Topic: MILES | |
please tell me about yourself? are you a seperate sect of judism? you have ststed that there are only a few thousand that think like you? i would really like to know more if your willing to share that.
thnx ![]() |
please tell me about yourself? are you a separate sect of judaism? you have stated that there are only a few thousand that think like you? i would really like to know more if your willing to share that. thank ![]() My friend , you could have written him an email and asked him....he does not bite as far as I know .... ![]() ![]() |
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Sun 07/27/08 05:57 PM
Doupble Post .
please tell me about yourself? are you a seperate sect of judism? you have ststed that there are only a few thousand that think like you? i would really like to know more if your willing to share that. thnx ![]() what can you tell us about you dearie? ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 07/27/08 06:01 PM
please tell me about yourself? are you a separate sect of judaism? you have stated that there are only a few thousand that think like you? i would really like to know more if your willing to share that. thank ![]() My friend , you could have written him an email and asked him....he does not bite as far as I know .... ![]() ![]() maybe if he does not feel threatened he will answer, if not i will do as you say, there are things i won't reveal of me either on an open forum so if thats the case i'll understand. |
I like Miles posts. They are always very interesting and thought provoking. He sounds like an intelligent, thoughtful guy, and he writes well.
With this we call ourselves for one we know the Apostles called themselves The Way. Indicating The Spirit is guiding them. We are Yahwists of The Way...... Blessings...Miles tribo: you just posted this on another thread - so you see your self as apostles for and of this time? |
No Tribo.
An Apostle had to of been with Yahshua.. He annointed them. As he Did Paul and Blinded him. Now my experiece that I have wrote about when I was young makes me wonder alot. I will not be presumptious and make any such claim Blessings |
No Tribo. An Apostle had to of been with Yahshua.. He annointed them. As he Did Paul and Blinded him. Now my experiece that I have wrote about when I was young makes me wonder alot. I will not be presumptious and make any such claim Blessings then tell me more of your standings Miles i'm truly interested. |
Thats hard to know where to start without a question. As I have said before we are told to have an answer for any person. Shalom..Miles
Thats hard to know where to start without a question. As I have said before we are told to have an answer for any person. Shalom..Miles hmmm? - ok - how did you become what you are now as far as your beliefs are concerned and why? |
Everyone of us has a different story of how we ended up learning of each other. The internet being a great help.
Myself I have had many experiences that have happened and i have tried to run from it many times. I always came back searching though. I quit going to sunday school when i was 8. Being a spartalic kid we were being taught the 10 commandments. I raised my hand and asked why we go to church on sunday. My teacher told me because Yahshua ( i still new him as JC for years to come) rose on the 1st day of the week. I said but the bible says the 7th day and i pointed to the calander on the wall and said it shows saterday as the 7th day though. He told me that is just the way it is i will understand when i get older. So i said When did Yahsua go to church . He said saturday the 7th day. When i left i was so upset that if i remember right i told my parents i was going to the car and i did. I told my parents and they said i could not stay at home alone untill i was 12. I told them how can i believe anything they tell me if they will not even worship when Yahshua did. They said i could sit in the car was my only option. I did untill i was 12 then i stayed home. I still read the bible on my own up untill i was 19 and then i went and asked a minister the same question. This time this minister admitted to me thier was no justification to worship on sunday. That saturday is correct because Yahshua was our example. I asked him why does he still do it then. He told me it was better to win souls that to tell the truth and have them stop comming. Well this really got to me. What good was going it to go period. If we are going on a known lie. I have not found a minister yet that will not admitt this same thing and they give still the same answer. I will quit thier as thier is so much. Maybe others will comment about what they think about my thinking or these ministers thinking. Blessings of Shalom...Miles |
Everyone of us has a different story of how we ended up learning of each other. The internet being a great help. Myself I have had many experiences that have happened and i have tried to run from it many times. I always came back searching though. I quit going to sunday school when i was 8. Being a spartalic kid we were being taught the 10 commandments. I raised my hand and asked why we go to church on sunday. My teacher told me because Yahshua ( i still new him as JC for years to come) rose on the 1st day of the week. I said but the bible says the 7th day and i pointed to the calander on the wall and said it shows saterday as the 7th day though. He told me that is just the way it is i will understand when i get older. So i said When did Yahsua go to church . He said saturday the 7th day. When i left i was so upset that if i remember right i told my parents i was going to the car and i did. I told my parents and they said i could not stay at home alone untill i was 12. I told them how can i believe anything they tell me if they will not even worship when Yahshua did. They said i could sit in the car was my only option. I did untill i was 12 then i stayed home. I still read the bible on my own up untill i was 19 and then i went and asked a minister the same question. This time this minister admitted to me thier was no justification to worship on sunday. That saturday is correct because Yahshua was our example. I asked him why does he still do it then. He told me it was better to win souls that to tell the truth and have them stop comming. Well this really got to me. What good was going it to go period. If we are going on a known lie. I have not found a minister yet that will not admitt this same thing and they give still the same answer. I will quit thier as thier is so much. Maybe others will comment about what they think about my thinking or these ministers thinking. Blessings of Shalom...Miles I also have questioned the Saturday thing as well Miles. I usually will say blessings or bless you...but to you Miles....I will say "shalom". Kat |
