Topic: I have seen the light of the Holy Spirit. | |
"Love just is" - DB, there is no definition per se. - it "just is"
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Tue 08/05/08 04:39 PM
david - i've read some other religious teachings - the more you speak here the more i believe your - Kabbalaist, or Sufi - ""wisdom of the idiots"" literature comes to mind on the Sufi muslim thinking. Not that they were idiots, but used statements like that in their philosophy - am i correct on any of this?
After all DavidBen is merely - Ben - son of - David - back words correct? so which if any is it - Zohar/Book of the dead? - or Sufi teachings - or both? thnx for your impending answer - LOL - |
that was a mouthful, tribo.
David may not see it, but I do believe you are being viscious there and not intent on listening to the man speak what is in his heart. And there are friends of mine here that I respect and like who also have affinities found among ther 'labels' you have recklessly bandied about that would be regarded as a sling stone accusatorily sent David's way to snare that which is real to him and hurtful to some that draw solice and comfort from some of the teachings and prose suggested upon David's person so cavalierly. So it seems to me, quite edgy that. Please be mindful that there is to be found a sensitive beauty in many writings of many figures throughout history that touch intuitively and articulatly many emotions shared by all of mankind. Love doesn't need a label to give of itself. ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 08/05/08 04:54 PM
|, is this for a response?
i am nothing......... there is no representaion here of any such belief or doctrine, and these things you mention of such i have never heard.... if what is written sound the same, then welcome to the world of words, lol........ you have made posted statments as to LOVE IS NOTHING, NO DEFINTION, and indeed, AGREED..... i have simply written what my perception is as to WHY it must remain as undefined, and can be nothing, and WHY to make it "something" lead to a dead-end..... from my perspective, and each perspective spoken and combined lead to a whole perspective, which seems would lead to whole peace.... if the perception love was nothing was already had, then there could never have been all the war and unrest created in the world to this day, so the HOW and WHY of things spoken by each lead to more combined understanding and learning for all of mankind, does it not? peace |
that was a mouthful, tribo. David may not see it, but I do believe you are being viscious there and not intent on listening to the man speak what is in his heart. And there are friends of mine here that I respect and like who also have affinities found among ther 'labels' you have recklessly bandied about that would be regarded as a sling stone accusatorily sent David's way to snare that which is real to him and hurtful to some that draw solice and comfort from some of the teachings and prose suggested upon David's person so cavalierly. So it seems to me, quite edgy that. Please be mindful that there is to be found a sensitive beauty in many writings of many figures throughout history that touch intuitively and articulatly many emotions shared by all of mankind. Love doesn't need a label to give of itself. ![]() then you have taken it wrongly wouldee, you see what you wnat to see - i have asked david numerous times where he is from and if religious what affiliation, i donot think he will take it as me being slanderous - just curious,if not then i will apologize and still continue to ask - it's not that icare what affiliation he has with any religion or belief system he could worship dinosaurs, makes no difference - i'm asking out of curiosity, and if you think your friends are insulted by this then they need to develope thicker skins wouldee - welcome to the world out side of christianity. - ![]() |
that was a mouthful, tribo. David may not see it, but I do believe you are being viscious there and not intent on listening to the man speak what is in his heart. And there are friends of mine here that I respect and like who also have affinities found among ther 'labels' you have recklessly bandied about that would be regarded as a sling stone accusatorily sent David's way to snare that which is real to him and hurtful to some that draw solice and comfort from some of the teachings and prose suggested upon David's person so cavalierly. So it seems to me, quite edgy that. Please be mindful that there is to be found a sensitive beauty in many writings of many figures throughout history that touch intuitively and articulatly many emotions shared by all of mankind. Love doesn't need a label to give of itself. ![]() then you have taken it wrongly wouldee, you see what you wnat to see - i have asked david numerous times where he is from and if religious what affiliation, i donot think he will take it as me being slanderous - just curious,if not then i will apologize and still continue to ask - it's not that icare what affiliation he has with any religion or belief system he could worship dinosaurs, makes no difference - i'm asking out of curiosity, and if you think your friends are insulted by this then they need to develope thicker skins wouldee - welcome to the world out side of christianity. - ![]() thnx David - for your insite - but where are you from??????????????????????????????????????????? |
all words are as profitable to me, and lead to "ever learning" for all, just to state for the record what I BELIEVE.......
