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Sat 07/26/08 04:54 AM
This is one mans story of his life on a single's sight.
I found Just Say Hi when I was going through a time of trauma
in my own personal life.
I had ended a romance of six years with a lady who suffered depression, and I thought I could make her better, I failed.
I left a company that I was independently working with and could no longer fight the repair bills of operating my own truck. I transplanted my self here with my daughter in Indianapolis, and knew no one here.
So JSH was a place I first looked to maybe meet others who were close and to maybe go out on a weekend with them.
Well I first had in my profile that I was looking for male or female friends to do this weekend outting with,lol.
BUT, after being asked out by some gay guys, I soon removed the male friends desire,
Then I found no one close to Indy? The closet was like 4oo miles and so I turned to just writting and being me.
I had two pictures in my profile and I couldn't get ANYONE to talk to me or SEE me??
So I started looking at who WAS being talked to and what they looked like.
I seen that as a dude the ones being looked at and talked to were kind of bad boy looking guys so I took a picture of me in my bandana and posted it.
WOW,,people ALL told me they loved my new pics and liked the bad-boy-look..
I WAS SOMEBODY on here finally, lol...
NOW I didn't get overlooked I was read and soon made alot of friends because of being funny and a bad boy look.
I talked about truth and being real because I seen some who were full of shlt and that bothered me as I have always been a real kind of guy.
We had no mods then and nobody who even cared what was said or done to others here.
So when I seen any attacks on someone I attacked THEM back for the ones who were scared to do that.
I was kind-of a self made mod,lol.
Soon anyone who had an attack would send me an email asking for my help. It was no problem for me to tell them off,in their bad mouth language,lol.
I had never talked on the internet before this sight and was very new to typing and talking in words only.
I met a lady who I thought was the most beautiful one here when I first arrived, I sent her an email telling her that. But she never wrote anything back at that time.
Well now two months being here and NOW seen by many as a cool dude,,SHE approached me and we started talking soon I asked her out for a weekend date,she accepted and it was a month and a half away before she could get time off,she said.
Then I was running a post about how I thought internet sites helped make players or feeling like a player. And in that post and day I had been asked out by two fake women, (FAKE PIC'S)
and one wanted me to be her boyfriend, the other a date..
Well seing through their lies and questioning them,,they and I
stoped talking,wink, And a close friend that day had told me how she drove eight hours to see and meet this dude she had been talking to and caming with for about a month,,HE left her at the gas station where he met her at. and hurt her feelings
really bad. So I was really upset with this whole place.
Mean well my future date was a little distant in writting me much so I had another friend who had deactivated and told me I should do it to if I was unhappy,,they could still talk to me after being deactivated? I said sure why not I'll try this
and show these people,,,,lol
Well when I deactivated everyone thought it was because of the lady I was going to go out with,they all started getting up-set at her and I had to write each one and tell them it wasn't her.
I was waiting for my future date to ask where I went,lol But THAT never happen,,
She came in all upset and drama about me doing this and pointing my finger at her as my cause...Then one week later her truth came out as being engaged to a I GUESS that cancelled our date,
But through me leaving here I found out who my real friends were and many I never even knew or seen. I recieved many emails to not leave as they read me everyday here in my posts and found me to be a real person and a funny guy.
If I had not left I would have never known these people were even on here in the shadows just reading, never writing in the forums..
After that I was NOT looking to meet anyone just to be here as friends and trying to use my lifes siturations I had already been through to help others not to make my mistakes.
Just finding friends and being me.
Pointing out fake people and helping all who needed it.
Many come on here to live-out lives they WISHED they really had.
Many post a depressing story about lifes to bad for them to go on, and talk like death is a better place to be,,,ALL the time just wanting US to think and believe that so THEY feel important. I have tried and help many here who have came out all dark and in pain,,just to find out THEY were only pretending to be suicidal.
Then the many who are only about being here to play role love with another,,and NOT really ever planning a real meet in person. Some are married, some just like the feeling of anothers compassion and heart?
NOBODY likes the TRUTH of Internet lives and the REAL people behind the roles they play on here..
I have always been bothered by that as truth is everthing to me.
If someone comes down really sick, or dying many CAN'T or DON'T want to enter that area as their own lives are to much for them to cope with. Let-a-lone feel someone else's pains..
Many live out a life of fake drama in the poems as a guy can be a real prlck in real life, but come on here and write sweet loving words like he is sent from heaven,wink,lol.
And also women who live their real lives being bltching all the time about everything. But HERE they can be BLESSED patrons of his holy-sprit, and seem like angels.
So truth and real is something MANY will think they have found here in another, but MANY will find out that they were mis-lead in some if not ALL catagories of that real person.
So we ALL learn this early on here on the net.
But we stay because of the FEW but REAL people and FRIENDS we have met and know them to be who we thought they were,wink.
I think I should write a book???
This was only my first three months on here,wink,I have another
twenty one months, I could write,lol:wink: :heart:
smokin Hey,,just blowing my real smoke,wink..smokin

ahuhalicious's photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:01 AM
hey your not alone i havent talked to any serious women from this site either, ide be lucky to get a responce from anyone i mailed lol hang in there.

