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Topic: Does Life Really Begin At Forty?
SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/18/06 06:30 PM
Baby cakes, if you think you are busy now just wait till your kids are
teenagers...then the fun really begins...that's what's so difficult
about an empty nest. I enjoy the peace and quiet after so much "drama"
all the time, but it's so weird not having that constant rush to get
things done...ot to go somewhere or take care of something or someone.
Anything and everything but myself...for sure.

as far as feeling old...I'm staying young forever!! When everything
starts to go...I'm saying buckle me up Sam! Seriously tho, it's a huge
transition. It's exciting though in a lot ways...and I thnk I feel and
look better or maybe it's just that I have more confidence in myself,
either way, I like myself a whole lot better than I did then and am a
lot stronger person. I like the sense of being "sure" of who I am...not
necessarily sure of where I want to go, but sure of who I am.


andreww38's photo
Mon 09/18/06 08:15 PM
i think life always has a way of preparing you for what comes next.

you may not realize it at the time, but whatever you're going through
now, it only gets you tougher and stronger for whatever's going to slap
you in the face tomorrow.

after all, whatever doesn't kill you....

Andrew Wee

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