet no favours by being so self-aware. Our "advancements" have destroyed whole species and entire regions of outstanding natural beauty (which is subjective, I realise). Were we better off without them? |
We have not lost our instincts or our intuition. We have six senses, we simply have stopped using these things.
If you don't use it you will loose it. Use it. JB |
We have not lost our instincts or our intuition. We have six senses, we simply have stopped using these things. If you don't use it you will loose it. Use it. JB your correct as well as many other gifts we had at one time. |
We have not lost our instincts or our intuition. We have six senses, we simply have stopped using these things. If you don't use it you will loose it. Use it. JB your correct as well as many other gifts we had at one time. and they are ALL given without repentence, and ALL waiting for any willing and ready to SEE with courage WHAT STOLE THEM........ have these gifts stopped being used, or are they ALL still working, just being used without wisdom, in ways that have only limited power, as indeed, the empire we have contructed called the world has been created with all "gifts" given at birth, but used MOST for the purpose of self attainment, not common good of all fellow man, and knowledge used most to see how onself is good, with no effort being put to the greater wisdom that create forever peace, of finding out how all others are GOOD, and beautiful, and pricless........ |
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Mon 09/01/08 10:36 PM
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![]() ![]() ![]() Some day Mirror, in some world far far away, mere mortals will fall to your feet and worship you as God. ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() The boy has been touched! ![]() |
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Tue 09/02/08 08:20 AM
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Knowledge of good and evil isnt that big a deal...
have an apple |
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Tue 09/02/08 09:13 AM
We have not lost our instincts or our intuition. We have six senses, we simply have stopped using these things. If you don't use it you will loose it. Use it. JB No instincts lost... Perhaps temporarily clouded by the grips of "good" vs "evil". If one is trapped in a world of having to be "good" in order to justify one's very life, is it not creating the opposite? One gives all energy to being "good", while hiding in abject fear from any of it's "bad". The more one hides from one's own "bad", frantically "practicing" "good", the greater the vacuum into the misery of merciless self-condemnation. That might be considered a definition of Hell. |
We have not lost our instincts or our intuition. We have six senses, we simply have stopped using these things. If you don't use it you will loose it. Use it. JB No instincts lost... Perhaps temporarily clouded by the grips of "good" vs "evil". If one is trapped in a world of having to be "good" in order to justify one's very life, is it not creating the opposite? One gives all energy to being "good", while hiding in abject fear from any of it's "bad". The more one hides from one's own "bad", frantically "practicing" "good", the greater the vacuum into the misery of merciless self-condemnation. That might be considered a definition of Hell. There should be no stress in knowing good from "evil." Like LOVE, it is simply awareness. If you follow your heart, follow your passion, follow your purpose with joy and gratitude and awareness, you should not ever fret over what others feel is good or evil or whether you are being "good" according to what others think is "good." We all make mistakes in our life and we may even have some regrets for the decisions that we made. But each day is a new day and a new beginning and we should leave the old self behind and take what we have learned from our experience and start a new day as a new person with a clean slate, having learned from our mistakes. If we do not learn from our mistakes, no problem, we will repeat the lesson until we do learn. That is how it works. Nobody flunks out, they just repeat the lesson until they can learn and move forward. So just learn, so you can move forward. There is no hell, no Karma to pay, unless you are not learning from your mistakes. Be grateful for your mistakes because if it were not for mistakes, you would never learn anything at all. Mistakes are our teachers. Jeanniebean |
If you follow your heart, follow your passion, follow your purpose with joy and gratitude and awareness, you should not ever fret over what others feel is good or evil or whether you are being "good" according to what others think is "good." One's own Hell is created NOT by what others believe of them. It's one's own personal tyranny (Judge, Prosecutor, Jury, One Who Stands Accused and Defense Attorney). Is there no rest? |
If you follow your heart, follow your passion, follow your purpose with joy and gratitude and awareness, you should not ever fret over what others feel is good or evil or whether you are being "good" according to what others think is "good." One's own Hell is created NOT by what others believe of them. It's one's own personal tyranny (Judge, Prosecutor, Jury, One Who Stands Accused and Defense Attorney). Is there no rest? I guess I don't understand the question. Self hate is a form of a self created Hell. (If you cannot love yourself how can you love others?) If you hate yourself and cannot change, then ask yourself why you hate yourself and why you cannot change. JB |
