Topic: Mc Cain picks Alaska Governor Palin | |
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Wed 09/03/08 02:52 PM
So, Republicans have been preaching abstinence and making moral judgments about the worth of teen aged pregnant poor people, especially people of color, for years. Now huzzah! We have a teen aged white girl who is pregnant and her pregnancy is off limits? Funny isn't it that the republicans are asking the people of the United States to respect her privacy in regards to her choices about reproduction but they want the government to be able to limit my choices and privacy. Hypocrites!~ Kids have always been off limits in political campaignes...except now of course because DEMS are running scared even though they are the ones who had quite a headstart. This isn't about judging a family going thru a hard time...where's your "compassion?" Or is that only for liberal ideas? If so don't you think that's the only thing that is being smallminded here? That's the point. Hypocrite is right. |
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Wed 09/03/08 02:52 PM
Her mother's well defined position is that abstinence only be taught in public schools. In court, once a door to a subject, let's say the character of a defendant is opened by the defendants council, the prosecutor can then address the issue as fair game and ask questions and bring whitenesses to attest to that issue. Palin opened the door by publicly stating and supporting abstinence only programs. As for republicans condemning poor teen aged mothers of all colors go reread some speeches and comments made regarding the need for welfare reform. I didn't call anyone a racist. You pulled that card and personalized your posting putting words in my mouth. I won't do it. My point was this: Funny isn't it that the republicans are asking the people of the United States to respect her privacy in regards to her choices about reproduction but they want the government to be able to limit my choices and privacy. Taking the matter of her inability to manage her own teen aged daughter off the table there are many more reasons to see Palin as unfit. I think the issue here with SARAH is that she stands by what her personal beliefs are. She is pro life & stood by that when she found out her new born was a down syndrome. Now she is standing behind her daughter's situation. I think she would do that even if she wasn't running. That's the point. The other thing about her daughter is that kids were always off limits in political campaignes. Why not extend the same courtesy to her children? If it's frowned upon it should not only be for DEMS but REPS too. It's time some fanatical lefties get out of the mud & bring some dignity to the campagne. Yu think? The issues are important. Hopefully after this convention it will get back to the issues. |
Her mother's well defined position is that abstinence only be taught in public schools. Okay. In court, once a door to a subject, let's say the character of a defendant is opened by the defendants council, the prosecutor can then address the issue as fair game and ask questions and bring whitenesses to attest to that issue. Palin opened the door by publicly stating and supporting abstinence only programs. This still has nothing to do with her daughter. Her daughter had sex, that has nothing to do with Sarah Palin. Unless you are faulting her for allowing her daughter to be away from the home without a chaperone, I don't see your point. It does show that teaching abstinence only does not work. |
It does show that teaching abstinence only does not work. Sure it does. As long as it's taught hand in hand with this: |
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Wed 09/03/08 04:24 PM
This is priceless...
"After a segment with NBC's Chuck Todd ended today, Republican consultant Mike Murphy and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan were caught on a live mike ridiculing the choice of Sarah Palin. "It's over," said Noonan, who then responded to a question of whether Palin is the most qualified Republican woman McCain could have chosen. "The most qualified? No. I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullsh** about narratives," she said. "Every time Republicans do that ... because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at and they blow it." Murphy chimed in: "The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical." Noonan's blunt call contrasted with her conflicted column today saying Palin "could become a transformative political presence." "The Sarah Palin choice is really going to work, or really not going to work," Noonan wrote. "It's not going to be a little successful or a little not; it's not going to be a wash. She is either going to be magic or one of history's accidents. She is either going to be brilliant and groundbreaking, or will soon be the target of unattributed quotes by bitter staffers shifting blame in all the Making of the President 2008 books."" |
It does show that teaching abstinence only does not work. No, it shows that abstinence only failed in this one case, it doesn't necessarily follow that abstinence fails every case. |
This is priceless... "After a segment with NBC's Chuck Todd ended today, Republican consultant Mike Murphy and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan were caught on a live mike ridiculing the choice of Sarah Palin. "It's over," said Noonan, who then responded to a question of whether Palin is the most qualified Republican woman McCain could have chosen. "The most qualified? No. I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullsh** about narratives," she said. "Every time Republicans do that ... because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at and they blow it." Murphy chimed in: "The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical." Noonan's blunt call contrasted with her conflicted column today saying Palin "could become a transformative political presence." "The Sarah Palin choice is really going to work, or really not going to work," Noonan wrote. "It's not going to be a little successful or a little not; it's not going to be a wash. She is either going to be magic or one of history's accidents. She is either going to be brilliant and groundbreaking, or will soon be the target of unattributed quotes by bitter staffers shifting blame in all the Making of the President 2008 books."" yup, that will fly. any nutjob that claims to be a conservative and works for NBC is suspect for the very confused state of being that exists when thinking one can make a difference by being buried and entrenched with the looney left for a paycheck which is nothing more than a bribe for pandering to shallow tricks and being used as a mockery at the expense of personal integrity. Noonan's comments only show noonan's affinity for the delusions of the looney left. She is perecisely where she belongs..... lost in the white noise of an incredibly tainted soapbox for delusional thinking and propogation of wishful thinking. nobama 2008 |
It does show that teaching abstinence only does not work. No, it shows that abstinence only failed in this one case, it doesn't necessarily follow that abstinence fails every case. Do you think that only abstinence should be taught? |
