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Topic: Does Life Really Begin At Forty?
SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/17/06 11:51 AM
As you can see by my profile I am 39. Everyone says life begins at
forty...I'm wondering is this true? My kids are grown, I'm now divorced
and free to do whatever whenever I choose...and it's exciting, but also
very intimidating. I'm not used to not having something or someone to
look after and having on the focus on myself again. It's very scary.


JusKat58's photo
Sun 09/17/06 11:54 AM
I was divorced 13 years ago at the age of 35. I'm now 48, dating
whomever and whenever I like, can come and go as I please, and I'm not
even wealthy! I'm just HAPPY.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Sun 09/17/06 11:56 AM
I think you pretty much answered your own question, you have already
raised you kids and everything so obviously to me life began a while ago
for, as for being scared it reminds me of my change in to adult hood, I
think it's just the nerves we all get from life altering changes.

no photo
Sun 09/17/06 11:57 AM
some people are natural caregivers but if you are not one of them then
once you get over that initial period of missing the routine you will
start to enjoy yourself. good luck

MynDLash's photo
Sun 09/17/06 12:45 PM
i hope not, i'm 27 and ready for it begin NOW!lol

unsure's photo
Sun 09/17/06 12:54 PM
I think life improves with age. I don't know if it really begins at 40
or not, I am 42, I enjoy things very much. It seems with every year, you
appreciate your freedom a little bit more and more. Since your children
are grown, I would think you would be ready to go out and venture into
different things, I say enjoy!!

Jimi366's photo
Sun 09/17/06 01:00 PM
I just turned 40. I really feared this mid-life crisis thing.
I got all bent out of shape when I turned 30 and really was
worried how I'd react to turning 40. My birthday came and went
and it was no big deal. Time has mellowed me out, helped me learn from
my mistakes, and thru experience has helped me to
handle situations better. I am finding tho that my sex drive
isn't what it used to be and that I have to really work to keep
the fires burning. I don't know if life begins at 40 but I do
know that it seems for me that a NEW LIFE for me began at 40.

no photo
Sun 09/17/06 01:04 PM
i think the whole idea of life begins at 40 is because most people don't
have any kids around anymore and they would ideally have a stable life
built so it would now be time to start to enjoy everything that you have
worked so hard to build.

unsure's photo
Sun 09/17/06 01:10 PM
Well they say that a womans sexual peak is in her late 30's and into her
40's...I think thats why older women date younger men to be honest.
Because men go through that in their 20's and 30's.
I think you are right also King, this is suppose to be the time to where
we can just kick back and enjoy life. It suppose to slow down a little
and just be our time. But you know, my mom says that it really never is
your time because then you get your thats something to
look forward to :)

no photo
Sun 09/17/06 01:14 PM
yeah, grandkids and some people are still having kids(or just
starting)at this point in their life.

mocountryboy's photo
Sun 09/17/06 01:26 PM
baby life only gets better at the big 40 dont be scared and most of all
dont let family or friends or wellwishers try to tell you what you
should do or how to run your life. you have EARNED this time and freedom
so live it to the fullest and make damn sure you enjoy and cherish it.
best wishes and happy b-DAY.

unsure's photo
Sun 09/17/06 04:01 PM
Having babies at 40 King? No thanks!! I think once you hit 40, thats
your time...way past having the baby stage...uggggg

SalvationJane's photo
Sun 09/17/06 05:29 PM
I have had trouble getting used to not having a "routine" and all the
responsiblities that I had that kept all the focus off of me. It's been
a difficult adjustment. Sometimes I feel like I have this knot in my I know there is something I should be doing but I'm not
and I feel guilty. I guess you really start to evaluate your life
deeply at this point and assess whether it's what you want it to be and
if it's heading where you really want it to go. Things that were once
important to me are not so important anymore....It is definetly a
metemorphis of sorts...It's scary


Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 09/17/06 06:39 PM
I thought Life began at the Big Bang?

Maybe that's what they call when God had an orgasm.

MexPapi's photo
Sun 09/17/06 09:20 PM
I try not to foresight that far ahead but I hope it’s not that bad. What
exactly is it that people in their 40’s do to keep themselves busy?

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 09/18/06 08:01 AM
I'm gonna be 40 in 6 months and ya know what? Who cares, it's JUST a
number. I don't feel the least bit depressed about it, but then again I
don't look 40 and I sure don't act my age. The simple fact is..yer as
old as you wanna be.

unsure's photo
Mon 09/18/06 09:16 AM
People in their 40's do exactly the same thing that people do in their
20's. Age is just a number...why do people think when you hit 40 you are
old and you just sit at home and do nothing? Trust me live
just like you did when you were 20, but sometimes you have more freedom
because you don't have kids!

no photo
Mon 09/18/06 03:09 PM
shit, when i'm 40 i hope to be living better than i did in my 20's. my
life got off to a bad start and it has been messed up for so long that
if i make it to 40 i want to enjoy it. i've never been the type to sit
around anyway and it ain't gonna change as i get older. 40 isn't that
far away but hopefully i'll have some breathing room by then and i can
start to enjoy things more

andreww38's photo
Mon 09/18/06 04:49 PM
age is just a number.

you start feeling old the moment you decide to.

Andrew Wee

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 09/18/06 06:09 PM
i hope not 26 and my son just started first grade and i have
one hell of a life already if it gets started anymore their gonna have
to make 25 hour days and 8 day weeks

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