Topic: ambiguity | |
How can a person have the face to criticize something in others, and behave in the exaxtly same way as the behavior this person is criticizing?
is that being a bigot or hipocryte? The answer seems self evident. If I criticize christianity because some of the so called "christian" use the book that they keep in their armpit to judge others. How can I have the face to judge the entire christianity to do the same? Even worse when in my own family I have or had christians who I consider the most loving people. Yet I make open statements in which I say all of them are this or that. Am I saying that my loved family members who are or were christian (in life) were also judgmentla bigots? Am I having double-speech? Am I being ambiguous? or just am I being a bigot and hipocryte as those christians who I am criticizing? TLW |
Yes! Your are!
How can a person have the face to criticize something in others, and behave in the exaxtly same way as the behavior this person is criticizing? is that being a bigot or hipocryte? The answer seems self evident. If I criticize christianity because some of the so called "christian" use the book that they keep in their armpit to judge others. How can I have the face to judge the entire christianity to do the same? Even worse when in my own family I have or had christians who I consider the most loving people. Yet I make open statements in which I say all of them are this or that. Am I saying that my loved family members who are or were christian (in life) were also judgmentla bigots? Am I having double-speech? Am I being ambiguous? or just am I being a bigot and hipocryte as those christians who I am criticizing? TLW AMBIGUOUS - VAGUE, UNCLEAR, CAUSING UNCERTAINITY OR CONFUSION BEING A LEGAL SECRETARY, ATTORNEYS USE THIS WORD EVERY DAY, DAY AFTER DAY.... TO AVOID BEING ACCUSED OF INSULTING OR ATTACKING...I LEAVE THE ABOVE-WORDS FROM THE DICTIONARY AND THESARUS LINDYY ![]() ![]() |
Christianity as an "organized religious institution" is bigoted against non-believers. That's a fact of life. People who would like to denounce the organized religious institutions are clearly on their own. In fact, once they do that, they are free to make their own tenets of belief. It is the organized religious institutions that force the tenets of the "religion". Ancient stories by themselves are not a "religion" There's no way that the so-called "Holy Bible" itself is even a valid book in it's entirety. Those collections of stories were collected together by men. In the part of the Book the God supposedly says, "Thou shalt have no other God's before me". But who was talking? Who was that God? For all we know it could have been Zeus!!! The God didn't say, "Hey, I'm going to write a book and thou shalt not have any books before mine" That not what the God said. How people turned a book into a God I'll never know. Other than it was the nature of man, (and Kings) to rule over the land. And if they can have a book that supposedly contains the word of the Almighty Creator of All, well, wouldn't that just give their authority all the more power? The whole thing is all based on AUTHORITY! Even the Bible speaks about God as if God is a "King". God has Kingdoms in Heaven and Earth. And he is the supreme RULER over those Kingdoms. It's all about ruling over people and being the ultimate authority. It's the epitome of facsism. Denounce the non-believers as being "disloyal" to the King of the universe! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!! It's all about asserting authority. It's not how I view God at all. It's entirely a manmade agenda. |
How can a person have the face to criticize something in others, and behave in the exaxtly same way as the behavior this person is criticizing? is that being a bigot or hipocryte? The answer seems self evident. If I criticize christianity because some of the so called "christian" use the book that they keep in their armpit to judge others. How can I have the face to judge the entire christianity to do the same? Even worse when in my own family I have or had christians who I consider the most loving people. Yet I make open statements in which I say all of them are this or that. Am I saying that my loved family members who are or were christian (in life) were also judgmentla bigots? Am I having double-speech? Am I being ambiguous? or just am I being a bigot and hipocryte as those christians who I am criticizing? TLW Walk a mile in someone elses barefeet before even attempting to understand their PERSONAL journey, let alone attempt to judge them... ....but you already know that lovely. ![]() ![]() |
Christianity as an "organized religious institution" is bigoted against non-believers. That's a fact of life. People who would like to denounce the organized religious institutions are clearly on their own. In fact, once they do that, they are free to make their own tenets of belief. It is the organized religious institutions that force the tenets of the "religion". Ancient stories by themselves are not a "religion" There's no way that the so-called "Holy Bible" itself is even a valid book in it's entirety. Those collections of stories were collected together by men. In the part of the Book the God supposedly says, "Thou shalt have no other God's before me". But who was talking? Who was that God? For all we know it could have been Zeus!!! The God didn't say, "Hey, I'm going to write a book and thou shalt not have any books before mine" That not what the God said. How people turned a book into a God I'll never know. Other than it was the nature of man, (and Kings) to rule over the land. And if they can have a book that supposedly contains the word of the Almighty Creator of All, well, wouldn't that just give their authority all the more power? The whole thing is all based on AUTHORITY! Even the Bible speaks about God as if God is a "King". God has Kingdoms in Heaven and Earth. And he is the supreme RULER over those Kingdoms. It's all about ruling over people and being the ultimate authority. It's the epitome of facsism. Denounce the non-believers as being "disloyal" to the King of the universe! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!! It's all about asserting authority. It's not how I view God at all. It's entirely a manmade agenda. whenever you have less hate in your heart we will talk. for now I'm going to sleep I have the night shift waiting for me. i told you one day that you may be a good christian. Believe me you are being hell of a so called "christian" or fundie. the only difference is that you arguing backwards. |
