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Topic: Throw down
Eljay's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:36 PM

Attention men: How do these laws feel from the your perspective being a man and reversing the rules in a female dominated society?

A woman must not have sexual relations with her father.

A woman must not have sexual relations with her mothers husband.

A woman must not have sexual relations with her brother.

A woman must not have sexual relations with her half-brother.

A woman must not have sexual have relations with her daughter’s son.

A woman must not have sexual relations with her son’s son.

A woman must not have sexual relations with her son..

A woman must not marry a man and his son.

A woman must not marry a man and his daughter’s son.

A woman must not marry a man and his son’s son.

A woman must not have sexual relations with her mother’s brother.

A woman must not have sexual relations with her father’s brother.

A woman must not have sexual relations with her mother’s sister’s husband.

A woman must not have sexual relations with her son-in-law.

A woman must not have sexual relations with her sister’s husband.

A woman must not have sexual relations with one husband in the dwelling of another.

A woman must not approach a man while menstruous for sexual relations

Do not commit adultery.

A woman must not have sexual relations with an animal..

A woman must not have sexual relations with another woman.

A woman must not have sexual relations with a man betrothed to another woman.

A woman must not lust after any man forbidden to her.

A woman must not have sexual relations with a man until she has lawfully acquired him in marriage.

Do not allow your son or daughter to marry a godworshiper (a worshiper of false gods) who refuses to repent.
Do not allow your daughter to play the harlot, allowing her to commit fornication..
A woman must not have sexual relations with a man who returns to hier after having sexual relations with another woman.

A childless widower must not marry anybody outside of his wife’s family.

A woman must not divorce a man she married after having raped him.

A woman must not divorce a man she married after having slandered him.

A woman must not allow herself to be sterilized or use birth control.

A woman must not divorce a man, unless he committed premarital fornication.

They don't. The word male and female are interchangable here. It is the action that is wrong and will bring with it consequences. It's not gender dependent.

I don't think the word male and female are interchangable. Women were considered property ...not men. The laws were written more for the men. Back then, a woman could not divorce a man just because he committee premarital fornication. etc.

Apparently you know this through your study of the topic - eH. Look again. She could simply - leave. So - apparently you think a woman could divorce a man after she raped him? Since your assumption is these rules do not apply to woman.

I'm sure you are attempting to make a point here - why don't you stop us from guessing what it is - and just make it.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:38 PM
Eljay wrote:

Christians did not exist at the time of Leviticus - what are you talking about.

The Christian belief system embraces the entire Bible. The New Testament is totally meaningless without the Old Testament to support it.

The term "Christians" is just a label. The religion is complete.

Anyone who supports "Christianity" must support the Old Testament. Otherwise they'd be denying it, but then they'd be arguing with us. laugh

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:40 PM
No to mention I was talking about your referral to Paganism of which you have admitted to having very little to no understanding of as you have never researched it. I asked that you not speak as if you do. I’m not sure what you don’t understand about that comment.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:41 PM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sun 08/10/08 01:50 PM
Hey my Man...what Overlords are you talking about? I've seen some aliens but they were not in a band called overlords. They were from Quadrangular and they offered to cut my lawn and put a roof on my house for 200 bucks. I had to tell'em I was living in my car in order to get rid of'em. One of 'em even offered me 5 bucks to get a coffee and a sandwich.

What time does your space ship blast off anyway??

I'm just making a joke ...relax.

Eljay's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:43 PM

Eljay wrote:

They don't. The word male and female are interchangable here. It is the action that is wrong and will bring with it consequences. It's not gender dependent.

JB wrote:

I don't think the word male and female are interchangable. Women were considered property ...not men. The laws were written more for the men. Back then, a woman could not divorce a man just because he committee premarital fornication. etc.

Krimsa wrote:

Absolutely. I can’t look at any one of those laws and see where the genders could be substituted for one another. I have to politely disagree with that assertion and attempt at minimizing just how seriously some of these laws would have affected women and the overall quality of their lives. Prison has fewer regulations.

