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BigGlenn's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:37 PM
Edited by BigGlenn on Sat 08/30/08 02:37 PM
I'm going to ask you to be truely objective. Put your partisan hat away for a moment and answer this simple question...

Which ticket ( Obama, Biden or McCain, Palin ) will actually bring about the most change in Washington?

daniel48706's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:38 PM
Theyw ill both bring about a lot of changes; the problem is with what will be changed and what will be left alone.

Chazster's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:38 PM
Obama would probably bring the most change. Change, however, isn't necessarily good. I don't like what he wants to change.

no photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:40 PM
The BEST ticket for all the politicians in Washington bus tickets and send 'em home...there's your ticket for change.:smile:

BigGlenn's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:42 PM
Maybe I should be more specific.
I think everyone wants reform in D.C., Which ticket do you think would actually fight for reform rather than their own parties platform?

no photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:44 PM
I honestly believe whomever wins the election will soon be mired in the quicksand of politics, like most of our presidents in the past.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:45 PM
they were both nominated for their parties. I don't think either side will change anything other than what their party wants.

BigGlenn's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:46 PM
I hope you're wrong. It's too early to tell, But Palin took on her own party and some of them are in prison now. I hope there'a a glimmer of hope there.

BigGlenn's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:46 PM
I hope you're wrong. It's too early to tell, But Palin took on her own party and some of them are in prison now. I hope there'a a glimmer of hope there.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:47 PM
and considering that whoever wins office, will want to run for reelection in 2012, they will nt want to risk losing their parties nomination. Now, come 2013 if they stay in office, I can see Obama goig against the parties wishes, but not before hand.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:50 PM

I hope you're wrong. It's too early to tell, But Palin took on her own party and some of them are in prison now. I hope there'a a glimmer of hope there.

the problem there though is she will be VICE president, which means absolutely nothing, unless McCain gives her a job to do.

BigGlenn's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:51 PM
Obama said it himself. Change doesn't come FROM Washington, Change comes TO Washington.

Is it possible?

If not, I'm going to Mars.

BigGlenn's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:52 PM

I hope you're wrong. It's too early to tell, But Palin took on her own party and some of them are in prison now. I hope there'a a glimmer of hope there.

the problem there though is she will be VICE president, which means absolutely nothing, unless McCain gives her a job to do.


He just might put her in charge of energy reform. I think that would be smart.

no photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:52 PM
When I turn on the evening news after the election, I would just as soon watch Sarah Palin as anyone.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:54 PM
Im voting Mccain because I agree with the things i see him supporting.

i also really am excited about having Palin as VP.

I see mccain improving america.
I see obama making america much much worse

no photo
Sat 08/30/08 02:55 PM

Im voting Mccain because I agree with the things i see him supporting.

i also really am excited about having Palin as VP.

I see mccain improving america.
I see obama making america much much worse

Thanks for saying that. I believe Im leaning that way as well.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:04 PM

Im voting Mccain because I agree with the things i see him supporting.

i also really am excited about having Palin as VP.

I see mccain improving america.
I see obama making america much much worse

So you agree with McCaint aking away Veterans rights? You agree with McCain telling a veteran that oh well, you went overseas but you werent shot at, so you dont get any assistance with education? Let alone those who dont go overseas at all.

McCain has come right out and stated he does nt agree with education benefits for soldiers. he has also eluded to wanting more than just education rights stopped for veterans, or reduced.

I am sorry, but ANYONE who outright states that they do not want our soldiers to have the benefits they have earned and more so, has no business being in command of those same soldiers.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:09 PM
Edited by catwoman96 on Sat 08/30/08 03:17 PM

Im voting Mccain because I agree with the things i see him supporting.

i also really am excited about having Palin as VP.

I see mccain improving america.
I see obama making america much much worse

So you agree with McCaint aking away Veterans rights? You agree with McCain telling a veteran that oh well, you went overseas but you werent shot at, so you dont get any assistance with education? Let alone those who dont go overseas at all.

McCain has come right out and stated he does nt agree with education benefits for soldiers. he has also eluded to wanting more than just education rights stopped for veterans, or reduced.

I am sorry, but ANYONE who outright states that they do not want our soldiers to have the benefits they have earned and more so, has no business being in command of those same soldiers.

the information that I read Mccain does support veteran benefits. He was a soldier at one time, a POW. I dont believe he will decrease any current veteran benefits. and from what I have looked into, right now...veterans and any military organization has very nice benefits.
did mccain not support the GI bill?

catwoman96's photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:12 PM
of course I know the VA forms that vets deal with, the waiting periods, the failure of making proper diagnoses...this needs dealt with..

BUT....this also can give a clue on what universal healthcare would be like

daniel48706's photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:22 PM

Im voting Mccain because I agree with the things i see him supporting.

i also really am excited about having Palin as VP.

I see mccain improving america.
I see obama making america much much worse

So you agree with McCaint aking away Veterans rights? You agree with McCain telling a veteran that oh well, you went overseas but you werent shot at, so you dont get any assistance with education? Let alone those who dont go overseas at all.

McCain has come right out and stated he does nt agree with education benefits for soldiers. he has also eluded to wanting more than just education rights stopped for veterans, or reduced.

I am sorry, but ANYONE who outright states that they do not want our soldiers to have the benefits they have earned and more so, has no business being in command of those same soldiers.

the information that I read Mccain does support veteran benefits. He was a soldier at one time, a POW. I dont believe he will decrease any current veteran benefits. and from what I have looked into, right now...veterans and any military organization has very nice benefits.

I am a veteran of six years. Do you know what rights I have? I have the right to go to college within ten years of leaving the army, or forfeiting my claim to assistance. Does not matter if I am unable to attend due to caring for family memebrs, or having to work two part time jobs in order to feed my family, and thus dont have the ability to go. I also have the right to petition the va for assistance with ealthcare if I can not afford it on my own. And when searching for work, I get two "points" in my favor towards employment. Also, IF my credit rating is GOOD enough I can apply for a loan towards a house or small business. those are every single one of my benefits, and I left the service under honorable conditions.

A bill was reccomended, that would remove that cap, or extend it, so that solders wh oleft service honorably, would be allowed to go to college when their schedules permitted, thus allowign them to use the benefit they actually paid in to get. It cost me 1200 dollars in order to receive the gibill (college assistance). No this isnt a lot, in the whole of things, but it is still money I paid in. mcCain outright stated if veterans could not use their benefits, then too bad.

He, also stated that the only people that shuld receive any kind of education benefits were those that saw actual combat, no matter what they did during service to their country.

he also stated he wnats to reduce health benefits to veterans, and soemthign to the effect that mentalhealth is not somethign the va should pay for ever.

He has also been known to say that he doesnt believe in ANY benefits for veterans unless they have served in war tiem conditions, period.

So I am sorry, but again, he has no business being commander in chief of our military.

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