Topic: Barak Obama vs. Sarah Palin | |
Ive been looking into it.
and I still belive that mccain/palin is the best bet for america |
Barak Obama vs. Sarah Palin
I thought this was gonna be like a Celebrity Death Match thread |
I think Obama's failure to put Hillary on the ticket is worse. It insulted everyone who voted for her. If you (and those fucin P.U.M.A.s) think about it. had he picked Hillary there would have been to relatively inexperienced people on the ticket. plus the repubs hate! hate! hate! Hillary. They would have beat the country senseless with the not ready to lead thing. Add in Bill Clinton and you got a house of cards. Obama did the best thing for himself AND the country Biden is there to serve as a foreign policy booster ans well as a way to say Obama is an alright guy. Palin on the other hand was chosen because McSame was afraid of loosing. Obama got a 10point boost in the polls even before his speech Thursday. McSame needed to do something to energize his base, so he needed a pro-choicer McSame needed a way to steal the news cycle after Obamas speach, needed a way to take advantage of the P.U.M.A. vote so he picked a woman. Now he didnt just pick any woman... there are other female repubs more qualified than Palin... but heres the thing. all the other fem repubs are old and ugly. Palin (like McSame's wife) is a former beauty queen. That gets the TV to pay attention. its like when they put those weather girls who are smokin hot... yet dont know **** about weather |
Being a successful (manager) president is about leadership. Like him or not, Ronald Reagan is considered a great president by many because he inspired people (Reagan Revolution) to overachieve. JFK did the same in his short tenure, an example being his inspirational speech to land a man on the moon in a decade. FDR led a nation out of a depression and through a World War. These presidents cannot write or pass legislation; they can only provide the leadership to rally the people and influence it. To me, Barack Obama is a once in a generation inspirational leader, while John McCain is not. So, we should vote someone into office because they give us that "warm and fuzzy" feeling? He only gives me the "governments emptying my pockets" feeling Chaz, this administration is recklessly spending on a war without income (taxes) to pay for it. Is that responsible? Your pockets may be fuller now, but your children and grandchildren will pay for our irresponsibility. We've got to balance our budget AND pay down the near $10T debt. That is going to be incredibly difficult and will take inspired leadership. And increasing taxes to pay for socialized health care isn't gonna solve that problem. Having less social programs while keeping taxes the same would. You are correct. These are the same arguments DEMS gave in NJ. That Whitless overspent & we are in a fiscal crisis, but now they are raising all sorts of fees etc in addition to raising the state tax a penny. In addidtion, Corzine keeps adding spending to the budget & with the same lips tells us we are in a fiscal crisis. That is really an insult to our intelligence. We're in a fiscal crisis but I'm adding spending for these other programs. Njians voted NO on spending for stem cell research & something else on the referendum. I'm sure it hasn't stopped him. that is exactly what DEMS will do on the national level if they take control. People we elect really ned our prayers...for sure. I don't envy them their duties. |
obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint.
I think that putting her on the ticket is an insult to women. He thinks that we are that stupid. Hey Winx, Did it ever occur to you that perhaps McCain put Palin on the ticket not to court votes from the Democrats but from his own party? Come on, Winx--the choice was for his party not for the other one. In other words, he doesn't think you are "that stupid" it's just that his choice wasn't about you. By the way, what exactly is it about her that is insulting to women? She would be the first woman Vice President in the history of this republic---how exactly is the second in command to the Executive branch an "insult?" -Drew While it would be a great thing to have a woman as a President or Vice President, I would never vote for someone just because she's a woman. You talk about me not having any respect and dems are posting crap As I said before, I was commenting on what you had said at the time. I'm not here to babysit people and make sure they're being respectful all the time. |
obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint. If there are enough delusional attitudes like this to get McSame elected, we're all f*cked anyway. |
obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint. ![]() |
obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint. If there are enough delusional attitudes like this to get McSame elected, we're all f*cked anyway. It's crazy that people even think this way. |
obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint. If there are enough delusional attitudes like this to get McSame elected, we're all f*cked anyway. It's crazy that people even think this way. Stay out of politics, they are worse then the religious people. ![]() |
obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint. If there are enough delusional attitudes like this to get McSame elected, we're all f*cked anyway. It's crazy that people even think this way. Stay out of politics, they are worse then the religious people. ![]() It's when the people with the crazy religious theories get into politics that it gets scary. |
obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint. If there are enough delusional attitudes like this to get McSame elected, we're all f*cked anyway. It's crazy that people even think this way. Stay out of politics, they are worse then the religious people. ![]() It's when the people with the crazy religious theories get into politics that it gets scary. That is a SCARY combination. |