I'm in total agreement with JB and Krimsa on this one Eljay.


This is precisely the type of thing you spoke of in the other thread. You say that you have your own personal interpretations on the Bible and other people have NO RIGHT to tell you how you should personally interpret the bible to make discision in your own life.

I don't think anyone is concerned about how you personally view the Bible. The real point is that apparently your own personal interpretations just aren't holding any water in objective unbiased discussions concerning the overall book.

It is perfectly clear that the Bible is male-chauvanistic. And that these laws are indeed gender specific.

In fact, JB has focused on at least on of these that drives home the point vividly and removes all doubt.

She mentioned the one where the women who's husband dies is not allow to remarry outside of HIS FAMILY.

Where does it say that if a man's wife dies that he is not allow to remarry outside of HER FAMILY?

Where does the Bible ever refer to women purchasing husbands?

Clearly it's male-chauvanism through and through. Where does the Bible ever suggest that a man must remain silent in public and only speak to his wife in private about important social matters?

Your personal interpretations of the Bible simply aren't supportable in light of the overall picture. If you're trying to ignore the male-chauvanism that's in the Bible I think you'd be entirely on your own with that interpretation. It just isn't supported by the book itself.

The book is clearly male-chuavanistic.

Just be thankful that you can indeed make up your own interpretations and ignore what the book is actually saying. This is how protestantism got started in the first place. People didn't agree with the interpretations of the Catholic church so they decided to run off and make up their own interpretations without concern about whether or not the book actually supports their conclusions.

I do not accept the "letter of the law - fundimentalist, legalistic Christian interpretation" - however you expect me to accept the legalistic - non informed opinions of those who look at scripture to support their idea's rather than examine it in it's totality to determine what the concluison is?

And they let you teach?!

Obviously you can see why I have no respect for your opinions Abra.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:43 PM
Yeah we have noticed you are pretty good with the jokes. We can keep you around for comic relief at least. laugh Just kidding. :smile:

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:44 PM

I like the happy face and brick wall.To the point and funny...nice LoL.

Division, Division, and more divison aint it a shame Stepper!!!!

Well division is the name of the game with Christianity.

They are the ones who divide the world into two groups:

Those who believe like them (the believers)

And those who refuse to believe like them (the non-believers)

In fact, this is one of the main reasons why I'm against all of the religions that arose from the Mediterranean folklore.

They are all religions that pit man against man. They divide humanity. They don't represent brotherly love at all.

Judaism, Protestantism, Catholocism, and Islam are all the same religion. They just fell apart because they they are so grossly ambiguous that the religion couldn't hold together as one coherent message. Now they are at war with each other.

It's the epitome of division. ohwell

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:45 PM

Eljay wrote:

They don't. The word male and female are interchangable here. It is the action that is wrong and will bring with it consequences. It's not gender dependent.

JB wrote:

I don't think the word male and female are interchangable. Women were considered property ...not men. The laws were written more for the men. Back then, a woman could not divorce a man just because he committee premarital fornication. etc.

Krimsa wrote:

Absolutely. I can’t look at any one of those laws and see where the genders could be substituted for one another. I have to politely disagree with that assertion and attempt at minimizing just how seriously some of these laws would have affected women and the overall quality of their lives. Prison has fewer regulations.

I'm in total agreement with JB and Krimsa on this one Eljay.


This is precisely the type of thing you spoke of in the other thread. You say that you have your own personal interpretations on the Bible and other people have NO RIGHT to tell you how you should personally interpret the bible to make discision in your own life.

I don't think anyone is concerned about how you personally view the Bible. The real point is that apparently your own personal interpretations just aren't holding any water in objective unbiased discussions concerning the overall book.

It is perfectly clear that the Bible is male-chauvanistic. And that these laws are indeed gender specific.

In fact, JB has focused on at least on of these that drives home the point vividly and removes all doubt.

She mentioned the one where the women who's husband dies is not allow to remarry outside of HIS FAMILY.