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September 9, 2008 RECORD CONTRADICTS PALIN'S 'BRIDGE' CLAIMS By ELIZABETH HOLMES and LAURA MECKLER September 9, 2008 The Bridge to Nowhere argument isn't going much of anywhere. Despite significant evidence to the contrary, the McCain campaign continues to assert that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told the federal government "thanks but no thanks" to the now-famous bridge to an island in her home state. The McCain campaign released a television advertisement1 Monday morning titled "Original Mavericks." The narrator of the 30-second spot boasts about the pair: "He fights pork-barrel spending. She stopped the Bridge to Nowhere." Gov. Palin, who John McCain named as his running mate less than two weeks ago, quickly adopted a stump line bragging about her opposition to the pork-barrel project Sen. McCain routinely decries. But Gov. Palin's claim comes with a serious caveat. She endorsed the multimillion dollar project during her gubernatorial race in 2006. And while she did take part in stopping the project after it became a national scandal, she did not return the federal money. |
I'm afraid I have to agree with this point. The choice to run at this time, tossing her kid to the sharks,isn't going to win any points with mothers. Attacking children of political candidates is unacceptable. Al Gore's son was busted multiple times for selling drugs and Republicans never made any political hay with that. Chelsea Clinton belonged to a weird cult that worshiped some dude who dresses like an angel, nobody made any hay with that. Why should Sarah Palin's career suffer because some people are so despicable that they would attack a 17 year old and a 1.5 year old? Such people have a voice because of the internet, but all right thinking people should ignore them. |
I'm afraid I have to agree with this point. The choice to run at this time, tossing her kid to the sharks,isn't going to win any points with mothers. Attacking children of political candidates is unacceptable. Al Gore's son was busted multiple times for selling drugs and Republicans never made any political hay with that. Chelsea Clinton belonged to a weird cult that worshiped some dude who dresses like an angel, nobody made any hay with that. Why should Sarah Palin's career suffer because some people are so despicable that they would attack a 17 year old and a 1.5 year old? Such people have a voice because of the internet, but all right thinking people should ignore them. Kids are off limits, but let me attack a couple Democrat kids to help make my point... |
It does show that teaching abstinence only does not work. No, it shows that abstinence only failed in this one case, it doesn't necessarily follow that abstinence fails every case. Do you think that only abstinence should be taught? Why Not, not a bad thing |
It does show that teaching abstinence only does not work. No, it shows that abstinence only failed in this one case, it doesn't necessarily follow that abstinence fails every case. Do you think that only abstinence should be taught? Why Not, not a bad thing Bill Maher quipped, "Republicans don't know how to pull out of anything." |
It does show that teaching abstinence only does not work. No, it shows that abstinence only failed in this one case, it doesn't necessarily follow that abstinence fails every case. Do you think that only abstinence should be taught? Why Not, not a bad thing Is it actually working? |
The WALL STREET JOURNAL September 9, 2008 RECORD CONTRADICTS PALIN'S 'BRIDGE' CLAIMS By ELIZABETH HOLMES and LAURA MECKLER September 9, 2008 The Bridge to Nowhere argument isn't going much of anywhere. Despite significant evidence to the contrary, the McCain campaign continues to assert that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told the federal government "thanks but no thanks" to the now-famous bridge to an island in her home state. The McCain campaign released a television advertisement1 Monday morning titled "Original Mavericks." The narrator of the 30-second spot boasts about the pair: "He fights pork-barrel spending. She stopped the Bridge to Nowhere." Gov. Palin, who John McCain named as his running mate less than two weeks ago, quickly adopted a stump line bragging about her opposition to the pork-barrel project Sen. McCain routinely decries. But Gov. Palin's claim comes with a serious caveat. She endorsed the multimillion dollar project during her gubernatorial race in 2006. And while she did take part in stopping the project after it became a national scandal, she did not return the federal money. NEWS FLASH osama nobama and Bidet want it both ways? Obama and Biden Voted for Bridge to Nowhere By John Powers, Chicago Daily Observer August 31, 2008 Now that Alaska is front and center in the news again, it is a good time to catch up on a favorite story, The Bridge to Nowhere, using the Washington Post US Congress Votes Database. Though Gov. Palin originally supported the earmark spending on the Ketchikan bridge ("to nowhere), she eventually killed the project, chosing to spend Federal money on other infrasturcture programs. However, Sen. Biden and Sen. Obama voted for funding the Bridge, even when given a second chance by Sen. Tom Coburn, who proposed shifting earmark funds to Katrina relief. Sen. McCain did not vote on the Coburn Amendment, though he is on record as opposing the Ketchikan bridge earmark. Source: ![]() ![]() |
You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig.
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I laughed when I read the last post here. The lipstick on a pig comment.
McCain's people are feigning outrage after Obama made a lipstick on a pig comment. The McCain campaign is demanding an apology because they felt it was a disparaging remark directed at Palin. What's really funny is that McCain has used lipstick on a pig over the years himself as have republicans House Minority Leader John Boehner and Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl. Guess it's only offensive when the other guy does it. Double standards are pretty amusing. |
Oh, please clarify when it is okay to use children in a campaign?
I guess it's okay to politicize your child's pregnancy as you loudly proclaim her intention to keep the baby, just as you've done with your own courageous decision to keep a baby with special needs, or to show the brood sitting happily in the stands watching your speech. It's okay to send your daughter out campaigning pushing a book about her dad too. But mentioning them is wrong? You can't have it two ways. If you want to make your children and your families decisions to forward a political agenda then they are fair game. |
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Wed 09/10/08 09:38 AM
I think it's wrong to devote so much time to digging up and fabricating dirt against the opposition.
If Obama's supporters spent as much time promoting him as they do trying to destroy McCain and/or Palin I might even be convinced to vote for him |