I still read the bible on my own up untill i was 19 and then i went and asked a minister the same question. This time this minister admitted to me thier was no justification to worship on sunday. That saturday is correct because Yahshua was our example. I asked him why does he still do it then. He told me it was better to win souls that to tell the truth and have them stop comming. tribo: I had a similiar incedent happen when i was asking things about revelations and was told by a christian minister that i could not understand revelations with out the aid of a cetain Kabala book ????? WTF??? what do kabala books on numerology have to do with understanding the book of revelations? and why only that and not all the old testament porphecies as well? that was one of several things that led me away from looking to man for answers - they all have different truths. as to you miles - this is only an introduction - greatly appreciated, but tell me more please, how did you and thwe others end up being and believing as you now do and why?????? patiently waiting for a reply - tribo |
Yes Tribo
It is amazing the answers you will get from ministers when you are just face to face. They will usually say closer to what they really believe than they will ever to thier congregations. After that i join the Air Force and while in basic at San Antonio I desided to go to every religious service they had on base to see what it was all about. I went to one chaplain and he was a very nice guy and he told me he could see what i was saying and all he could say was to keep searching. He was probally the 1st minister i ever had any respect for. When i got to Lowry AFb in Colorado a friend of mine had got engaged and i had notmet his girlfriend but this was my 1st real encounter with a faith I did not understand but yet I knew. she was in the Hosp. thier and i guess she had been a couple of times as he was going to go see her as she had just got back from a hospital they had flew her to in El paso Tx. when we came into the room she was crying and telling jerry that they had just told her they found she had Hodginsens disease and wanted her to go to San Antonio and that even with this explory surgery she did not have more than 6 months to live. I had stepped out into the hall and they yelled for me to come and and he introduced me and something happened. i spoke to her jokingly yet knowing and with out doebt i said. "angie thier is nothing wrong with you , you and jerry will get married thier is no need to worry" I could not even believe these words came out of my mouth. Well you can emagine she got real up set and wanted me out so i went and found a wheel chair and started going around in and out of the room and Angie finally said come here you. You are crazy you know that. How do you know thier is nothing wrong with me. I said I just know. and i did. I never had so much confindence it seemed in anything in my life. They flew her to San Antonio and they opened her up and from what i know they did not know what to believe. They had the exrays and whatever they did from El Paso and now these drs could not find nothing. She came home that week and never went back. It was like the bible speaks of not doubting yet i felt like i was not doubting and someone else was controling my speech and mind yet i knew what was happening. Then it left and i still believed totally. Well this launched me into study again as i had said before i have tried to run from what i believe and something happenes that brings me back stronger. Maybe revives my faith. Blessings...Miles |
great story miles, but you still don't answer my questions - hahaha
what is this faith and beleif you have? does it have a name? like as you posted the yahwheyist? or is their no name at all. is it many or few, world wide or present in only some places? is it a sect or are you seperate from mainstream beleifs or what? thnx. ![]() |
Most of us call ourselves Yahwists.
Yahwists of the Way is pointing to what we believe is our heritage that has never been lost yet been very few past down through the ages. This sect you refer to is a distinct calling. Everyone i have ever come in contact with share simuliar stories of how they found us or we found each other. A belief like none other we could not shake from our heads. Always feeling something was wrong. You were speaking of how i came to be and what i have written is a big part of it. Most of us came close to being Athiests before we found a small group of Yahwists. Then as we learned from them we all could see and believe what we were told as being exactly as the scriptures say. This faith is one that we believe is the faith that Yahshua Taught. The waldiseans we believe to be part of this faith. Yahwists Identifies who we worship Yahweh. Yah is the poetic form of Yahweh. You can find it in many of the prophets names. Isaiah should be IsaYah. JeremiYah. ZecheriYah and so forth. It is said that before Yahshua comes back that EliYah must come 1st to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers and the heart of the Father to the children. This is a calling of Yahweh's children together. EliYah coming his name means Elohim is Yahweh or Yahweh is Elohim. This has been lost and this is what the children bring back before Yahshua returns. Yahweh is Elohim to the Whole World. That is our calling. That is whats being turned back to. Back to the Creator Yahweh... Blessings...Miles |
Most of us call ourselves Yahwists. Yahwists of the Way is pointing to what we believe is our heritage that has never been lost yet been very few past down through the ages. This sect you refer to is a distinct calling. Everyone i have ever come in contact with share simuliar stories of how they found us or we found each other. A belief like none other we could not shake from our heads. Always feeling something was wrong. You were speaking of how i came to be and what i have written is a big part of it. Most of us came close to being Athiests before we found a small group of Yahwists. Then as we learned from them we all could see and believe what we were told as being exactly as the scriptures say. This faith is one that we believe is the faith that Yahshua Taught. The waldiseans we believe to be part of this faith. Yahwists Identifies who we worship Yahweh. Yah is the poetic form of Yahweh. You can find it in many of the prophets names. Isaiah should be IsaYah. JeremiYah. ZecheriYah and so forth. It is said that before Yahshua comes back that EliYah must come 1st to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers and the heart of the Father to the children. This is a calling of Yahweh's children together. EliYah coming his name means Elohim is Yahweh or Yahweh is Elohim. This has been lost and this is what the children bring back before Yahshua returns. Yahweh is Elohim to the Whole World. That is our calling. That is whats being turned back to. Back to the Creator Yahweh... Blessings...Miles most interesting Miles i must say. question? - did not eliyah already return? did not jesus say to his deciples - if you can accept it eliyah has returned - meaning or reffering to john the baptist? and did he not return also in the tranfiguration with jesus and moses? what need is there for him to return once again? |
Yes John the bapists was a forrunner to Yahshua coming back.