Where does it say that if a man's wife dies that he is not allow to remarry outside of HER FAMILY?

Where does the Bible ever refer to women purchasing husbands?

Clearly it's male-chauvanism through and through. Where does the Bible ever suggest that a man must remain silent in public and only speak to his wife in private about important social matters?

Your personal interpretations of the Bible simply aren't supportable in light of the overall picture. If you're trying to ignore the male-chauvanism that's in the Bible I think you'd be entirely on your own with that interpretation. It just isn't supported by the book itself.

The book is clearly male-chuavanistic.

Just be thankful that you can indeed make up your own interpretations and ignore what the book is actually saying. This is how protestantism got started in the first place. People didn't agree with the interpretations of the Catholic church so they decided to run off and make up their own interpretations without concern about whether or not the book actually supports their conclusions.

I do not accept the "letter of the law - fundimentalist, legalistic Christian interpretation" - however you expect me to accept the legalistic - non informed opinions of those who look at scripture to support their idea's rather than examine it in it's totality to determine what the concluison is?

And they let you teach?!

Obviously you can see why I have no respect for your opinions Abra.

He’s jealous of you because you teach Abra. I did not know you did that but it makes sense.

no photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:46 PM

Here is my point: You stated that these laws were reversible and applied to both men and women. I say that these laws were not reversible. And that women were considered property. Not with equal say or equal rights.

This, according to Gods law, not necessarily man's or societies law.

Which even today can be felt in the underlying consciousness of men, that they own their wives... more so than the other way around.

To cut to the chase, the whole point is that Christianity is a male dominated, male controlled religion that worships a male god and his male son. Women were not allow to become priests, or to even speak of things that mattered. She was often tortured (and punished severely) for talking back to her husband. If her husband died and she had not had children she was not allowed to marry anyone outside of her husband's family according to the laws Feral posted.


Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:48 PM
Eljay wrote:

Obviously you can see why I have no respect for your opinions Abra.

Of course you don't. I'm talking about what the Bible says, and you view religion as a "Designer Christianity".

In fact, that's precisely where the religion is headed. There's no question about it. From that point of view it may very well end up becoming a valid bases for personal bubble realities.

As I've stated many times, I'm looking at the global picture of humanity, not the individual "Designer Christians".

Eljay's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:51 PM

Redy, she used the same tactic with one of my arguments about the word "unclean". Instead of just looking at how the word is used in Leviticus (verbatum) she insists that I would need to show EVERY single time in the bible the word "unclean" is used and do a comparison of them and their contexual meaning.

A. That would not be practical on an open forum but it would allow her to feel like she had "won" an argument for once.

B. The point is that in Leviticus, the word "unclean" would seem to indicate that it means UNCLEAN in a spiritual sense based on the entire verse. I just dont know what else to do here. She has done that more than once just so you know. With a few people.

Actually - It was I who stated this, although Deb may have also. The point that "unclean" in Leviticus being used in a spiritual sense is false exegesis - as it is unsupported by the other uses of "unclean" within the same book - as used by the same author, and indicates that interpreting it in this manner is in direct conflict with the command "increase and multiply".
This indicates a misinterpretation of the word "unclean" in THIS context (as spiritual) rather than a contradiction textually. Further examiniation of the word "unclean" is warrented.

That is what you should do - if you don't know how else to interpret it. The word is used for the first time in Lev 5:2 and is referencing an animal. To better understand what is being referenced by "unclean" - the term "clean" needs to be understood - and just what it means as it is discussed in Leviticus. There is no doubt that Levituicus is written with the underlining theme that these "rules" are given to the Isrealites for their purpose of conducting allegorical rituals, and for the ceremonial worship of God. Though not stated clearly in black and white - the idea of "clean" is associated with "purity" - and were given to the people to perform as a constant reminder that they were to seek rightiousness and purity in their lives, in thought, word and action. In doing so - things would go well for them. In not - there were consequences - some that would extend beyond the actions of the individual to the group as a whole.

