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Topic: Throw down
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Thu 08/07/08 02:31 PM

I'm not trying to redefine omnipotent spider - it either means "all" powerful - or it doesn't! Omniscient either means "all" knowing or it doesn't. "omni = all" that is it's meaning. if Your religion want it to mean less than that, then tell every other source of definition available to include your meaning into it.

Omnipotence and Omniscience as you are defining them are impossible, they are contradictory.

For your definition of Omnipotence, God would have to be able to fail. But if God can fail, then God isn't omnipotent. It's easy to see that the dictionary definition of Omnipotence isn't logical.

Theologically speaking, Omnipotence has never been understood to mean "all powerful". Jews believe that God limited his Omnipotence to account for free will. I disagree with that belief, but it goes to show that the belief that the Bible doesn't support the dictionary definition of "Omnipotence". God has "maximum power" to perform any action which is within his character to perform and is not contradictory. If God could do anything, it would mean that God could kill himself. But God's nature is that he is eternal, so God killing God-self would be a contradiction and is therefore not possible. This is the only logical definition of omnipotence possible, the dictionary definition contradicts itself.

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Thu 08/07/08 02:33 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 08/07/08 02:33 PM
Spider's question is "Why would they invent this story - and then die to maintain it?"

The answer to this question is very simple. The people who invented this story, also invented these men who allegedly died to maintain it.

The New Testament is a forgery. The myths are plagiarism

The True Authorship Of The New Testament by Abelard Reuchlin, first printed in the United States in 1979.1 It talked about an inner circle or inner ring, the most exclusive club in history, who knew the ‘Great Secret’. In this circle were those religious, political and literary leaders, who knew the truth about Jesus, but did not want anyone else to know. What struck me was that this book came to the same conclusions that I had.

The Gospels are an invention designed to manufacture a new prison-religion.

The book doesn’t go into all the symbolism I have documented here, but it does name the family and others who wrote the New Testament and the codes they used to ‘sign’ their authorship. One of these codes, interestingly, is the number 40 I highlighted earlier.

Forty was also represented by the letter M, as in Mary. The letter M is very significant to the Brotherhood still today and we see it everywhere in the symbol of the McDonalds fast food chain. We will see later how the big corporations use Brotherhood symbolism in their logos and names. M means Mary or Madonna, who means Semiramis.

The wealth of evidence in Reuchlin’s book, much of it complex and dealing with esoteric mathematical codes, is extremely compelling. I do recommend you try to get hold of a copy if you want the full details. The opening paragraph encapsulates its findings:

“The New Testament, the Church and Christianity, were all the creation of the Calpurnius Piso (pronounced Peso) family, who were Roman aristocrats. The New Testament and all the characters in it - Jesus, all the Josephs, all the Marys, all the disciples, apostles, Paul, John the Baptist - all are fictional. The Pisos created the story and the characters; they tied the story to a specific time and place in history; and they connected it with some peripheral actual people, such as the Herods, Gamaliel, the Roman procurators, etc. But Jesus and everyone involved with him were created (that is fictiotional!) characters.”

David Icke, The Biggest Secret.

Krimsa's photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:33 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Thu 08/07/08 02:36 PM

And he's also quite capable of contradicting himself or so the evidence would once again have us believe....Men are also capable of contradicting themselves. That's if you are arguing that this was written by anything other than a man. Men also are capable of emotions. Omnipotent beings, that’s not quite in typical form or character. Once again, this lends credibility towards the assertion that this book was written by humans.


Reach people reach....we showed you]

so show us.....back up your lameness.

Oh and spider, who is doing the insulting here? This guy is nuts. Or whatever it is. Irrational. You have yet to present a logical debate not based on your own opinions and emotions.

Krimsa's photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:38 PM

I see this thread has moved on to new arugments.

So was it ever settled then about birth causing a woman to be spiritually unclean?

The last I saw Krimsa had it biblically nailed and all the opposing arguments were non-biblical speculative mumbo jumbo.

What's the score on that one Tribo? You seem to be the most impartial observer here.

To catch up - it was determined that Krimsa did not do an exegesis on the subject - and was formulating an idea about the matter of "unclean" from the portion of Leviticus that she had read.

