Topic: I have seen the light of the Holy Spirit. | |
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it figures.
listen, tribo. there are a couple of friends o fmine that I feel . They would find your tasteless and ill advised conteptousness a cause for silent tears. I doubt they would even notice your callous comment. they tend to shy away now froim these threads for the very confrontational nature of so many in these threads. Nevertheless, clown, I feel them because I love them and I allso have a love for David, too, and I know that he isn't privy to your sense of sniping either. So feign your innocense in declaring idiocy in the midst of your superior esteem of things tribo. I am not amused, nor am I swayed or insulted by your cunning. you and others that snioe as you do are typical of the type of peopel that would fit your car in between mine and the safe distance between moine and the car in front of me just because I leave it , but you wouldn't do that in the grocery store and you most certainly wouldn't continue your foolishness in my presence either. One look from me would be enough to stay you. Your own assumptions would give you pause, not me, but carry on like you are offended by some self righteous know it all. If it makes you feel better, then have at it and amuse yourself further with your snide sarcasm and ignorance. Just remember that there are others here that feel love for yet others here. If I felt you were being sniped and had sincere bonds of friendship with you, then I would also feel a snipe that would cause you sadness and hurt. Nut you are not sincere enough as far as I can see, tribo, to call you a friend. That doesn't mean I don't respect you. It means that I just don't like you. and that increases every day that you act like an idiot. |
if ones percieves that this poster does not like "love" as much as the next guy, that would be correct and incorrect, as none feel nor like the same in all ways of "love", so in this way correct, and the other can be deducted, lol........ it seems as ALL WISH TO LOVE, but how can one do to another, when EACH have a different notion of what love is..... so many may seek to give love, and it is met with a proclamtion, that be not love, lol...... if love is even recognized, or defined, it is like a ghost that eludes is the point of the whole post, lol....... if you love someone, set them free? from what? does it not have to be free of defintions? to be free of defintions is not so easily done, lol...... there has to be a good logical reason for anything that is profitable, and if there is, then this create a desire...... not a law or cammandment, lol........ that was the only point, as each word of the wise man that spoke and said "the greatest thing one learns is to love and be loved was totally heard, but from a neutral perspective, lol....... it seemed a misleading wise saying, and so should not proclaim itself as wise, lol.........semantics here indeed, but the essence is much greater, as to be decieving by leaving out the HOW is the greatest deception that befall mankind each day lol....... everything on this green earth wish to love, but what can love if it does not know truley what love is..... oh, even hear many would stop and say no way, as they see MANY that do not love, lol......and this be the very essence of the root of the the deception, lol........ what is love is the question that has to be answered, or what knowing is had, and to build something with emotions is no different than building a physical house........ one must know HOW, and to know HOW, does not one need to know what something is to CREATE IT? all that is ever said is love, love, love, and it is actually perpetuating more NO "LOVE", lol........ is it a feeling? is it a state of being? is it kind words? is it loving words? is it knowing a truth? just what the hell is love? everybody talks about it, and worships it, and seeks it, and needs it, but what is it answered, seems to be the only thing that get back to the root of understanding emotions and the mind and heart of a human, lol........i only spoke and speak my ideas about it, lol....... everybody has an idea of love, BUT IT IS DIFFERENT FOR EACH SO DEFINTIONS LEAD TO DEVISIVNESS...... no doubt all the good that could be listed are attributes of love, but then each thing listed must have a counterpart to exist, so how is just good love? are just good words love, uplifting words love..... are cuss words love.....they have to be included are bad deeds love......they have to be included ouch, this would pinch the very core of a beings anus, but that make make it not so......oh, is anus a non loving evil word too, lol........ is when the seperation of all that ties and build religions and dogma's and teachings and professing's and dictators and lovers and, lol............ all must be love or no love exist.......all that happens is love? indeed it is the only conclusion that can be had by all things entered into the equasion, and certainally the only change in perception that could end wars and restore peace to mankind as a whole.......... this no doubt at first thought sounds like a recipe for chaos, as each life is BUILT ON A DEFINTION OF WHAT LOVE IS, and at first thought, sounds as something that would fly against all logic, and it does, lol..... that is the problem, lol........ countries have been built more and more over time upon illusions of defintions of what love is....... laws are and have been passed seeking more and more to define acceptable free speech, based on a notion of what good speech is, which good is seen as love, so then any that speak are SEEN by more each day as no loving beings, or as "evil", or as "satanic", which prommote more and more fighting..... good defined has become love defined, and this create a never ending battle with no possible conclusion but a final fight over illusions, lol......... are not in essence laws based more and more each day on a judges or courts perceptive of what love is? this does not mean laws are not good, and very much needed, but the only law of a free society is to not violate anothers free will by some physical force........ seems that can be the only premise of freedom of a free people..... each is already held accountable by a pier and neighbor and county and country, so if two have a disagreement, both are doing all for love, and is love, so then two must or be helped to find an agreeement of how the two can exist and both do all for love........ if one say what love is in the mind to themself, and live by this law, then will not each person met be seen thru this same guideline imposed for oneself, and each be unique, and free, and even a murderer that murder can love, as he loves to murder, but this is not to say he has not imposed force against another is as such has given up free physical will for a time, or forever if such be the case......... indeed at first thought, that notion that all is love is a very hard pill to swallow, but if all and many speak of devisivness, and see it is present in interpretations of teachings and doctrine, then for this to be erased, love can have no defintion, or it keep present an illsuion within the mind...... love is all and all is love or else everything plummet into defintions, that throw the world into still more of the same since the beginning of time...... that was the only point......just ideas Holy crap! Not only did I finally understand just what the heck you were saying, but I actually enjoyed it! Thanks! ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 08/06/08 08:00 PM
it figures. listen, tribo. there are a couple of friends o fmine that I feel . They would find your tasteless and ill advised contemptuousness a cause for silent tears. I doubt they would even notice your callous comment. they tend to shy away now from these threads for the very confrontational nature of so many in these threads. Nevertheless, clown, I feel them because I love them and I all-so have a love for David, too, and I know that he isn't privy to your sense of sniping either. So feign your innocence in declaring idiocy in the midst of your superior esteem of things tribo. I am not amused, nor am I swayed or insulted by your cunning. you and others that snioe as you do are typical of the type of peopel that would fit your car in between mine and the safe distance between moine and the car in front of me just because I leave it , but you wouldn't do that in the grocery store and you most certainly wouldn't continue your foolishness in my presence either. One look from me would be enough to stay you. Your own assumptions would give you pause, not me, but carry on like you are offended by some self righteous know it all. If it makes you feel better, then have at it and amuse yourself further with your snide sarcasm and ignorance. Just remember that there are others here that feel love for yet others here. If I felt you were being sniped and had sincere bonds of friendship with you, then I would also feel a snipe that would cause you sadness and hurt. Nut you are not sincere enough as far as I can see, tribo, to call you a friend. That doesn't mean I don't respect you. It means that I just don't like you. and that increases every day that you act like an idiot. look Wouldee, it's like this, i have many friends to, of all faiths including Sufi and Jewish and christian and most others. if you look closely at my question i was talking of religious beliefs which were answered by David with no thought of malice on my part. Neither have i had such from Miles who i consider a friend also here - my mention of books such as the "Zophar", "the book of the dead", and the "book" called >>>""wisdom of the idiots""<<< are just that, "books with titles"!! if you have a problem with the title then please take it up with the author's of the book, go tell them the "Sufi's who penned it", that your aghast that they would speak of your friends that way, i'm sure they will apologize and retract that which they called >>>>"themselves"<<<<<<< most hurriedly. after all - it will be the great defender of truth who is speaking to them. they will have no other choice will they? enough of my sarcasm - if you think i am a bigot, then you can do just that, i KnoW i'm not, so there is no need to continue with this wouldee unless you just need to rant on. like i said get off your pulpit and go pray. Wouldee: but you wouldn't do that in the grocery store and you most certainly wouldn't continue your foolishness in my presence either. One look from me would be enough to stay you. TRIBO: HMM? i see that as a threatning posture wouldee. I'm not sure how to take that so i will ask you to expand on that. I'm not a violent man if you look at some of my post with JB, you will see i would rather lay my life down than defend it, so what's your point? that i would be scared of you? that i would think twice before acting any different than i have here? "one look from you would be enough to stay me?" a christian using fear tactics to further his case? How "par for the course" is such a statement from you wouldee. You would never see me doing what you accuse me of sorry, you have built a picture in your mind of who you think i am in person that is anything but accurate. Just as i have built one of you. we donot know each other wouldee, nor do plan on it ever happening. but if one is judged by his words instead of his actions then one is capable of getting a wrong picture for sure - that is the trouble with threads such as these. Go on your way wouldee you've made a mistake judging me, as i have you, be done with it or live with a lie you have created in your mind of who you think i am. |
keep it up.
