Topic: Is Condoleeza Rice Stupid?
cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 08/16/08 03:17 PM

She claims to be a Russian expert but her command of the language was recently exposed as being basic/ elementary level on a Russian radio programme, just as her grasp of what is going on in Russia today seems beneath the informed blogger level.

Well. In this situation i'm on Condy's side. Her Russian is pretty good for a person who is not using it constantly. And it is close to impossible to know other's country affair without paying attention only to that country. I know a lot of russian-speaking jews who have been living in USA more than ten years, but they know about US less than Condy about Russia.

Moreover, Russian have not one, final and static point of view on their country affairs. For example you can find a lot of Russian who are on the side of Georgia. (Ut need to say what most of them are Jews, but they used to speak about themselves as Russians).

this from a Russian not the state run newspaper.

Game, set, match. Madman leaves the room drooling and muttering incoherently. :banana:

waving buh bye rofl

madisonman's photo
Sat 08/16/08 04:33 PM

She claims to be a Russian expert but her command of the language was recently exposed as being basic/ elementary level on a Russian radio programme, just as her grasp of what is going on in Russia today seems beneath the informed blogger level.

Well. In this situation i'm on Condy's side. Her Russian is pretty good for a person who is not using it constantly. And it is close to impossible to know other's country affair without paying attention only to that country. I know a lot of russian-speaking jews who have been living in USA more than ten years, but they know about US less than Condy about Russia.

Moreover, Russian have not one, final and static point of view on their country affairs. For example you can find a lot of Russian who are on the side of Georgia. (Ut need to say what most of them are Jews, but they used to speak about themselves as Russians).

this from a Russian not the state run newspaper.

Game, set, match. Madman leaves the room drooling and muttering incoherently. :banana:
actualy I left the entire town and was at my moms house were my brothers and I and my son cut down a tree and ate dinner. and now I am off again laughing at the sorry state of our country and those who enable it.

t22learner's photo
Sat 08/16/08 04:45 PM
She's a smart person trying to do her job within the constraints of the administration she serves. It will be interesting to hear what she has to say once she's free to speak her mind.

SergeyDolin's photo
Sat 08/16/08 05:46 PM

this from a Russian not the state run newspaper.

My advise is: never read Russians newspapers except for getting raw facts. The opinions are always very radical. Either "patriotic" or "western". The Russian mass-psychology is hurt by previous years. It is hard to explain... But they... a little bit exaggerated... preconceived. So it is not easy to separate emotions of an author from his thoughts.

Especially never read that chip "yellow" papers. It is no more than noise. Just ignore them :)

From the other side Russians do not understand western newspapers because they are not able to find enough emotions in that articles and think them out themselves.

Lindyy's photo
Sat 08/16/08 06:29 PM

glasses Condi Rice is not qualified for her job.glasses


:heart: :heart:
:smile: She doesnt have the educational background that most people that have held the position have had.flowerforyou


:heart: :heart:

no photo
Sat 08/16/08 07:02 PM
being well educated and being smart do not necesarily go hand in hand...after GWB's second term in office it was clear that he appointed people because of their loyalty rather than their expertise, and Rice falls under that category. Besides, she's a big fat dyke anyways...laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/16/08 07:15 PM

being well educated and being smart do not necesarily go hand in hand...after GWB's second term in office it was clear that he appointed people because of their loyalty rather than their expertise, and Rice falls under that category. Besides, she's a big fat dyke anyways...laugh laugh
glasses She isnt even well educatedglasses

120557's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:21 AM

She claims to be a Russian expert but her command of the language was recently exposed as being basic/ elementary level on a Russian radio programme, just as her grasp of what is going on in Russia today seems beneath the informed blogger level.

Well. In this situation i'm on Condy's side. Her Russian is pretty good for a person who is not using it constantly. And it is close to impossible to know other's country affair without paying attention only to that country. I know a lot of russian-speaking jews who have been living in USA more than ten years, but they know about US less than Condy about Russia.

Moreover, Russian have not one, final and static point of view on their country affairs. For example you can find a lot of Russian who are on the side of Georgia. (Ut need to say what most of them are Jews, but they used to speak about themselves as Russians).

this from a Russian not the state run newspaper.

Game, set, match. Madman leaves the room drooling and muttering incoherently. :banana:
actualy I left the entire town and was at my moms house were my brothers and I and my son cut down a tree and ate dinner. and now I am off again laughing at the sorry state of our country and those who enable it.
You ate a tree for dinner??? Damn, you must be deperate.

T713T's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:43 AM
Hate to bring back a sad subject .... and to change topic. BUt anyone notice ....and if you noticed you wonder why ..... the following conversation from a few days back ...... Topic: unamerican..........this topic was Halted on the 13th .?????

LouLou2's photo
Sun 08/17/08 04:34 AM

Weighing her education and accomplishments against yours? You can answer your own question.drinker laugh

being well educated and being smart do not necesarily go hand in hand...after GWB's second term in office it was clear that he appointed people because of their loyalty rather than their expertise, and Rice falls under that category.

Oh, she is smart as a whip, alright, and about as principled. Her only mistake is not realizng that she is not valued by the administration for her intelligence and accomplishments, but rather has been co-opted.

This administration did the same (co-opted) with Colin Powell. He, at least, did not abandon all principle to maintain his position of perceived influence. Unfortunately, he didn't muster the courage to stand on his principles before the administration had him destroy his credibility & reputation.

Ms. Rice does not seem to be as intelligent nor as principled as Powell.

*Abusive & belittling comments removed. Neither will lead to understanding...and certainly won't positively influence another's point of view.