At least that is the perception from her own testimony. The idea that unclean was a spiritual reference (which came from who knows where) was brought in from another part of scripture that did not relate to the passage.

But - hey, believe whatever you want. Cain killed Abel - judaism is a murderous religion.
Everyone has to kill there brother. The bible says so.

That isnt true Eljay. There was no such determination. If there was, no one told me about it. That would be important. If anyone can rebut, please free to.

Eljay's photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:38 PM

1)Ok here is something interesting . . . don't you think if God wanted to write a book it would be so amazingly written as to not have anything of which to argue over? (just thought all the strife in the forum is the last thing god would want his flock to pursue . . regardless of interpretation)

Or is its obscurity another test? Maybe you are not passing . . . . laugh

2) Oh spider Id love to see your evidence that creation took 7 days . . . that would really make my day. In fact id love to have any evidence of any miracle EVER.

Define "miracle".

Eljay's photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:41 PM

Still waiting spider...sure is a lot of flip flopping going on here. God is nice, god is mean and evil. Hmm, just like man? Interesting. Still waiting for you to explain how that defines an "unchanging character" as you put it. Also to rebut JB. You have done neither. Im not really sure here who contradicts themselves more, god or you? That is assuming you are still trying to argue that the bible was written by this "omnipotent being" Sure is a LOT of evidence piling up here to the contrary.

"Fear and doubt would only be appropriate if something could threaten God or if God didn't know everything. God is omnipotent and Omniscient, so God cannot feel fear or doubt."

So he is omnipotent? Yet he seems to be angry enough to feel plenty of fear and doubt. Can you explain this one also? Those would appear to be very human feelings.

Please provide a definition of omnipotent where fear and doubt are listed as part of the definition.

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:41 PM

And he's also quite capable of contradicting himself or so the evidence would once again have us believe....Men are also capable of contradicting themselves. That's if you are arguing that this was written by anything other than a man. Men also are capable of emotions. Omnipotent beings, that’s not quite in typical form or character. Once again, this lends credibility towards the assertion that this book was written by humans.


Reach people reach....we showed you]

so show us.....back up your lameness.

Oh and spider, who is doing the insulting here? This guy is nuts. Or whatever it is. Irrational. You have yet to present a logical debate not based on your own opinions and emotions.


FeralCatLady is her own person, if you have a problem with her post then take it up with her. But i do find it very childish to question her gender and species. If you believe that FCL isn't human, but is still posting here, then you need a psychiatrist. If you doubt that she's a female, then you should take it up with the mods, I guess. But what do you base those accusations on? The fact that she disagrees with you? You are hardly an impartial judge.

That's a matter of personal opinion. If you believe that I have only offered opinions and emotions, that's your call, but I haven't been emotional in this thread at all.

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:42 PM

I have taken a debate class in college spider and those rules were not anything close to the rigid guidelines we had to follow. I was on a debate team that had to argue the use of capital punishment in the US. We did so for three straight days. I’m no expert, just letting you know a little background here and why I drew the conclusion that I did. I have seen actual debate, participated in it live, and have also watched professors debate that do this for a living and instruct students.

You lose your temper and Abra had a better argument.

You lose your temper far too often. You would have been disqualified automatically. Look back at some of your past threads and how nasty you become. You would have been GONE. You also come across as insecure and crazy sometimes. Also grounds for dismissal in actual, live debate. The judges will not just allow you to slip by with these flaws not under control.

I didn't lose my temper in this thread. Even if I broke every rule in the forums in other threads, that has nothing to do with this thread. You are being biased and ignoring the fact that Abra didn't have evidence. What was his evidence? Assertions. Assertions without evidence are called gratuitous assertions and should be ignored. Can you explain WHY Abra doesn't need to provide evidence, when the rules of debate require it?

You can go here to read about the rules of debate, you will see that I copied/pasted most of them.