this be the only core belief that create any perception i look thru......peace each here is a treasure, yes indeed, even feralcat and morningsong and quickstepper, that i am sure many would conclude that i do like, but this is quite to the contrary, as each word from each of them is for a purpose, and in no way is what i feel about their person or heart, but rather only about the things spoken, but if their words are for a purpose, as all words are, then so is each word spoken here from anyone else, and any view other than this, i will always oppose with vigor, as the end of any road other than this lead to many things not yet seen down the path.......jmo......peace and LOVE to all, lol....... |
tribo.....what relevance could this possibly have to our understanding and relationship with each other, lol....
do you mean what country? oh, america my friend....... if you have some interest in speaking more on a personal level dear tribo, then please feel free to send me an email anytime........ your the best tribo, and keep those post comin' man......ben |
all words are as profitable to me, and lead to "ever learning" for all, just to state for the record what I BELIEVE....... this be the only core belief that create any perception i look thru......peace each here is a treasure, yes indeed, even feralcat and morningsong and quickstepper, that i am sure many would conclude that i do like, but this is quite to the contrary, as each word from each of them is for a purpose, and in no way is what i feel about their person or heart, but rather only about the things spoken, but if their words are for a purpose, as all words are, then so is each word spoken here from anyone else, and any view other than this, i will always oppose with vigor, as the end of any road other than this lead to many things not yet seen down the path.......jmo......peace and LOVE to all, lol....... Oh even us....and this coming from a man of the Love david.....I beginning to see your robes unravel a bit....... |
all words are as profitable to me, and lead to "ever learning" for all, just to state for the record what I BELIEVE....... this be the only core belief that create any perception i look thru......peace each here is a treasure, yes indeed, even feralcat and morningsong and quickstepper, that i am sure many would conclude that i do like, but this is quite to the contrary, as each word from each of them is for a purpose, and in no way is what i feel about their person or heart, but rather only about the things spoken, but if their words are for a purpose, as all words are, then so is each word spoken here from anyone else, and any view other than this, i will always oppose with vigor, as the end of any road other than this lead to many things not yet seen down the path.......jmo......peace and LOVE to all, lol....... Oh even us....and this coming from a man of the Love david.....I beginning to see your robes unravel a bit....... did you not read the part that said all words from EACH were as equal, and all for profit.... does this make one think their own words are now deemed most profitable as so wished? you indeed must have been looking to hear most something good of yourself to stop short, as to give your response shows nothing past what was most wished to be heard was heard, lol.... did somebody ever hear me declare i love? has someone heard me give another a commnadment to love? love is everything, and everybody, and each thing they do to me is not divided into love or not love..... and to is not to see otherwise trying to make oneself as the dictator of what love is and is not by, by what is most pleasing and suitable for oneself? seems as thought the great deception easily taken in by any seeking to be wise and good servants....... has someone heard me give a commandment of god to any? god to me is in each human beings heart, as it is clearly described in text by my perception, which then is how my mind sees it, and satan only an ignorant mind guilty of not yet knowing everthing, which would be the same as innocence.......... how can one know all there is to know? seems why these words respoken as a condemnation are not what is most profitable for creating peace, which is what text was meant for, not for creating wars amoungst peoples...... does not one learn each day and second more? would not this make each and every living breathing thing good, and only at all times innocent of not knowing everything? i am but nothing, a blob of matter on the platter of the world, with only one simple perception, which all i have is to speak it, as each one does, and be ever watchful of what it can create with time....... has someone heard me say anything except each word is welcomed, so all judgments of myself from all others are welcome? have i hidden any thoughts of my thinking as to the things you say? is it not obvious that i vigorously oppose such teachings as guidelines for humanity to veiw good and bad thru, and that such things are devisive, and creating dictatorships, and fear and oppression, building emnity between beliefs, and as such create illusions of others as evil, lol....... would this make it appear i don't like you, lol......yes of course, but the words