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Topic: Public Restrooms....
Goofball73's photo
Sun 08/24/08 11:59 AM
When you have to go, you have matter where you are. So I ask you......Is it really that freaking hard for places to keep restrooms clean and for us patrons to show some friggin respect and not just piss all over the place? C'mon people. For sanitary sake.frustrated frustrated laugh laugh laugh laugh

TwilightsTwin's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:00 PM
Where is cleanbathroom???

I think he'd appreciate this thread!laugh

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:01 PM

When you have to go, you have matter where you are. So I ask you......Is it really that freaking hard for places to keep restrooms clean and for us patrons to show some friggin respect and not just piss all over the place? C'mon people. For sanitary sake.frustrated frustrated laugh laugh laugh laugh
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker


I could write a BOOK!:wink:

purplecat's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:01 PM
<<-- comes in with the bleach and *Febreeze an fresh urinal cakes flowerforyou

eileena9's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:03 PM
I have walked into some stores bathrooms only to find it such a mess that I have called the manager in, and told them they better have the cleaning supplies with them!! I don't know how they could leave it looking like that. Don't they think customers are going to pass judgement on all parts of the store??? Or restaurant??????sick sick sick

Goofball73's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:04 PM

Where is cleanbathroom???

I think he'd appreciate this thread!laugh

Twas my inspirtation.laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:14 PM

cuppy59's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:17 PM
My son wont even pee in there...He would rather choose a tree..The strange thing is that when you go into a nice restaurant, you assume the facilities would be the same. Makes me wonder if anyone washes there hands.

I hate when you here a flush and then a door...No water running in the sink...I use a paper towel, when I leave...frustrated

KymmieSue's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:23 PM
That is the reason why when I am at work I try to keep it clean (I work at a gas station). I hate dirty bathrooms, hate using them. Takes me at most 2 secs to check it and maybe 5 mins to clean when needed.

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:23 PM
I wish men knew how to piss in the toilet. I mean really is it THAT hard? Where I work I have actually seen sh!t in the urinal. At least three times a night I am mopping p!ss off of the floor from BESIDE the toilet. Then I will see urine soaked toilet paper on top of said p!ss. Like just placing it on top of it, helps. News flash people it does not help at ALL. It just makes it even more gross and harder to clean up. My 4 year old son has better aim then most these men.noway grumble :angry:

plk1966's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:26 PM

I wish men knew how to piss in the toilet. I mean really is it THAT hard? Where I work I have actually seen sh!t in the urinal. At least three times a night I am mopping p!ss off of the floor from BESIDE the toilet. Then I will see urine soaked toilet paper on top of said p!ss. Like just placing it on top of it, helps. News flash people it does not help at ALL. It just makes it even more gross and harder to clean up. My 4 year old son has better aim then most these men.noway grumble :angry:

Dear, I work in retail and let me tellyou that the men's room is sooo much cleaner than the ladies room. Men may miss when they piss! But women are pigs, dirty diapers, feminine hygeine products all over the floors. YUCK!

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:27 PM

I wish men knew how to piss in the toilet. I mean really is it THAT hard? Where I work I have actually seen sh!t in the urinal. At least three times a night I am mopping p!ss off of the floor from BESIDE the toilet. Then I will see urine soaked toilet paper on top of said p!ss. Like just placing it on top of it, helps. News flash people it does not help at ALL. It just makes it even more gross and harder to clean up. My 4 year old son has better aim then most these men.noway grumble :angry:

Dear, I work in retail and let me tellyou that the men's room is sooo much cleaner than the ladies room. Men may miss when they piss! But women are pigs, dirty diapers, feminine hygeine products all over the floors. YUCK!

I honestly prefure cleaning the womans washrooms. It IS NEVER bad.

plk1966's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:27 PM

I wish men knew how to piss in the toilet. I mean really is it THAT hard? Where I work I have actually seen sh!t in the urinal. At least three times a night I am mopping p!ss off of the floor from BESIDE the toilet. Then I will see urine soaked toilet paper on top of said p!ss. Like just placing it on top of it, helps. News flash people it does not help at ALL. It just makes it even more gross and harder to clean up. My 4 year old son has better aim then most these men.noway grumble :angry:

Dear, I work in retail and let me tellyou that the men's room is sooo much cleaner than the ladies room. Men may miss when they piss! But women are pigs, dirty diapers, feminine hygeine products all over the floors. YUCK!

I honestly prefure cleaning the womans washrooms. It IS NEVER bad.

Come to PA and my store that will change your mind!

KymmieSue's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:30 PM
This is the reason my sons gf has gone as fas as thanking me, told him a house full of females would pay off.

Seriously though, females a far worse, I can put gloves on to pick up wet tp. Diapers and sanitary products are just too gross

Dan99's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:31 PM

I wish men knew how to piss in the toilet. I mean really is it THAT hard? Where I work I have actually seen sh!t in the urinal. At least three times a night I am mopping p!ss off of the floor from BESIDE the toilet. Then I will see urine soaked toilet paper on top of said p!ss. Like just placing it on top of it, helps. News flash people it does not help at ALL. It just makes it even more gross and harder to clean up. My 4 year old son has better aim then most these men.noway grumble :angry:

So are you saying that we SHOULDNT sh!t in the urinal?!!

I cant believe that.

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 08/24/08 01:51 PM

I wish men knew how to piss in the toilet. I mean really is it THAT hard? Where I work I have actually seen sh!t in the urinal. At least three times a night I am mopping p!ss off of the floor from BESIDE the toilet. Then I will see urine soaked toilet paper on top of said p!ss. Like just placing it on top of it, helps. News flash people it does not help at ALL. It just makes it even more gross and harder to clean up. My 4 year old son has better aim then most these men.noway grumble :angry:

So are you saying that we SHOULDNT sh!t in the urinal?!!

I cant believe that.

Maybe in England, but not here in Canada. Sorry hun.ohwell laugh

Dan99's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:25 PM

I wish men knew how to piss in the toilet. I mean really is it THAT hard? Where I work I have actually seen sh!t in the urinal. At least three times a night I am mopping p!ss off of the floor from BESIDE the toilet. Then I will see urine soaked toilet paper on top of said p!ss. Like just placing it on top of it, helps. News flash people it does not help at ALL. It just makes it even more gross and harder to clean up. My 4 year old son has better aim then most these men.noway grumble :angry:

So are you saying that we SHOULDNT sh!t in the urinal?!!

I cant believe that.

Maybe in England, but not here in Canada. Sorry hun.ohwell laugh

So thats why i got booted out of the CN Tower!

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:29 PM
I dunno how to aim.indifferent

Pink_lady's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:31 PM

I hope ppl get ur sense of humour in here Dan!!


Mind u, u DID get booted outta the CN tower..?!

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 08/24/08 02:32 PM
I do not go in any public restrooms unless armed
and dangerous... scared

With a can of bleachy wipes, and some lysol!

Why do they call them restrooms?
One could never rest in there... believe me!

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