To me, we need more woman like her..Do I agree with all her views no. But haven't found a politician I do..Men have not got it right yet, so lets give the woman a try..Damm cant do any worse than whats happened so far..I'm a man and I approve of this statement!!!

I agree that the time is long overdue for women to influence the major events of the world by holding more positions of power, but I would hope the women who accomplish this in the future will be those who make their marks on the world while seeing it through a woman's eye.

The women who have seemingly had the opportunity to hold such positions (Ms. Rice & Mrs. Clinton) have struck me as more like the men who have gone before them than as the strong, principled, intelligent women I would like to beleive are out there and capable of leading the world in a different direction.

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 08/17/08 07:29 AM

She's a smart person trying to do her job within the constraints of the administration she serves. It will be interesting to hear what she has to say once she's free to speak her mind.

I agree with you there learner! I would imagine the book deals being made as I sit here typing.drinker I think it will be an eye opener and I can't wait.

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 08/17/08 07:49 AM

She claims to be a Russian expert but her command of the language was recently exposed as being basic/ elementary level on a Russian radio programme, just as her grasp of what is going on in Russia today seems beneath the informed blogger level.

Well. In this situation i'm on Condy's side. Her Russian is pretty good for a person who is not using it constantly. And it is close to impossible to know other's country affair without paying attention only to that country. I know a lot of russian-speaking jews who have been living in USA more than ten years, but they know about US less than Condy about Russia.

Moreover, Russian have not one, final and static point of view on their country affairs. For example you can find a lot of Russian who are on the side of Georgia. (Ut need to say what most of them are Jews, but they used to speak about themselves as Russians).

this from a Russian not the state run newspaper.

Game, set, match. Madman leaves the room drooling and muttering incoherently. :banana:
actualy I left the entire town and was at my moms house were my brothers and I and my son cut down a tree and ate dinner. and now I am off again laughing at the sorry state of our country and those who enable it.
You ate a tree for dinner??? Damn, you must be deperate.

laugh laugh laugh

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/17/08 08:15 AM

this from a Russian not the state run newspaper.

My advise is: never read Russians newspapers except for getting raw facts. The opinions are always very radical. Either "patriotic" or "western". The Russian mass-psychology is hurt by previous years. It is hard to explain... But they... a little bit exaggerated... preconceived. So it is not easy to separate emotions of an author from his thoughts.

Especially never read that chip "yellow" papers. It is no more than noise. Just ignore them :)

From the other side Russians do not understand western newspapers because they are not able to find enough emotions in that articles and think them out themselves.

Sounds alot like the US media...for the most part.

We don't call CNN the Commie New Network for nuttin"! :wink:

Lindyy's photo
Sun 08/17/08 11:15 AM

being well educated and being smart do not necesarily go hand in hand...after GWB's second term in office it was clear that he appointed people because of their loyalty rather than their expertise, and Rice falls under that category. Besides, she's a big fat dyke anyways...laugh laugh

Oh she is not!!:banana:

But, it is not true of all political persons, even in the work place, even in the dog show realm, that people chose people who will be loyal? Would it not be banging your head against a wall if you chose someone who would constantly be battling against your own agenda?


no photo
Sun 08/17/08 11:48 AM

being well educated and being smart do not necesarily go hand in hand...after GWB's second term in office it was clear that he appointed people because of their loyalty rather than their expertise, and Rice falls under that category. Besides, she's a big fat dyke anyways...laugh laugh

Oh she is not!!:banana:

But, it is not true of all political persons, even in the work place, even in the dog show realm, that people chose people who will be loyal? Would it not be banging your head against a wall if you chose someone who would constantly be battling against your own agenda?


would you rather be operated by a surgeon who knew what he-she was doing or by one who was loyal to the hospital? At some point ones ability to do the job must take precidence over ones willingness to do it...

madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 01:01 PM
realy now if Condi is so smart and respected why would she allow this country to be so misled? Its verry obviouse ,to borrow a line from reagan ,that we are far worse off than we were 4 years ago. In just about anyway that is measurable. One could spend all afternoon listing the failures of this government and one would be hard pressed to list a succsess

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/17/08 01:46 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sun 08/17/08 01:46 PM

Have you seen Condi's educational background????????? Compare it with your own..

Now who is the stupid one?????

When you make the Dean's list, can speak 7 languages and have a 4.0... you are qualified to judge....

Seems to me you are WOEFULLY INADEQUATE!!

DO I agree with some of her decisions... NO!

DO I think she is brilliant.??? ABSOLUTELY. No Question!

Read her creditials! Only a pea brain could not interpret the data. Facts... are simply facts.

Yes well that's the COUNTER culture for yu...envious of anyone with accomplishments.

Back seat drivers...if you will :wink:

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sun 08/17/08 01:47 PM
since she started hanging out with the dog in washington she must have become stupid.

WarElephant's photo
Sun 08/17/08 01:55 PM
most Americans dont have a clue about communist doctrine wouldnt know a communist if it kicked you in the a$$....

Typical communist. In the event your opponent completely disregards your ideology, simply cite it as a lack of understanding when it comes to "communist doctrine." Are you also one of those people who dismisses Stalin's reign as a consequence of "not real" communism? That's always fun.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/17/08 02:00 PM

most Americans dont have a clue about communist doctrine wouldnt know a communist if it kicked you in the a$$....

Typical communist. In the event your opponent completely disregards your ideology, simply cite it as a lack of understanding when it comes to "communist doctrine." Are you also one of those people who dismisses Stalin's reign as a consequence of "not real" communism? That's always fun.

For the record, I know all too well what the communist manifesto is all about. This person, OTOH...reveals it's own lack of intelligence about ANYTHING. All it knows is insults.