Topic: Public Restrooms.... | |
I dunno how to aim. ![]() So YOU are the ones I hate! GRRRR ![]() |
I wish men knew how to piss in the toilet. I mean really is it THAT hard? Where I work I have actually seen sh!t in the urinal. At least three times a night I am mopping p!ss off of the floor from BESIDE the toilet. Then I will see urine soaked toilet paper on top of said p!ss. Like just placing it on top of it, helps. News flash people it does not help at ALL. It just makes it even more gross and harder to clean up. My 4 year old son has better aim then most these men. ![]() ![]() ![]() So are you saying that we SHOULDNT sh!t in the urinal?!! I cant believe that. Maybe in England, but not here in Canada. Sorry hun. ![]() ![]() So thats why i got booted out of the CN Tower! That is the one place they usually let you. |
Having cleaned toilets for a living let me tell ya women and guys are the equal when it comes to gross behavior in a restroom.Does anyone know how to FLUSH?
Its been my experience that people in general act like pigs in public restrooms because they don't have to clean it.Sure some places don't check their restrooms but the public has to take ownership also and try and leave it clean for the next person. |
i think its humorous how people act in bathrooms...and the conditions that the get in...granted ive been the guy that pisses everywhere before...but its out of drunken revelry!
I have been known to wipe off sink counter tops just to make it look nicer when using the public restrooms, I was a waitress and a retail manager for many many years, so I hate when people leave it a mess, how hard is it to wipe off the water on the counter top after washing your hands?
Flush the toilet, and if you leave it so messy that a flush won't take care of it, you shouldn't have left your house for the day. My mom taught me when starting my cycle at age 14 or so to wrap it up and throw it away, how hard is that, I'm sure you do it in your own house, why would you leave it for somone else??? And if you are going to hover to pee, then hover close and don't leave it a mess when you leave... Ya, bathroom habits of others makes me irritated... |
I work in retail and it doesn't seem to bad to go into a guys restroom vs the womans restroom. I feel like yelling or screaming at times after leaving or enter a restroom.
Sometimes I am in a restoom cleaning it up or at least trying to which is really tough for me since I can't stand it would rather jump off a building then clean a restroom other then my own. I mean I seen guys go to the bathroom and not flush or wash there hands, I am like oh my god. Then I hear the same thing goes on in the womans restroom, makes me sick. In fact I almost got fired for saying no to a manager about cleaning a rest room.. because a different manager over reacted and so I did the same thing right back .. when I was told some one took a sh$$ and it was all over the floor or got sick can't remember which one, I said I would need something to go over my shoes because I am not getting my shoes messed up... they where pretty new I mind you at that time and this head team leader wanted me to say sorry or something and I was like okay but I wasn't for it, if I had another job at that time I would have just left, I mean how hard is it to find out what is really going on in a bathroom before sending some one else in to clean it up, since most managers are way to lazy to clean anything up at all let a lone pick up a pic of paper if they dropped it.. makes me sick.. that once you become some hirer up you have no respect for others and you become very lazy. Another time I lied to get out of cleaning the rest room and it was on a weekend and they had other people there so they got to do it instead of me. I just don't get it.. what is so hard about making sure you go to the bathroom in the toilet and flush and wash your hands, besides tossing the paper out or picking any up you used. |