This is not necessarily a way of life that was considered worthy by only the Isrealies - but this type of lifestyle has been adopted by just about every generation in one way or another - all through time. We exhibit it today in the way that we establish laws to govern society - and incarcerate criminals so that their actions do not extend beyond themselves to society at large.

The beginnings of this thought - can be traced back to Leviticus, and the very passage you wish to understand. That is the bigger picture that needs to be examined when questioning one word in a specific reference - or a single concept within a group of passages that is discussed in the entire book.

So - to respond to the idea that "unclean" here means spiritual - having not considered all that I've discussed before, is analogious to trying to explain why a single toe is not the best way to describe why an elephant is not small and round, and couldn't possibly have a trunk.

I hope this is helpful.


What would really help is if you show me. Find the actual text in the bible where the word unclean is used and how we might possibly me misinterpreting its point of reference in Leviticus 12. Put your money where you mouth is so to speak Eljay.happy You claim I have not read the bible. I have done the leg work otherwise I would not have found this passage. It’s your turn to show me where I might have misunderstood the intended reference to the word. That’s only fair.

Also you still have not addressed these issues. Unless your ONLY argument at this point is this proposed "misinterpretation" on our part? That would require proof. Do you think a scientist or an actual professor of mathematics could just rely on "what he or she thinks"? Our community disapproves of that. You can have a hypothesis that you either prove or disprove through logic and reasoning or experimentation. We don’t have the luxury of just basing "facts" on the conformation of our own belief structure.

Why was the atonement or "cleansing period" twice as long if a woman should give birth to a female infant as opposed to a male child?

Why were women advised to not touch "holy" objects until this ritual cleansing had been completed?

Why did this process just happen to take place immediately after childbirth? Women go for a span of time where they do not have periods following birth. Breast feeding lengthens this time period and the bottle for feeding babies was not invented yet. All of these women would have been breast feeding Eljay. So that is further physical evidence to discredit your argument that this was only for her medical state and well being. These priests would have had zero in the way of concern for her reproductive health.

Why would she need to pay the priests for her sin of childbirth? It is referred to as sin twice in Leviticus.

Tell me the answers to these questions BASED on the actual verse, not what you think it might mean. Or what they possibly could have meant to minimize the damage here. You also just contradicted yourself. You mention that Leviticus and its use of the word "unclean" are in direct contrast with Genesis and "be fruitful and multiply." Yes it is! That was the contradiction that I initially brought forth on this thread. You just now admitted it. It is a contradiction in terms and god can’t seem to decide what he wants. Presumably, he wants more children to be raised as "good Christian folk" but at the same time, he's not really sure he wants to share the limelight with human females who actually create life from their own bodies. Because, you see, he (god) wants to be the ONLY one who creates life. So since there is no way for a mythological male figurehead to create life in reality, human females will have to do BUT, they better pay atonement, ritually cleanse themselves, and do something about this ability to create babies that they posses. They are being made to feel it’s wrong and shameful whereas for thousands of years before the advent of Christianity, birth was held in the minds of both men and women as a wonderful power to be honored as all birth and life was in the Pagan tradition.

While you are at it, do you believe that the bible does not have a VERY anti-female tone in many passages?

Here's the thing Krimsa - all of the responses to your questions are in the text. I've read the text. It is obvious by your post you have not. I'm not going to do the research for you - because it is obvious what your intent is. The burdon is not on my to prove that your misunderstanding and conclusions thereof are not correct due to your lack of information. If you were in a class of mine - I'd flunk you.

I told you where to look - now you want me to provide you with actual verses? Your too old for me to have to explain to you how to do a study.

Come back to me with questions when you've prepared.

I would not take a class from you because I’m having a hard time believing you are a professor honestly. Debate me if you can, I’m waiting. Getting upset and defensive will not score points here. If you have an argument, make it. The kid gloves are coming off. I have been respectful in the clear cut lack of your own.