one speaks if all are as innocent and pure to me, in no way shape what my heart thinks about an individual as a treasure or worth, lol..... quite to the contary, as many times i write responses, i chuckle with admiration of the tenacity and ferociousness and vigor and faith, and see the great things this make in time as all things do.......... if this were not the case, what words should ever be spoken, as if one see more each day, then to be wrong is only a perception of wrong that is seen as a bad thing, not an evil as it is percieved by any that hate to be wrong, by looking at all thru right and wrong as indicators of wisdom, lol..... if all is for learning, then what is or could be called as wrong, and please make me aware ANYTIME you hear me call another "wrong" or use such speech....... please for the record make me aware of ANYTIME you hear me tell another to love as well........ also if you EVER hear me tell another something as a commnadment, please alert me as to my ignorance, as this is not what i see as profitable to do, and need anyones and all as help as my guide........ what robes do you declare me to wear? please take these back, as robes do not suite my wants or desires, as these in my perception are not profitable clothing......peace |
![]() ![]() ![]() I am truly humbled by your words. For all others: David is not on anyone's "side". His "teachings" or "sharings" are valuable to everyone. He speaks nothing but truth. Complete unbiased truth. |
Edited by
Wed 08/06/08 04:45 PM
that was a mouthful, tribo. David may not see it, but I do believe you are being viscious there and not intent on listening to the man speak what is in his heart. And there are friends of mine here that I respect and like who also have affinities found among ther 'labels' you have recklessly bandied about that would be regarded as a sling stone accusatorily sent David's way to snare that which is real to him and hurtful to some that draw solice and comfort from some of the teachings and prose suggested upon David's person so cavalierly. So it seems to me, quite edgy that. Please be mindful that there is to be found a sensitive beauty in many writings of many figures throughout history that touch intuitively and articulatly many emotions shared by all of mankind. Love doesn't need a label to give of itself. ![]() then you have taken it wrongly wouldee, you see what you wnat to see - i have asked david numerous times where he is from and if religious what affiliation, i donot think he will take it as me being slanderous - just curious,if not then i will apologize and still continue to ask - it's not that icare what affiliation he has with any religion or belief system he could worship dinosaurs, makes no difference - i'm asking out of curiosity, and if you think your friends are insulted by this then they need to develope thicker skins wouldee - welcome to the world out side of christianity. - ![]() tribo. I took nothing wrong. it is not the prose of "idiots " when describing suffi writings, no matter where you heard it.'s that for a dig? and what is the meaning of "welcome to the world outside of Christianity"? You have no idea what a piece of **** I was in my heyday, tribo. I never slipped and never stunmbled and never lost. I slurped it up and wiped my sleeve and laughed it all to scorn, and yet, I appear to be some sheltered lamb in a delusional fantasy to you by the comments you make of my present affirmations. These are the assumptions that are not carefully made in reckless hearts, tribo. rethink your assessments, not all around you are blind and inexperienced. Whatever shame and disgust I conceal about myself is under the blood, tribo , and my sensitivities are heightened towards those that find their joy in sincerity, be that found congruent to my apprehension or not. A sincere heart is what it is, and such are known to me of some. Not all, and perhaps not your own, but then I cannot be everything to everyone and foolishness would reign over me to suppose that luxury upon my person. Humility and some decorum tribo. it wasn't necessary to call some things 'idiotic', even if in jest. There are innumerable ways to get a point across and there are inummerable ways to disguise having been found out in insincerity. NOthing personal, but you words were tasteless and inappropriate. And that's my opinion, regardless of your attitude towards my opinion, tribo. do what you will. |
Edited by
Wed 08/06/08 05:26 PM
