Topic: KNOW ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
December=Beauty, good looking, loyal, patriotic, shy towards opposite sex. November=Sweetie, stubborn, easily angered, hardworking, also shy with girls. October=Hottie, trustyworthy, wild, sexy, love girls. September=Fineass Pimp, loves to chat, good in bed, harmless and enjoy girls. August=Attitude, self centered, loves singing, mysterious, love sex July=Gangsta, pleasant, outgoing, flirt, fall in love quickly. June=Lust, try new things, loves both sexes equally, tactful. May=Love, hot, friendly, caring, hasty and love sex. April=Sexy, compromising, funny, stubborn, talkative and love sex. March=Gorgeous, attractive, sexy, secretive, loves to talk with girls. February=Thug, Abstract, intelligent, quiet, humble and very sexy. January=Pimp, loves to chat, good in friendship, easily hurt, most sexiest and hottest both. "FIND YOURSELF IN IT" LEO............... |
April=Sexy, compromising, funny, stubborn, talkative and love sex.
thats me |
December girl
Now really? Who finds me sexy?
February, thug, abstract, quiet and humble I agree with...but don't find myself to be quite that intelligent, and I don't think I am sexy...attractive perhaps but not sexy. |
January=Pimp, loves to chat, good in friendship, easily hurt, most sexiest and hottest both. here Seems suitable |
me, december 26
Wow, what a clearly accurate depiction of astrology...
where is ur standing lily?
Wow, what a clearly accurate depiction of astrology... |
where is ur standing lily?
Wow, what a clearly accurate depiction of astrology... I'm a libra sun, a scorpio rising, and a leo moon. Your "astrological" descrptions are a bit vague for me, I've studied astrology since I was about 13 or so. |
good, I am indeed not as good as you are, I do it sometimes for fun only, I did not study the subject in details as you did
where is ur standing lily?
Wow, what a clearly accurate depiction of astrology... I'm a libra sun, a scorpio rising, and a leo moon. Your "astrological" descrptions are a bit vague for me, I've studied astrology since I was about 13 or so. |
Is that right Dena?
Oh my, you know way too much about hit mine right on the head with the hammer.... |
September. I resemble everything except the " Fineass Pimp "
thug??? well, maybe
August=Attitude, self centered, loves singing, mysterious, love sex
February=Thug, Abstract, intelligent, quiet, humble and very sexy.
I guess that makes me a very sexy, humbled, quiet, intelligent, abstract THUG?????????? |
me, december 26 |
Jan 1st here.
February=Thug, Abstract, intelligent, quiet, humble and very sexy
thug just doesn't quite fit |