Okay here's a debate.

Question # 1 - Have you read the text?

Eljay's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:54 PM

Eljay wrote:

Christians did not exist at the time of Leviticus - what are you talking about.

The Christian belief system embraces the entire Bible. The New Testament is totally meaningless without the Old Testament to support it.

The term "Christians" is just a label. The religion is complete.

Anyone who supports "Christianity" must support the Old Testament. Otherwise they'd be denying it, but then they'd be arguing with us. laugh

Once again Abra you show the uncanny ability to interject a thought into a discussion where you have not even read the posts. How does one respond to that? Your post has absolutely nothing to do with how I responded to Krimsa. Did you even read the backposts to what you commented on? I doubt it.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:55 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 08/10/08 01:55 PM
You’ve asked me that about 7 times and I have answered you. Have you read the bible from ear to ear? If you say yes, then I can only assume that your reading comprehension skills are so lacking that you can not debate with me on these issues.

Eljay's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:55 PM

Eljay wrote:

They don't. The word male and female are interchangable here. It is the action that is wrong and will bring with it consequences. It's not gender dependent.

JB wrote:

I don't think the word male and female are interchangable. Women were considered property ...not men. The laws were written more for the men. Back then, a woman could not divorce a man just because he committee premarital fornication. etc.

Krimsa wrote:

Absolutely. I can’t look at any one of those laws and see where the genders could be substituted for one another. I have to politely disagree with that assertion and attempt at minimizing just how seriously some of these laws would have affected women and the overall quality of their lives. Prison has fewer regulations.

I'm in total agreement with JB and Krimsa on this one Eljay.


This is precisely the type of thing you spoke of in the other thread. You say that you have your own personal interpretations on the Bible and other people have NO RIGHT to tell you how you should personally interpret the bible to make discision in your own life.

I don't think anyone is concerned about how you personally view the Bible. The real point is that apparently your own personal interpretations just aren't holding any water in objective unbiased discussions concerning the overall book.

It is perfectly clear that the Bible is male-chauvanistic. And that these laws are indeed gender specific.

In fact, JB has focused on at least on of these that drives home the point vividly and removes all doubt.

She mentioned the one where the women who's husband dies is not allow to remarry outside of HIS FAMILY.

Where does it say that if a man's wife dies that he is not allow to remarry outside of HER FAMILY?

Where does the Bible ever refer to women purchasing husbands?

Clearly it's male-chauvanism through and through. Where does the Bible ever suggest that a man must remain silent in public and only speak to his wife in private about important social matters?

Your personal interpretations of the Bible simply aren't supportable in light of the overall picture. If you're trying to ignore the male-chauvanism that's in the Bible I think you'd be entirely on your own with that interpretation. It just isn't supported by the book itself.

The book is clearly male-chuavanistic.

Just be thankful that you can indeed make up your own interpretations and ignore what the book is actually saying. This is how protestantism got started in the first place. People didn't agree with the interpretations of the Catholic church so they decided to run off and make up their own interpretations without concern about whether or not the book actually supports their conclusions.

I do not accept the "letter of the law - fundimentalist, legalistic Christian interpretation" - however you expect me to accept the legalistic - non informed opinions of those who look at scripture to support their idea's rather than examine it in it's totality to determine what the concluison is?

And they let you teach?!

Obviously you can see why I have no respect for your opinions Abra.

He’s jealous of you because you teach Abra. I did not know you did that but it makes sense.

Jealous of Abra? Hardly.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:57 PM

Eljay wrote:

They don't. The word male and female are interchangable here. It is the action that is wrong and will bring with it consequences. It's not gender dependent.

JB wrote:

I don't think the word male and female are interchangable. Women were considered property ...not men. The laws were written more for the men. Back then, a woman could not divorce a man just because he committee premarital fornication. etc.

Krimsa wrote:

Absolutely. I can’t look at any one of those laws and see where the genders could be substituted for one another. I have to politely disagree with that assertion and attempt at minimizing just how seriously some of these laws would have affected women and the overall quality of their lives. Prison has fewer regulations.