Thier will be a much stronger Eliyah to come. This also was said of John. Matt 11:11-15 11 "Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. 12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. 13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. 14 And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come. 15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear! NKJV Now this shows something that is relating to the spirit here. He says he who is least in the kingdom of Heaven is greater than he (John the Baptists) Seems like a strange statement for him to say. The disciples later have people who ask about the baptism of Fire. They say we have not heard of none but the baptism of John. The Baptism of John is the Baptism of Repentance. John declared that. But the spirit that was sent as a cloven tongue. The Baptism of fire. Is the Spiritual EliYah that is to come. Mal 4:4-6 4 "Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and judgments. 5 Behold, I will send you EliYah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Yahweh. Now this day is spoken of in Isa. 6 And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse." NKJV The day of vengence for his people has not yet come. That is when Yahshua comes back. Isa 61:1-2 "The Spirit of Yahweh Elohim is upon Me, Because Yahweh has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of Yahweh, And the day of vengeance of our Elohim; NKJV Now look at the 1st thing Yahshua said at the start of his ministry. Luke 4:18-19 18 "The Spirit of Yahweh is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; 19 To proclaim the acceptable year of Yahweh." NKJV Now Yahshua quotes from Isa above but he stops and closes the book. Why? The next sentence is. And the day of vengeance of our Elohim; He did not come thier to bring the day of vengence. Also when John was thier they had the Law. The Law was not in question. The adding to was. This is where the law is said to be done away but that is not the law that was spoken of it was the extra laws of the priests the commandments of men that are against us. We are doing EliYah's work. Not only repentance but the exact same thing Yahshua said in Luke 4:18. What does Malachi say needs remembering in our time? The Law because it has been mistakenly done away with. So the Law and The Message that Yahweh is Elohim encompances going to the brokenhearted comforting those who mourn. The Transfigeration has long been taught that some of the disciples did not die. If this was true then Yahweh is not true to his word that all the Dead in Him rise together. The dead rise 1st and then the living. The discipled died. So what happened up on the mount. For one thing we seen right above that EliYah and Moses are coming.. That is in spirit as John came in the spirit of EliYah..Zeal.. Then Yahshua was transformed. What does Zech. say when he comes back. Zech 14:12 12 And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths. NKJV Now we are being told over and over this is nuclear warfare. What does Yahweh say about a man seeing him.Yahshua is back in his glorious form here remember. Ex 33:20-21 He said, "You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live." NKJV These armies melt from just looking at him in his coming. when Yahshua said.. Mark 9:1-9 9:1 And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of Yahweh come with power. 2 And after six days Yahshua taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them. 3 And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them. 4 And there appeared unto them EliYah with Moses: and they were talking with Yahshua. 5 And Peter answered and said to Yahshua, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for EliYah. 6 For he wist not what to say; for they were sore afraid. 7 And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him. 8 And suddenly, when they had looked round about, they saw no man any more, save Yahshua only with themselves. 9 And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead. KJV They saw the return of Yahshua that is shown in Zech. That is why they would not see death till they seen him coming. It was a vision of what was to come. Notice also he does not take them up thier untill after 6 days. This sybolising the end of 6000 years when he returns. And once again Moses The Law and Eliyah Proclaiming Yahweh's name.. Is what will and has to happen before Yahshua comes back.. Blessings...Miles |
They saw the return of Yahshua that is shown in Zech. That is why they would not see death till they seen him coming. It was a vision of what was to come. Notice also he does not take them up their until after 6 days. This sybolism, the end of 6000 years when he returns. And once again Moses The Law and Eliyah Proclaiming Yahweh's name.. Is what will and has to happen before Yahshua comes back.. tribo: so do you see the transfiguration as Jesus 2nd coming and believe he will still return approx. 4000 yrs from now again? do you believe that all that took place at the destruction of jerusalem in ad 70 was all that Jesus and the disciples were saying to the first churches back then? i'm convinced all the signs Yashua spoke of to them and them to the churches after his ressurection were fulfilled by and in ad 70? are you of this same mind also? if so why? if not why? thnx |