you lose every time you insist on carrying your excuses for yourself further and further from where you ought to have left it. There are no threats tribo, only reminders that your lack of courtesy is evident. Smugness doesn't camoflage your intent either the wisdom of idiots is a loose and not very becoming translation and there are better reference points for labeling anything, either way. Insist on making it about the book and I will insist on reminding you that I am not fooled by your backpedaling, tribo. Youwear the very hypocrisy that you pride yourself not being succumbed to. You are just taking issue with my comments to you out of spite and in the hopes that ypur audience doesn't catch on to your tactical contemptibility. carry on. it suits you. traffic is getting heavy and you are getting impatient the more. The only thing that threatens you is your childish imagination when it comes to besting me with your conniving and deceitful distractions, tribo. If I choose to leave you eith the last word, triv=bo, it will be because you finally get it. At present, you do not. And asking me to explain that is ludicrous. Which, if my estimation is on, you will haptly continue to do despite anything I have to say about it. So, we have succeeded in hijacking this thread to play on your dumbfounded feignings. Precisely what david meant, ans exactly the subtle reminder in zapchaser's post following my latest response to you. Pretentiousness is a pet peeve of mine, tribo, so how about knocking it off. You will never admit your snipe and you most certainly will vociferously defend your feigned innocence with regards to trying to label david as offhandedly and secretly as you did. No mincing words, tribo, you were tasteless and cunning and determined to mock him just because you could. Where you lack self governance is your problem, but where you tread on others where it is discerned, becomes a moral responsibility to others. If , in fact, you had a just command i=of these threads, then you would be within your right authority to take issue with any opposition engendered against your pesonal culpability. But whether or not you enjoy any autonomy to be how you see fit to be, it is not necessarily acceptable to those that see through you, tribo. Making this personal in your continued imaginary assessments of my motives and intents and point of view escapes the one given you to deal prudently with by me. You had my permission to address that and you chose to deflect the due criticism of your hapless lapse of judgement remorselessly. But then, it is precisely such arrogance as that that angers the arrogant, tribo. I stand by my remarks and my opinion of you. I am right about your comment. You are squirminmg around like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Go to your room and stand in the corner. Come out when I tell you to and not before. Don't like that, do you, tribo? That's how you come off. go play in the street then. not childish enough yet? whatever you say will only exemplify such childishness, but beat your head against that wall anyway, tribo. I will be laughing while you are tormenting yourself for lying to yourself. whatever. more wisdom from an idiot just took you by rote. that would be mine....unfeigned. mi lago. |
Edited by
Wed 08/06/08 09:39 PM
>>>>>Wisdom of the Idiots<<<<<<
(ISBN: 0525473076) Shah, Idries Bookseller: Adagio Books (Boulder, CO, U.S.A.) Bookseller Rating: Price: US$ 4.50 [Convert Currency] Quantity: 1 Shipping within U.S.A.: US$ 3.99 [Rates & Speeds] Book Description: Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated, New York, New York, U.S.A., 1971. Soft Cover. Book Condition: Good. 4 x 7. This book is in good, clean condition. Previous owner's name stamped inside front cover . Bookstore sticker on title page. Water stain along back outer/bottom edge which causes discoloration, but not wrinkling. Deep dent on back cover the size of a pencil eraser penetrating 20 pages of text (dented not torn). Cover shows some edge/shelfwear. Spine unbent. >>>>>READ THE NEXT LINE COSELY WOOD MAN<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>A collection of narratives of the action-philosophy of Sufi thinkers. Bookseller Inventory # 74601 its available from >>ABE BOOKS.COM<< wouldee - $4.50 plus shipping - right now if you hurry up - Buy a few copies for your sufi friends while your at it, oh and eat a REAL BIG helping of CROW too - i know how much you like crow - right wood man??? like i said you peg me wrong oh righteous one of god, now go pray and ask forgiveness like i've told you to all along, thnx. |