I'm in total agreement with JB and Krimsa on this one Eljay.


This is precisely the type of thing you spoke of in the other thread. You say that you have your own personal interpretations on the Bible and other people have NO RIGHT to tell you how you should personally interpret the bible to make discision in your own life.

I don't think anyone is concerned about how you personally view the Bible. The real point is that apparently your own personal interpretations just aren't holding any water in objective unbiased discussions concerning the overall book.

It is perfectly clear that the Bible is male-chauvanistic. And that these laws are indeed gender specific.

In fact, JB has focused on at least on of these that drives home the point vividly and removes all doubt.

She mentioned the one where the women who's husband dies is not allow to remarry outside of HIS FAMILY.

Where does it say that if a man's wife dies that he is not allow to remarry outside of HER FAMILY?

Where does the Bible ever refer to women purchasing husbands?

Clearly it's male-chauvanism through and through. Where does the Bible ever suggest that a man must remain silent in public and only speak to his wife in private about important social matters?

Your personal interpretations of the Bible simply aren't supportable in light of the overall picture. If you're trying to ignore the male-chauvanism that's in the Bible I think you'd be entirely on your own with that interpretation. It just isn't supported by the book itself.

The book is clearly male-chuavanistic.

Just be thankful that you can indeed make up your own interpretations and ignore what the book is actually saying. This is how protestantism got started in the first place. People didn't agree with the interpretations of the Catholic church so they decided to run off and make up their own interpretations without concern about whether or not the book actually supports their conclusions.

I do not accept the "letter of the law - fundimentalist, legalistic Christian interpretation" - however you expect me to accept the legalistic - non informed opinions of those who look at scripture to support their idea's rather than examine it in it's totality to determine what the concluison is?

And they let you teach?!

Obviously you can see why I have no respect for your opinions Abra.

He’s jealous of you because you teach Abra. I did not know you did that but it makes sense.

Jealous of Abra? Hardly.

Then what the hell is this all about? Huh? Take it down a notch. Lay off the personal jabs at people.rant

Eljay's photo
Sun 08/10/08 01:59 PM

You’ve asked me that about 7 times and I have answered you. Have you read the bible from ear to ear? If you say yes, then I can only assume that your reading comprehension skills are so lacking that you can not debate with me on these issues.

I told you that I've read it - you have not.

What is there to debate on? What "skills" are you exhibiting if you haven't even read the text?

Shall we debate the merits of what the necessary basics should be in conducting a debate?

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/10/08 02:07 PM

You’ve asked me that about 7 times and I have answered you. Have you read the bible from ear to ear? If you say yes, then I can only assume that your reading comprehension skills are so lacking that you can not debate with me on these issues.

I told you that I've read it - you have not.

What is there to debate on? What "skills" are you exhibiting if you haven't even read the text?

Shall we debate the merits of what the necessary basics should be in conducting a debate?

If you have read it, and can not argue these contradictions successfully, I would respect that. If you are going to sit here like an 8 year old boy and make abrasive comments towards "non-designer” Christians, then I will just wait till you are done or move on to something else. The ball is in your court.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sun 08/10/08 02:20 PM
You have a nice face. I hope you don't let your disdain for men rune you. You are intelligent and strong and I know that you were made by God for a reason.I know ...I Know you don't need me to tell you your beautiful or smart etc..etc..etc
But please don't forget to smile once in a while..OK?

Oh, and if you want to dominate men because of our past sins move to California. Most of the guys out there have already been neutered by feminism, communism and steroid's.
They make really easy targets for female rage..Hell they will even apologize to you for having been born with a penis.Dont mess with the gay guys though ...very Very jealous. Oh and definitely stay away from the military basses.
In San Francisco clubs you can get a manicure and an official apology from Governor Aaaanold for there being so many men in the state. Peace out my Lady.