that was a mouthful, tribo. David may not see it, but I do believe you are being viscious there and not intent on listening to the man speak what is in his heart. And there are friends of mine here that I respect and like who also have affinities found among ther 'labels' you have recklessly bandied about that would be regarded as a sling stone accusatorily sent David's way to snare that which is real to him and hurtful to some that draw solice and comfort from some of the teachings and prose suggested upon David's person so cavalierly. So it seems to me, quite edgy that. Please be mindful that there is to be found a sensitive beauty in many writings of many figures throughout history that touch intuitively and articulatly many emotions shared by all of mankind. Love doesn't need a label to give of itself. ![]() then you have taken it wrongly wouldee, you see what you wnat to see - i have asked david numerous times where he is from and if religious what affiliation, i donot think he will take it as me being slanderous - just curious,if not then i will apologize and still continue to ask - it's not that icare what affiliation he has with any religion or belief system he could worship dinosaurs, makes no difference - i'm asking out of curiosity, and if you think your friends are insulted by this then they need to develope thicker skins wouldee - welcome to the world out side of christianity. - ![]() tribo. I took nothing wrong. it is not the prose of "idiots " when describing suffi writings, no matter where you heard it.'s that for a dig? and what is the meaning of "welcome to the world outside of Christianity"? You have no idea what a piece of **** I was in my heyday, tribo. I never slipped and never stunmbled and never lost. I slurped it up and wiped my sleeve and laughed it all to scorn, and yet, I appear to be some sheltered lamb in a delusional fantasy to you by the comments you make of my present affirmations. These are the assumptions that are not carefully made in reckless hearts, tribo. rethink your assessments, not all around you are blind and inexperienced. Whatever shame and disgust I conceal about myself is under the blood, tribo , and my sensitivities are heightened towards those that find their joy in sincerity, be that found congruent to my apprehension or not. A sincere heart is what it is, and such are known to me of some. Not all, and perhaps not your own, but then I cannot be everything to everyone and foolishness would reign over me to suppose that luxury upon my person. Humility and some decorum tribo. it wasn't necessary to call some things 'idiotic', even if in jest. There are innumerable ways to get a point across and there are inummerable ways to disguise having been found out in insincerity. NOthing personal, but you words were tasteless and inappropriate. And that's my opinion, regardless of your attitude towards my opinion, tribo. do what you will. THE NAME OF THE BOOK WAS " THE WISDOM OF THE IDIOTS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ID**T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a book i read in the 70's, that had nothing to do with anything but the sufi teachings. They named the book not me - take it up with the author!!!!!!!!!!!! Get off your podium wouldee, just when i was warming up to you , you come up with this Sh*t, go pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
I am going to have to fine you Tribo, for the flagrant use of too many exclamation points.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And Wouldee gets a fine for jumping to conclusions again, and for spewing his ever so holier-than-thou poison. You are both fined two days of community service. ![]() JB |
Ok,... Everybody! OUT OF THE POOL! And don't forget to pick up on those exclamation points too! ![]() |
Ok,... Everybody! OUT OF THE POOL! And don't forget to pick up on those exclamation points too! ![]() Abra, now dubbed "Abra the Enforcer" And as you can see by his picture, he caries a big stick. JB |
Edited by
Wed 08/06/08 05:32 PM
I am going to have to fine you Tribo, for the flagrant use of too many exclamation points. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And Wouldee gets a fine for jumping to conclusions again, and for spewing his ever so holier-than-thou poison. You are both fined two days of community service. ![]() JB nope - i'm allowed 45 per statement just ask DavidB - ![]() Why should i be fined? I've been fine all my life? or do you mean seek and you shall fined? ![]() |
I am going to have to fine you Tribo, for the flagrant use of too many exclamation points. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And Wouldee gets a fine for jumping to conclusions again, and for spewing his ever so holier-than-thou poison. You are both fined two days of community service. ![]() JB nope - i'm allowed 25 per statement just ask David ![]() DB is a renegade and he is not of this world. Of course you have free will you can do what ever you want. But you are still fined. It will go in your permanent record if you do not pay penance. ![]() ![]() |
I am going to have to fine you Tribo, for the flagrant use of too many exclamation points. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And Wouldee gets a fine for jumping to conclusions again, and for spewing his ever so holier-than-thou poison. You are both fined two days of community service. ![]() JB nope - i'm allowed 25 per statement just ask David ![]() DB is a renegade and he is not of this world. Of course you have free will you can do what ever you want. But you are still fined. It will go in your permanent record if you do not pay penance. ![]() ![]() Who's penance and where do i go to pay him??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: ![]() |
Please at least break up some of those question marks, you ruined the length of the thread and now we have to scroll across to read them.
Ten days community service for all those question marks. JB |