Oh and one more thing you can personally ask Eljay of what we talked of before i even posted that question to DavidB - he will set you straight on this matter also - and talk to ferral also wouldee, you have made a very,very, wrong judgement as usual, get back to me when you've gotten the facts from the others ok? and ask of david himself what my interest was when communicating with him personally also.
but don't apologize pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee just donot talk to me in the future ok? get it? got it? good!!! |
keep it up. you lose every time you insist on carrying your excuses for yourself further and further from where you ought to have left it. There are no threats tribo, only reminders that your lack of courtesy is evident. Smugness doesn't camoflage your intent either the wisdom of idiots is a loose and not very becoming translation and there are better reference points for labeling anything, either way. Insist on making it about the book and I will insist on reminding you that I am not fooled by your backpedaling, tribo. Youwear the very hypocrisy that you pride yourself not being succumbed to. You are just taking issue with my comments to you out of spite and in the hopes that ypur audience doesn't catch on to your tactical contemptibility. carry on. it suits you. traffic is getting heavy and you are getting impatient the more. The only thing that threatens you is your childish imagination when it comes to besting me with your conniving and deceitful distractions, tribo. If I choose to leave you eith the last word, triv=bo, it will be because you finally get it. At present, you do not. And asking me to explain that is ludicrous. Which, if my estimation is on, you will haptly continue to do despite anything I have to say about it. So, we have succeeded in hijacking this thread to play on your dumbfounded feignings. Precisely what david meant, ans exactly the subtle reminder in zapchaser's post following my latest response to you. Pretentiousness is a pet peeve of mine, tribo, so how about knocking it off. You will never admit your snipe and you most certainly will vociferously defend your feigned innocence with regards to trying to label david as offhandedly and secretly as you did. No mincing words, tribo, you were tasteless and cunning and determined to mock him just because you could. Where you lack self governance is your problem, but where you tread on others where it is discerned, becomes a moral responsibility to others. If , in fact, you had a just command i=of these threads, then you would be within your right authority to take issue with any opposition engendered against your pesonal culpability. But whether or not you enjoy any autonomy to be how you see fit to be, it is not necessarily acceptable to those that see through you, tribo. Making this personal in your continued imaginary assessments of my motives and intents and point of view escapes the one given you to deal prudently with by me. You had my permission to address that and you chose to deflect the due criticism of your hapless lapse of judgement remorselessly. But then, it is precisely such arrogance as that that angers the arrogant, tribo. I stand by my remarks and my opinion of you. I am right about your comment. You are squirminmg around like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Go to your room and stand in the corner. Come out when I tell you to and not before. Don't like that, do you, tribo? That's how you come off. go play in the street then. not childish enough yet? whatever you say will only exemplify such childishness, but beat your head against that wall anyway, tribo. I will be laughing while you are tormenting yourself for lying to yourself. whatever. more wisdom from an idiot just took you by rote. that would be mine....unfeigned. mi lago. Forgive me for stepping in here - but since you are unaware of this - I feel compelled to speak. Tribo's questions to DavidBen wee prompted from a conversation that he and I had in a private rmail, and he took the iniative to post the question to DB. Else, the post would have been mine, and I wouldn't have worded it any different. DB is a very active poster - but the manner that he constructs his sentences are - well, for lack of a better explination - confusing. Not the concepts that he's attempting to get across - but the manner in which he words them. Thus - the question - "Where are you from?" And it just isn't clear what it is exactly that he's trying to get across. It was determined (between Tribo and I that is) to ask him about different philosophies we thought he might be expressing, because he has yet to respond (clearly anyway) to the numerous times he's been asked in numerous threads. It was in the spirit of trying to make sense out of his posts - not to belittle him. So - can we have a truce here, else - these comments should be directed towards me - and I will respond. |