Edited by
Sun 08/17/08 01:41 PM
How can a person have the face to criticize something in others, and behave in the exaxtly same way as the behavior this person is criticizing? is that being a bigot or hipocryte? The answer seems self evident. If I criticize christianity because some of the so called "christian" use the book that they keep in their armpit to judge others. How can I have the face to judge the entire christianity to do the same? Even worse when in my own family I have or had christians who I consider the most loving people. Yet I make open statements in which I say all of them are this or that. Am I saying that my loved family members who are or were christian (in life) were also judgmentla bigots? Am I having double-speech? Am I being ambiguous? or just am I being a bigot and hipocryte as those christians who I am criticizing? TLW Walk a mile in someone elses barefeet before even attempting to understand their PERSONAL journey, let alone attempt to judge them... ....but you already know that lovely. ![]() ![]() Oh my gosh!!!! It's what I have been saying all along. For that I get called names. Maybe they will take it better from you. ![]() |
How can a person have the face to criticize something in others, and behave in the exaxtly same way as the behavior this person is criticizing? is that being a bigot or hipocryte? The answer seems self evident. If I criticize christianity because some of the so called "christian" use the book that they keep in their armpit to judge others. How can I have the face to judge the entire christianity to do the same? Even worse when in my own family I have or had christians who I consider the most loving people. Yet I make open statements in which I say all of them are this or that. Am I saying that my loved family members who are or were christian (in life) were also judgmentla bigots? Am I having double-speech? Am I being ambiguous? or just am I being a bigot and hipocryte as those christians who I am criticizing? TLW Walk a mile in someone elses barefeet before even attempting to understand their PERSONAL journey, let alone attempt to judge them... ....but you already know that lovely. ![]() ![]() love ya my australian sister ![]() |
You know what I have found is to be the absolute truth for me is that God, religions and all that are simple.
All we need do is love our family and neighbors, love ourselves and love God and no more. When we step beyond this simplicity and try to judge we are trying to either second guess God or become God and I personally do NOT want that job. I would just prefer to love which I am, as we all are better meant for that, than anything else. Peace |
How can a person have the face to criticize something in others, and behave in the exaxtly same way as the behavior this person is criticizing? is that being a bigot or hipocryte? The answer seems self evident. If I criticize christianity because some of the so called "christian" use the book that they keep in their armpit to judge others. How can I have the face to judge the entire christianity to do the same? Even worse when in my own family I have or had christians who I consider the most loving people. Yet I make open statements in which I say all of them are this or that. Am I saying that my loved family members who are or were christian (in life) were also judgmentla bigots? Am I having double-speech? Am I being ambiguous? or just am I being a bigot and hipocryte as those christians who I am criticizing? TLW Walk a mile in someone elses barefeet before even attempting to understand their PERSONAL journey, let alone attempt to judge them... ....but you already know that lovely. ![]() ![]() Oh my gosh!!!! It's what I have been saying all along. For that I get called names. Maybe they will take it better from you. ![]() funny thing she does not need to be a christian to think that. |
Edited by
Sun 08/17/08 02:02 PM
How can a person have the face to criticize something in others, and behave in the exaxtly same way as the behavior this person is criticizing? is that being a bigot or hipocryte? The answer seems self evident. If I criticize christianity because some of the so called "christian" use the book that they keep in their armpit to judge others. How can I have the face to judge the entire christianity to do the same? Even worse when in my own family I have or had christians who I consider the most loving people. Yet I make open statements in which I say all of them are this or that. Am I saying that my loved family members who are or were christian (in life) were also judgmentla bigots? Am I having double-speech? Am I being ambiguous? or just am I being a bigot and hipocryte as those christians who I am criticizing? TLW the only thing that bar any door, is not admitting what one is, as what else be a sin after it be confessed with a mouth, even with pride speaking seeing it did not create itself, lol...... is it a sin to see, but rather only to see others while at the same time not seeing oneself, but words from those that see themselves at all times will always seperate the divide between those that do not, as these only seek to make others the villians, not seeing