Edited by
Mon 09/01/08 07:46 AM
obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint. If there are enough delusional attitudes like this to get McSame elected, we're all f*cked anyway. It's crazy that people even think this way. Stay out of politics, they are worse then the religious people. ![]() It's when the people with the crazy religious theories get into politics that it gets scary. That is a SCARY combination. You sound like a bunch of bigots with your talk about people of faith expressing their beliefs. They are not second class citizens. ...yet you find it ok to "do your own thing" no matter how irresponsible?? Something wrong with that picture. Maybe it's not them who are the scarey ones. Yu think? No...there is nothing wrong with people of faith having their say on the public square. I think if anything it's lib DEM politics that is screwing up this nation. Average everyday NORMAL people will like SARAH VERY much...and so will people who want to see honest govt. back & see that there is someone they know who has bucked alot of coruuption in govt. as a viable choice for VP. That will cross the spectrum..for sure. |
obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint. If there are enough delusional attitudes like this to get McSame elected, we're all f*cked anyway. It's crazy that people even think this way. Stay out of politics, they are worse then the religious people. ![]() It's when the people with the crazy religious theories get into politics that it gets scary. That is a SCARY combination. You sound like a bunch of bigots with your talk about people of faith expressing their beliefs. They are not second class citizens. ...yet you find it ok to "do your own thing" no matter how irresponsible?? Something wrong with that picture. Maybe it's not them who are the scarey ones. Yu think? No...there is nothing wrong with people of faith having their say on the public square. I think if anything it's lib DEM politics that is screwing up this nation. Average everyday NORMAL people will like SARAH VERY much...and so will people who want to see honest govt. back & see that there is someone they know who has bucked alot of coruuption in govt. as a viable choice for VP. That will cross the spectrum..for sure. Palin may give you honest govt, but she is not going to be in the big chair ... her boss is. .. and dont you vote for the Prez, not some cute totty in a business suit as vp? |
obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint. If there are enough delusional attitudes like this to get McSame elected, we're all f*cked anyway. It's crazy that people even think this way. Stay out of politics, they are worse then the religious people. ![]() It's when the people with the crazy religious theories get into politics that it gets scary. That is a SCARY combination. You sound like a bunch of bigots with your talk about people of faith expressing their beliefs. They are not second class citizens. ...yet you find it ok to "do your own thing" no matter how irresponsible?? Something wrong with that picture. Maybe it's not them who are the scarey ones. Yu think? No...there is nothing wrong with people of faith having their say on the public square. I think if anything it's lib DEM politics that is screwing up this nation. Average everyday NORMAL people will like SARAH VERY much...and so will people who want to see honest govt. back & see that there is someone they know who has bucked alot of coruuption in govt. as a viable choice for VP. That will cross the spectrum..for sure. Palin may give you honest govt, but she is not going to be in the big chair ... her boss is. .. and dont you vote for the Prez, not some cute totty in a business suit as vp? Well I'm sure McCain is going to have input from her. I may have not liked some things he's done in the past but he partnered up with a REAL person. I like her & I like him for picking her. She isn't going to be sitting around doing nothing. for sure... |
obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint. If there are enough delusional attitudes like this to get McSame elected, we're all f*cked anyway. It's crazy that people even think this way. Stay out of politics, they are worse then the religious people. ![]() It's when the people with the crazy religious theories get into politics that it gets scary. That is a SCARY combination. You sound like a bunch of bigots with your talk about people of faith expressing their beliefs. They are not second class citizens. ...yet you find it ok to "do your own thing" no matter how irresponsible?? Something wrong with that picture. Maybe it's not them who are the scarey ones. Yu think? No...there is nothing wrong with people of faith having their say on the public square. I think if anything it's lib DEM politics that is screwing up this nation. Average everyday NORMAL people will like SARAH VERY much...and so will people who want to see honest govt. back & see that there is someone they know who has bucked alot of coruuption in govt. as a viable choice for VP. That will cross the spectrum..for sure. Actually, I was commenting more on the antichrist theory above. |
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her daughter is apparently human
and her husband has a good job in alaska ![]() if those are the best arguments against her candidacy then Obama is in real trouble. ![]() |
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her daughter is apparently human and her husband has a good job in alaska ![]() if those are the best arguments against her candidacy then Obama is in real trouble. ![]() She's not running for President against Obama. Though, if you've been reading what everyone has been saying, there are many reasons people don't thinks he's a good choice. |