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Topic: Is It Hard For You To Tell ?
Beachfarmer's photo
Wed 07/30/08 12:05 PM

happy Is it hard for you to tell someone that you love them?:heart:

It usually IS hard when we as men say those words.

rainysky39's photo
Wed 07/30/08 12:08 PM

No it's not...if you love someone tell them..cause one day you may never get that chance..flowers

I love you Val ........nope its not hard to say. Unless its someone I cant stand..namely ex's..LOL

rainysky39's photo
Wed 07/30/08 12:08 PM

I admit nothing until the fat lady sings~~!!noway laugh drinker

<singing> NOw tell me u love me

FaithfulOne78's photo
Wed 07/30/08 12:09 PM

No it's not...if you love someone tell them..cause one day you may never get that chance..flowers

I love you Val ........nope its not hard to say. Unless its someone I cant stand..namely ex's..LOL

tongue2 flowers Love ya to girly!

writer_gurl's photo
Wed 07/30/08 12:09 PM
Yes it is...I'm petrified to say I :heart: you to someone

no photo
Wed 07/30/08 12:10 PM

No1sLove's photo
Wed 07/30/08 12:11 PM
Telling THEM is not the hard part for me...it's admitting it to myself that's my stumbling block. :tongue:

Beachfarmer's photo
Wed 07/30/08 12:14 PM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Wed 07/30/08 12:14 PM

Telling THEM is not the hard part for me...it's admitting it to myself that's my stumbling block. :tongue:

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

Jalal ad-Din Rumi flowerforyou

No1sLove's photo
Wed 07/30/08 12:49 PM

Telling THEM is not the hard part for me...it's admitting it to myself that's my stumbling block. :tongue:

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

Jalal ad-Din Rumi flowerforyou

Very nice, and so true. happy

no photo
Wed 07/30/08 01:01 PM

I think in todays so call world, people say it to threr other way to much, that it's like changing your underware...

I agree with this :thumbsup:

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