oneself be the greatest, lol........... professions that none should speak any truth only come from ones that do not like to look into the mirror of self, and run from anything that points a light in their direction.......... the hearts wisdom you write is seen plainly from day to day, and is not mistaken and come from truthful sight, and can only be percieved as negative by a negative mind, that percieve all others to be as oneself, having the same motives employed..... what is in any except that which is human nature, but human nature run amuck when the thought that to admit is to as have error, but rather error cannot even be birthed, if anything that raise it's head from the heart is ugly, be cut off with admission, which free a heart of the mortal pain and fear of never being good and pure........ what else is freedom in truth or god? all the doctrine in the world cannot equal a heart that plainly speak all it is, as how is this shame, but rather shame that soon turn to wisdom, which is blissful to any heart.... if teaching to be good, stop admission of fault by presure brought forth to be good, from ones that practice none of what is spoken as shown with words, than what good is it but to convince hearts that they are bad, and such teaching only cause a repression that bring one to emotional death...... |
How can a person have the face to criticize something in others, and behave in the exaxtly same way as the behavior this person is criticizing? is that being a bigot or hipocryte? The answer seems self evident. If I criticize christianity because some of the so called "christian" use the book that they keep in their armpit to judge others. How can I have the face to judge the entire christianity to do the same? Even worse when in my own family I have or had christians who I consider the most loving people. Yet I make open statements in which I say all of them are this or that. Am I saying that my loved family members who are or were christian (in life) were also judgmentla bigots? Am I having double-speech? Am I being ambiguous? or just am I being a bigot and hipocryte as those christians who I am criticizing? TLW Walk a mile in someone elses barefeet before even attempting to understand their PERSONAL journey, let alone attempt to judge them... ....but you already know that lovely. ![]() ![]() Oh my gosh!!!! It's what I have been saying all along. For that I get called names. Maybe they will take it better from you. ![]() funny thing she does not need to be a christian to think that. More assumptions... Do you know her background? No matter... |
what be wrong with any human nature less it be pointed out with an energy seeing it as a fault, this energy created by one thinking they themself do not do as well, and the energy created has the power to even be felt over a forum from miles away, creating more of the same energy that perpetuate energy produced perceptions that beings are evil for mere normal and self teaching wisdom tools instilled into each perfect one........
would not every feeling and thought in one have to first be seen as equal and good to make for a "good" being.......
how can one that feel each thing in themself is bad, not erupt after time into bad...... these things make one and enemy to oneself, then perception all others are as enemies follows......... each is what they are......... what fear and suffering is there for being human in a free human society....... what argument does not leave two at the end exasperated and seeing neither achieve an understanding, bringing wisdom of greater speech each time, so the constant insistence human nature is defective, leave no room for the sight of the GOOD all human nature was made for, and instilled within each as perfect to produce GOOD things.......... |
What you're discussing are labels. The way in which humans think, requires that they label and catagorize wherever and whenever possible. This trait is so overwhelmingly inherent that we even create new words to symbolize ever smaller and newer catagories, groups and sub-groups.
This type of communication also breaks down into sub-cultures within a country, state, region, neighborhood. The word Christian, while indeed an umberella, is not an all encompassing word indicadive of all Christian beliefs. In fact I would venture to say that there are at least as many differing views and beliefs as there are Christians. Through these threads over the past few years, I have learned that referring to all Christianity under that one label, has only one meaning. People who believe the Jesus epic. That's all! Everything else one might believe is open to translation only by the individual who holds the belief. However, as humans do, we have continued to create sub-catagories: Judio-Chrisitain, Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Roman Orthedox, Evangelical, right down to the fundamentalists. And even today, we search for more. Why? Because we don't know everyone's name, in this world. Becasue even if we did we would not know all there is to know about them. Because we live in this world together and something about that proximity makes us NEED to know about everyone else. The closest we will ever come to that is labels. If we understand the truth of this, maybe we can all be less sensitive, more understanding and more communicative by stating what offends. The only real hipocracy to this system is when it's used with the purpose of wielding offence. |
Edited by
Sun 08/17/08 06:46 PM
indeed seeing that labels are as bad could not lead to more, but rather to smaller and smaller perception each day, as the list of possible bad lables would have to grow naturally each day as more offense from each is now accpeted and recognized as wisdom, and as such more are added to the list, and so each day more offense, less hearing possible, until the list come to a point of what?