If you follow your heart, follow your passion, follow your purpose with joy and gratitude and awareness, you should not ever fret over what others feel is good or evil or whether you are being "good" according to what others think is "good." One's own Hell is created NOT by what others believe of them. It's one's own personal tyranny (Judge, Prosecutor, Jury, One Who Stands Accused and Defense Attorney). Is there no rest? I guess I don't understand the question. Self hate is a form of a self created Hell. (If you cannot love yourself how can you love others?) If you hate yourself and cannot change, then ask yourself why you hate yourself and why you cannot change. JB Perhaps an expression of true love for one's self would be in admitting the things seen as "bad", rather than hide them away... Coming to an acceptance that none of it is truly "bad" requires being able to see what we've secretly labled as such. Bringing it out in the open for full exposure. No more hiding. |
If you follow your heart, follow your passion, follow your purpose with joy and gratitude and awareness, you should not ever fret over what others feel is good or evil or whether you are being "good" according to what others think is "good." One's own Hell is created NOT by what others believe of them. It's one's own personal tyranny (Judge, Prosecutor, Jury, One Who Stands Accused and Defense Attorney). Is there no rest? I guess I don't understand the question. Self hate is a form of a self created Hell. (If you cannot love yourself how can you love others?) If you hate yourself and cannot change, then ask yourself why you hate yourself and why you cannot change. JB Perhaps an expression of true love for one's self would be in admitting the things seen as "bad", rather than hide them away... Coming to an acceptance that none of it is truly "bad" requires being able to see what we've secretly labled as such. Bringing it out in the open for full exposure. No more hiding. Well who said anyone was hiding the "bad?" ![]() Good and bad is still a matter of opinion. And why would you hide it unless in your opinion it was bad and you felt you needed to hide it from someone other than yourself? If you see something you would like to change in yourself, then work on changing it if you think it is "bad." If you don't think it is bad then don't change it. But don't let other people try to tell you that it is bad if you don't think it is bad. I just think people should always strive to become better people and they will feel better about themselves, not because other people judge them. JB |
If you follow your heart, follow your passion, follow your purpose with joy and gratitude and awareness, you should not ever fret over what others feel is good or evil or whether you are being "good" according to what others think is "good." One's own Hell is created NOT by what others believe of them. It's one's own personal tyranny (Judge, Prosecutor, Jury, One Who Stands Accused and Defense Attorney). Is there no rest? I guess I don't understand the question. Self hate is a form of a self created Hell. (If you cannot love yourself how can you love others?) If you hate yourself and cannot change, then ask yourself why you hate yourself and why you cannot change. JB Perhaps an expression of true love for one's self would be in admitting the things seen as "bad", rather than hide them away... Coming to an acceptance that none of it is truly "bad" requires being able to see what we've secretly labled as such. Bringing it out in the open for full exposure. No more hiding. Well who said anyone was hiding the "bad?" ![]() Good and bad is still a matter of opinion. And why would you hide it unless in your opinion it was bad and you felt you needed to hide it from someone other than yourself? If you see something you would like to change in yourself, then work on changing it if you think it is "bad." If you don't think it is bad then don't change it. But don't let other people try to tell you that it is bad if you don't think it is bad. I just think people should always strive to become better people and they will feel better about themselves, not because other people judge them. JB Actually, I spoke of one who had lived one's life hiding from SELF-PERCEIVED "bad". Living one's life believing one should compensate for all hidden "bad" by being "good"... deep-down believing all “good” was farce. Any love given could not be fully received (or given). A way of being that could easily become more deeply ingrained by subscribing to much religious dogma. One can not begin to even entertain ideas of "changing" some aspect of one's self until there is willingness to even acknowledge the presence of "error" or "bad", whether perceived or actual. Is it really "bad" or simply one's interpretation based on past experience? Probably the latter. Again... What I speak of has nothing to do with others' views or judgment. It’s an inside job. |