I'm AMAZED that facts are something that some would like to so easily ignore????? LOL

Krimsa's photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:42 PM

To me it's clear that as soon as the Bible is recognized as being nothing more than the unwarranted superstitions of men, it makes perfect sense. It's perfectly clear why men would make these things up. Moreover, most of the superstitions that are in the biblical picture of God were also in just about every other manmade superstition of the Mediterranean region. Including the idea of making blood sacrifices to appease the Gods. They didn't even come up with something new.

As a manmade superstitious myth it makes perfect sense.

Of course this is important but was glossed over totally.

Krimsa's photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:46 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Thu 08/07/08 02:47 PM
FC person has been rude, hateful and nonsensical. You have lost your temper several times on this very thread and posted nothing but your opinion spider.

I ask the both of you to simply follow some decorum and debate rationally. Too much to ask? Evidently so.

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:50 PM

What are you talking about? You have not even addressed the contradiction. Either God is happy with his creation or he is not happy with his creation. Im asking, which is it?

If you really wanted to know you would ask God...not insist on endless debate & arguements which falls far too short for understanding.

I'm sure you would not like the answer anyway.

Krimsa's photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:54 PM
No, I don’t like just relying on believing what someone tells me to believe. Sorry. That’s just the way it is. I question.

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:55 PM

FC person has been rude, hateful and nonsensical. You have lost your temper several times on this very thread and posted nothing but your opinion spider.

I ask the both of you to simply follow some decorum and debate rationally. Too much to ask? Evidently so.

Oh really? Please quote a post where I lost my temper and responded to an argument without rationality or decorum.

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 03:00 PM

What are you talking about? You have not even addressed the contradiction. Either God is happy with his creation or he is not happy with his creation. Im asking, which is it?

If you really wanted to know you would ask God...not insist on endless debate & arguements which falls far too short for understanding.

I'm sure you would not like the answer anyway.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

That's very funny Quick. Apparently you don't realize that this thread is a discussion about contradictions in the Bible.

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 08/07/08 03:02 PM

Still waiting spider...sure is a lot of flip flopping going on here. God is nice, god is mean and evil. Hmm, just like man? Interesting. Still waiting for you to explain how that defines an "unchanging character" as you put it. Also to rebut JB. You have done neither. Im not really sure here who contradicts themselves more, god or you? That is assuming you are still trying to argue that the bible was written by this "omnipotent being" Sure is a LOT of evidence piling up here to the contrary.

"Fear and doubt would only be appropriate if something could threaten God or if God didn't know everything. God is omnipotent and Omniscient, so God cannot feel fear or doubt."

So he is omnipotent? Yet he seems to be angry enough to feel plenty of fear and doubt. Can you explain this one also? Those would appear to be very human feelings.

These attempts to make God look bad is really showing nothing more than the lack of PERSONAL responsiblity for one's OWN choices.

In any case...the attempts to blame God for wrong choices should take closer examination. All the debate techiques will never stand up to the truth when it hits a man's own heart.

I'm sure you already know the truth & refuse to believe it. That's a choice you have to live with but others don't.

Eljay's photo
Thu 08/07/08 03:06 PM

I hate to sound like a 2 year old but this is a valid question in fact. You hear it often. If god, like all you Christians claim, is omnipotent, why would he create this document that’s so full of holes and open to so many loose interpretations and causes so much arguing and heated debate? Wouldn’t he just stream line it so we all get it telepathically and it all makes perfect sense to every man, woman and child? Dogs and cats even? You know how picky cats can be? I mean it’s far too vague for thinking people to accept with a straight face...

It would be a tremendous help if all of the people who express continual doubts about it actually read it. I do not mean this as a slight Krimsa - nor am I directing it specifically at you, in my experience discussing the validity of the bible 2 out of 3 people who tell me they do not believe the bible is true have not even read it. Even simply the New Testiment - let alone the whole thing.

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 03:06 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 08/07/08 03:08 PM

Still waiting spider...sure is a lot of flip flopping going on here. God is nice, god is mean and evil. Hmm, just like man? Interesting. Still waiting for you to explain how that defines an "unchanging character" as you put it. Also to rebut JB. You have done neither. Im not really sure here who contradicts themselves more, god or you? That is assuming you are still trying to argue that the bible was written by this "omnipotent being" Sure is a LOT of evidence piling up here to the contrary.