I find David Ben's words to ring of primal truth. Whether he gets his ideas from a philosophy or whether he is merely posting his own feelings are unimportant to me. The widsom in his posts is rich and full regardless from whence it flows. Last night I had the most beautiful dream. It was very lucid. I wish I could share it with everyone, but unfortunately that's not possible. It would require a book just to describe it and even that would fail it miserably. What was it about? It was about broccoli on a warm summer day with a cool woodstove chill'in away and the love of a family burning bright with daisies for delight. ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 08/06/08 10:50 PM
I used to be skeptical about channeled works until I read "The Nature of Personal Reality." I liked the book and in reading it, I did not care where the information came from because it rang true. That is the way I view DavidB's writing. It seems like channeled work, although it may not be. It does not really matter, as it speaks for itself. I don't question the messenger, I just read the message for what it is.
JB |
I find David Ben's words to ring of primal truth. Whether he gets his ideas from a philosophy or whether he is merely posting his own feelings are unimportant to me. The widsom in his posts is rich and full regardless from whence it flows. Last night I had the most beautiful dream. It was very lucid. I wish I could share it with everyone, but unfortunately that's not possible. It would require a book just to describe it and even that would fail it miserably. What was it about? It was about broccoli on a warm summer day with a cool woodstove chill'in away and the love of a family burning bright with daisies for delight. ![]() your correct abra, it does not really matter- it was just curiosity on our part - but no offense was ever meant. NOW _ as to your dream - can you prove you even had one? was it logical enough to share with funches? can you just make a tape of it and let those here determine if its all you say it is? are you positive it was daisies? sounds like either a halo-matrix intercept or a quantum feild fluke to me - hmmmm??? any Naga's ??? if it was me i would tarot up and start over - ![]() ![]() |
NOW _ as to your dream - can you prove you even had one?
All that is important to me is that the memory of it is real. ![]() was it logical enough to share with funches? Absolutely! As a matter of fact, there were logical elements to it that were quite profound and even strange in a surealistic way. I was laying in a field of daisy fleabane, near a spring of cool flowing water. A farmer in the next field over was running his tractor. Next to me, I could see the broccoli stalks in the farmer's field, but they had all been harvested. They had been freshly cut off. The first thing that ran through my logical mind was to wonder what they were. I didn't yet know that they were broccoli stalks. So I looked futher down the rows hoping to find rows that has not yet been harvested to determine precisely what the plants were. After all, they could have been cauliflower, or cabbage, or something else. That's when the logic came into play. ![]() But it was surreal logic. The rows were so long and the farmer lived alone so I knew he couldn't eat that much produce that quickly by himself. So I instantly realized that these plants must be growing back after he had cut them off. Sure enough when I refocused on the plants close to me again I could see that they had regrown full brocolli heads on them once again. Aren't dreams fun! ![]() And so surrealistically logical! can you just make a tape of it and let those here determine if its all you say it is? Maybe other people don't like brocolli? ![]() are you positive it was daisies? Daisy Fleabane to be precise. ![]() sounds like either a halo-matrix intercept or a quantum feild fluke to me - hmmmm??? I make no claims concerning what caused the dream. ![]() [n]any Naga's ??? There may have been an egg Naga in it somewhere. There was lots of food, and there were chickens and other farm animals. I don't remember seeing any cows but there's may have been goats in the background. Eggs + Milk = Egg Naga if it was me i would tarot up and start over - Owl have more I'm sure. ![]() |