complete suffication of words that were never as bad to begin with, but only each mind seeing naturally what anything look like, and the mind simply describe...... as bias is supposed to be a dirty rat that if any think they have they are evil? so agenda is as a insidious animal that rip others to shredds? hell, the word cannot hardly be mentioned, and no human alive can exist without agenda's, and is what propell each human, lol..... communication which create understanding which allow love has already become seriously restricted, creating offense at even the slightest twinge of emotion, and any greater common understanding is left by the wayside each day with more enforcment of the preservation of emotions as the holy grail for the guide........ it leads to a compelet breakdown of logic and reasoning, and any thinking with the mind and heart, and come to each as only reacting, creating perhapsthe most regressed dumbed down time in human civilization ever.......... what can be the solution........the funnel of this perception now followed can only to a dead end pin point, so the funnel effect of creating such things ourselves would have to be reversed, making and declaring all lables as good, as needed for any perceiving and insightful society, even for the essence of human existence, and this would allow all speech and communication to become free again, and the flow of wisdom welcomed back, and certainally why founders we see that had wisdom created such laws trying to preserve..... no doubt the premise of such would give grave concern for many that care most about not being offended, but did not we learn even in grade school that we would have to become adults, not being threatened by words and ruled by emotions spured from them, or even common learning in a classroom become as impossible, and indeed it almost has........ if there be any one culprit eroding the love, peace, unity, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, happiness for one and for all it would have to be first pinned on such a simple but deadly perception as this, and no one thing even need to be blamed, as what does it matter, but certainally to discontinue what enable and perpetuate this deadly perception would have to be stopped, as what can be the end result but more and more war each day, which will come to no other possible ending but world war.... and this way has been preserved for the sake of an emotion that has no bearing on anything but a feeling........ nothing but sheer insanity could come from such practices as witnessed with each one diagnosed with some mental ailment more each day, and this strongest notion to make and allow only good speech can create such things? what goes into the body physically must come out right? have and are we not not stuffing more and more data into the brain, all such data speaking most in the ways that are condemed as hate speech......... what the hell, these have to be able to come out to, and the kids of the next generation are even the most threatened, as these see more and more as called wicked, and then are told they are bad for saying it........ we have created a funnel and poured ourself right down our own drain........... |
What you're discussing are labels. The way in which humans think, requires that they label and catagorize wherever and whenever possible. This trait is so overwhelmingly inherent that we even create new words to symbolize ever smaller and newer catagories, groups and sub-groups. This type of communication also breaks down into sub-cultures within a country, state, region, neighborhood. The word Christian, while indeed an umberella, is not an all encompassing word indicadive of all Christian beliefs. In fact I would venture to say that there are at least as many differing views and beliefs as there are Christians. Through these threads over the past few years, I have learned that referring to all Christianity under that one label, has only one meaning. People who believe the Jesus epic. That's all! Everything else one might believe is open to translation only by the individual who holds the belief. However, as humans do, we have continued to create sub-catagories: Judio-Chrisitain, Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Roman Orthedox, Evangelical, right down to the fundamentalists. And even today, we search for more. Why? Because we don't know everyone's name, in this world. Becasue even if we did we would not know all there is to know about them. Because we live in this world together and something about that proximity makes us NEED to know about everyone else. The closest we will ever come to that is labels. If we understand the truth of this, maybe we can all be less sensitive, more understanding and more communicative by stating what offends. The only real hipocracy to this system is when it's used with the purpose of wielding offence. But, when we label and define, don't we then confine our understanding of someone or something to that moment in time? In other words, as we move through our lives, who we are continues to move closer and closer to completion (completion of a cycle for those who can hear that). When one's perspective of another locks itself in one moment in time, one loses the essence of that being's journey and isolates oneself in used perception. A lonely place where only the lonely get to be right. |
Edited by
Sun 08/17/08 06:33 PM
there is no perception left if one cannot define, as the calling of anything evil or not good soon come to what?
will not each things listed make a smaller and smaller list each day as offensives are labled...... the root solution cannot be no more labels, as this lead to more labels...... how can anything solution start from a root of seeing a bad? it is impossible......... if one list any one thing as an offese or bad thing, and then for the sake of seeing and end result, create a law as if this could never be is bad, so why allow it? follow this outward including all peoples around oneself and how does it effect? anything called and reverenced and worshipped as a bad thing do nothing but create more of the same........ it is so ironic how in trying to worship god and good, evil become as the default created........... there is no other thing that can be created..... |
But, when we label and define, don't we then confine our understanding of someone or something to that moment in time?
Language continues to evolve. Each new generation brings along with them their very own vocabulary. Each new technelogical acquirement brings with it new words and so on. YES a label is a definition for a moment in time. That's the reason why it's necessary for people to communicate, ask questions, explain why something sounds offensive to them and the reciprication of such patience and honesty would/should be to avoid creating the offence. |
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Sun 08/17/08 09:00 PM
sound judgement has a place in man.
moral and ethical values are not man made, but man applying them makes them viable for man. In the realm of conscience there are absolutes. The first absolute is that it is the whole duty of man to walk circumspectly before God and respect the dignity of allmen. Those that accomplish to apply the first can accomplish to understand and appreciate the second. the second absolute is ; Those that follow that example, do likewise. |