"Fear and doubt would only be appropriate if something could threaten God or if God didn't know everything. God is omnipotent and Omniscient, so God cannot feel fear or doubt."

So he is omnipotent? Yet he seems to be angry enough to feel plenty of fear and doubt. Can you explain this one also? Those would appear to be very human feelings.

These attempts to make God look bad is really showing nothing more than the lack of PERSONAL responsiblity for one's OWN choices.

In any case...the attempts to blame God for wrong choices should take closer examination. All the debate techiques will never stand up to the truth when it hits a man's own heart.

I'm sure you already know the truth & refuse to believe it. That's a choice you have to live with but others don't.

Nobody is trying to "make god look bad." (The Bible does a good enough job of that.)

I think they are looking at the contradictions in the Bible describing an angry God who orders people killed, (Old testament - Battle of Jericho -and the loving God who gave his only son to save mankind. --That there is the biggest contradiction.


Krimsa's photo
Thu 08/07/08 03:08 PM
Yesterday, you were yelling at me. I gave you the benefit of the doubt but JB and a couple others called you on it. I will not post your rhetoric again for you. Besides, I would rather debate.

You become very insulting whenever someone does not agree with what you have to say or can offer a logical debate using the scripture at hand. Abra and I both do this while you need to invent meanings. It has not gone unnoticed or unchallenged and you have yourself admitted to this shortcoming. I also won’t post FC person's insults because I refuse to re-iterate that nonsense. I don’t agree with giving people permission to act with absolute disregard for others simply due to their own personal problems.

Eljay's photo
Thu 08/07/08 03:10 PM

If God had to personally keep track of every sin of every person and punish them accordingly with righteous anger, he would be too busy to hold the universe together or to do anything good or creative in my opinion. You may think that God can do all these things but it is not logical that one single conscious being could or would bare all that responsibility when there are others who can assist in the governance of the universe. That is just not how the universe works in my opinion, and it is not logical in the least.


What Jeannie has said here make absolute perfect sense.

Spider's arguments make absolutely no sense at all if you even stop and think about them for a mere brief second.

Jeannie is suggesting that God is smart enough to build into the universe an autopilot system of justice that requires no baby-sitting.

Spider is trying to claim that it makes more sense to believe that an omnipotent being is keeping track of each individual person and passing personal judgments upon they every action.

Which makes more sense?

Jeannie is actually giving God credit for being smarter.

And I'm in total agreement her assessment. A God who is smart enough to build 'judgments' into the very fabric of life so that they are automatically implemented without any need to baby-sit them would be a far superior God to one that is hanging around trying to pass judgments on every single little action of every single person who ever lived.

That picture is extremely illogical and nonsensical.

So if we're going to apply logic and reason, then karma clearly wins out over a godhead who judges everyone individually on a personal basis. That idea is totally unreasonable.

I submit that Spider's arguments on this matter are totally unreasonable and illogical. He's not arguing reason or logic. He's just desperately trying to reach for the most absurdly unreasonable possibilities in the hopes of making the stories seem to be even remotely plausible. It could be made to work if we are willing to believe that God is totally illogical and unreasonable.

But why should we want to believe that? God is supposed to be all-wise, not all-absurd.

However Abra - Jeannie's reference to God being "too busy" is pulling Him into the time continuum. It would take God but a blink of an eye to know every sin that everyone who ever walked on this earth had ever, is, or will ever commit. Else we're redefining omniscience here.

Which it seems like is happening anyway. Does anyone here know what omniscience mean -who could share it with the rest of us - because no one is agreeing on what it means. Where's Creative! Funches? Anyone got a definition here?

Krimsa's photo
Thu 08/07/08 03:14 PM
Well Eljay, if you would like to insult the people who simply disagree with you and only ask that you actually show proof to reinforce your conclusions, rather than ask that I buy into this blindly? How to you expect that to be received? I have been willing and able to bring forth several inconsistent passages and a couple actual contradictions to the table thus far. If you have read the bible from ear to ear, as you seem to be implying, shouldn’t you be able to debate me successfully? No slight intended of course.

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