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 08/10/08 02:21 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Sun 08/10/08 02:23 PM
Redy said
…Deb, Would you like me to print all the arguments, once again, in this thread? Perhaps if you say yes, I might also print your hearty NO NO NO responses. Perhaps seminary may be a good place for you're mind to expand, or at least a place in which you are not the one who KNOWS everything, all alone.

To which Feral posted:

You want proof

Here ya go........

Please take note of #351

This is part of the original 613 Commandments of God......now again I say to you redy.......you can slice it and dice it and disect it all you want to fit what "you think" it should be...........IT IS A SIN FOR MAN TO SLEEP WITH MAN OR WOMAN TO SLEEP WITH WOMAN....as to have no dispute I will give all that is not allowed in God's eyes.....and why because he commanded it.

Sinful Relationships


A man must not have sexual relations with his mother. (Leviticus 18:7)

A man must not have sexual relations with his father's wife. (Leviticus 18:8)

A man must not have sexual relations with his sister. (Leviticus 18:9)

A man must not have sexual relations with his half-sister. (Leviticus 18:11)

A man must not have sexual have relations with his son's daughter. (Leviticus 18:10)

Qestions for you Deb.

1. Where did this list of commandments come from? Who put them together and When (time frame)?
2. Are they all taken from the old Testament?
3. Is not the Old Testament considered the ‘old law’?
4. Is not the Old Law no longer valid since the sacrifice of the ultimate lamb?

Finally not that it matters much, for the following reason.
You list after each ‘commandment’ a place from scripture in which the original idea for the ‘sin’ came from.

Here then is the tiny little pin to burst you over zealous bubble. The information I have provided for you on at least 4 occasions (maybe more) is refuting the exact scripture from which these ‘commandments’ were taken.

All you have done is cut and past the same thing you say – over and over again. You have not reflected on the information I presented you can not reflect on it with an open mind.

So what is it Deb that keeps you so afraid, that you mind must remain in dark, closed to the light of any other information? What fear lurks in your soul that makes you keep your eyes closed to anything that might threaten what you think you know?

Finally, Deb, what will you do in seminary when someone in authority tells you something that does not agree with what you think you KNOW for sure?

Go to school Deb, face the dragons and the evil that comes from knowledge and like the good fundamentalist, complete the grade and then discarding the knowledge you despised simply go home teaching what you have always taught, from the same closed minded perspective

Whoa to those who look to you as an authority, for they will be shown only one option and they will travel a dark path into a closed world to believe as you do.

But if you go, there is always a possibility, a chance, of light reaching from beneath YOUR closet door. Continue to see yourself as kind and patient and do your matchmaking in the name of your god and say the useless prayers to heal those whose fate was sealed by the infirmity of the first humans, inborn of the perfection given by your god. Your words to your god are meaningless, for words and actions are nothing to your god. You simply fail to see that and continue to speak anyway.

Kahlil Gibran wrote:

You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts;
And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart you live in your lips, and sound is a diversion and a pastime.
And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered.
For thought is a bird of space, that in a cage of words may indeed unfold its wings but cannot fly.
There are those among you who seek the talkative through fear of being alone.
The silence of aloneness reveals to their eyes their naked selves and they would escape.
And there are those who talk, and without knowledge or forethought reveal a truth within them, but they tell it not in words.
In the bosom of such as these the spirit dwells in rhythmic silence.
When you meet your friend on the roadside or in the market place, let the spirit in you move your lips and direct your tongue.
Let the voice within your voice speak to the ear of his ear;
For his soul will keep the truth of your heart as the taste of the wine is remembered.
When the colour is forgotten and the vessel is no more.

The Prophet

Like scripture of the bible – you must read it all, in context, to come to a full understanding. But unlike scripture, it’s meaning is clear to those who are inspired by it, moved by it, and although it’s understanding does not ensure one a place next to their god, it may ensure a place in the heart of human kind, “When the colour is forgotten and the vessel is no more.”

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Sun 08/10/08 02:22 PM
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Oh my goodness......

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