NOW _ as to your dream - can you prove you even had one? All that is important to me is that the memory of it is real. ![]() was it logical enough to share with funches? Absolutely! As a matter of fact, there were logical elements to it that were quite profound and even strange in a surealistic way. I was laying in a field of daisy fleabane, near a spring of cool flowing water. A farmer in the next field over was running his tractor. Next to me, I could see the broccoli stalks in the farmer's field, but they had all been harvested. They had been freshly cut off. The first thing that ran through my logical mind was to wonder what they were. I didn't yet know that they were broccoli stalks. So I looked futher down the rows hoping to find rows that has not yet been harvested to determine precisely what the plants were. After all, they could have been cauliflower, or cabbage, or something else. That's when the logic came into play. ![]() But it was surreal logic. The rows were so long and the farmer lived alone so I knew he couldn't eat that much produce that quickly by himself. So I instantly realized that these plants must be growing back after he had cut them off. Sure enough when I refocused on the plants close to me again I could see that they had regrown full brocolli heads on them once again. Aren't dreams fun! ![]() And so surrealistically logical! can you just make a tape of it and let those here determine if its all you say it is? Maybe other people don't like brocolli? ![]() are you positive it was daisies? Daisy Fleabane to be precise. ![]() sounds like either a halo-matrix intercept or a quantum feild fluke to me - hmmmm??? I make no claims concerning what caused the dream. ![]() [n]any Naga's ??? There may have been an egg Naga in it somewhere. There was lots of food, and there were chickens and other farm animals. I don't remember seeing any cows but there's may have been goats in the background. Eggs + Milk = Egg Naga if it was me i would tarot up and start over - Owl have more I'm sure. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i really like your humor abra, thnx - ![]() |
I find David Ben's words to ring of primal truth. Whether he gets his ideas from a philosophy or whether he is merely posting his own feelings are unimportant to me. The widsom in his posts is rich and full regardless from whence it flows. Last night I had the most beautiful dream. It was very lucid. I wish I could share it with everyone, but unfortunately that's not possible. It would require a book just to describe it and even that would fail it miserably. What was it about? It was about broccoli on a warm summer day with a cool woodstove chill'in away and the love of a family burning bright with daisies for delight. ![]() I don't know. Maybe it's because I was brought up in Boston - but I haven't a clue what DB says in his posts - I can't seem to juggle the words around to figure out what's being said. I was never one to bother with learning languages - and his posts are like reading a foreign language. At least with Wouldee's posts - I can keep my dictionary close by - and though, at times - I think he's speaking in a foreign language as well, I can usually get the gist of his posts. It must come from being in the theater for so long. I just want people to post like they speak. I've never known anyone who speaks like DB - or Wouldee for that matter. So - I really don't know what the idea's are that DB is trying to get across. |
I really don't know what the idea's are that DB is trying to get across.
He's saying the same things that Jesus said. |
Alright then - I'll see if I can decipher his posts, and I'll ask when I can't.
Ok read all and this is my take on it.....I DO NOT Think Tribo was asking for any other reason then being curious.....which I too have asked DB many times about what exactly it is he believes....And as stated it is very very hard to understand and try to also then get what the heck is trying to get across. I have said it before about David it comes off as gobledee gook with a few things that may make sense.....He has agreed and "loved" different things that people put down including me. I think the best way is to not put DB into a box.....He is a thinker who thinks much different then most....,Is this bad or good or indifferent....It doesn't matter because it's DB and to know him is to "love" him.
indeed abra, the harvest is of all and for all.......peace
indeed abra, the harvest is of all and for all.......peace DAVID, just to clear any misunderstandings up once and for all - i was never asking you - nor do i think you were taking anything i said as some kind of put down to who you are - if by chance i am wrong then i do humbly apologize - i concider you a friend which you already know - so i will ask no more on this in the future ok? thnx - tribo ![]() |