ljcc1964's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:00 AM
You're experience is not uncommon. I have found the same deception in people I have engaged in conversation. But not EVERYONE here is deceptive. There are indeed genuine people here, right along with the players.

mssilverfox's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:05 AM
So very true Terry flowerforyou :smile:

joycro53's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:07 AM
You are one of the few honest guys on this site. You should write a book, I definitely would read it.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:26 AM
T - I enjoyed reading this very much. It is like a walk
down memory lane. I remember some of the incidents. And
I kind of liked some aspects of the old Wild West days
although some form of moderation is a necessary evil. I
never knew and didn't seek to know about most of the drama.

You inspire me to talk about my experience. As a married
guy who is looking only for friendship here - I can surely
say that I've made several wonderful online friends who
I believe to be real with me and just amazing people.
Perhaps we will meet in real life someday, perhaps not,
but the comraderie and empathy I have experienced here has
been remarkable and real from many walks of life.

In some ways different and other ways just like real life.


You Bad Boy. laugh

(in the spirit of the reminiscence only oldstyle smileys were used)

flame1cutie's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:40 AM
I have always enjoyed your writes, always stay the same as you are never change, you are a very special person:smile: flowers flowers

d4tc's photo
Sat 07/26/08 07:01 AM
I like your real smoke Terry. Learned alot about you here. :wink:

Keep truckin! Someone is definetely out there for you! bigsmile drinker

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 07:03 AM
I bet you could compile stories from others and have a book in no time. bigsmile bigsmile

BonnyMiss's photo
Sat 07/26/08 07:14 AM
I know he's real and an honest guy, I have spoken to Terry several times and he's always been the same whether it was early in the morning or late at night............A down to earth human being

s1owhand's photo
Sat 07/26/08 07:40 AM
justsayhi-storian :wink:

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 08:01 AM

You're experience is not uncommon. I have found the same deception in people I have engaged in conversation. But not EVERYONE here is deceptive. There are indeed genuine people here, right along with the players.
:heart: For my real friends on here they MAKE this place livible and lovible,,,and to THEM ALL,,cheers!!!drinker

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 08:03 AM

T - I enjoyed reading this very much. It is like a walk
down memory lane. I remember some of the incidents. And
I kind of liked some aspects of the old Wild West days
although some form of moderation is a necessary evil. I
never knew and didn't seek to know about most of the drama.

You inspire me to talk about my experience. As a married
guy who is looking only for friendship here - I can surely
say that I've made several wonderful online friends who
I believe to be real with me and just amazing people.
Perhaps we will meet in real life someday, perhaps not,
but the comraderie and empathy I have experienced here has
been remarkable and real from many walks of life.

In some ways different and other ways just like real life.


You Bad Boy. laugh

(in the spirit of the reminiscence only oldstyle smileys were used)

Slow you do have a great way with words yourself,lol
And YEP,,the old town sheriff here,,and the brawls never sease to amaze me,but my six-shooter is down to a three shooter,lol,lol
Heres to REAL FRIENDS MANdrinker drinker :wink: THANKS

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 08:03 AM

I know he's real and an honest guy, I have spoken to Terry several times and he's always been the same whether it was early in the morning or late at night............A down to earth human being
YOUR honesty has ALWAYS impressed me to Miss Bonny...
Thank you sweety...flowerforyou :wink: :heart:

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 08:04 AM

You are one of the few honest guys on this site. You should write a book, I definitely would read it.
blushing ahhhh, now you flatter me,,,thank you very much..flowerforyou :heart: :wink: drinker

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 08:05 AM

I like your real smoke Terry. Learned alot about you here. :wink:

Keep truckin! Someone is definetely out there for you! bigsmile drinker
:heart: If I have nothing in life to give I will always have my truth,wink,,And THANKS man,,,drinker :heart:

elwoodsully's photo
Sat 07/26/08 02:49 PM
And this is why you became the first of only two guys on my friends list, Terry. Nuff said.

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:34 PM
drinker smokin :banana:
Way to go terry. Your a good mandrinker smokin glasses
(Standing Ovation ) Great Write Dude you hit the nail on the head

no photo
Sun 07/27/08 10:17 AM

And this is why you became the first of only two guys on my friends list, Terry. Nuff said.
drinker Thanks woody,,,

And thanks to you to,100011

writteninstone's photo
Sun 07/27/08 04:45 PM
Thanks for sharing. My dating experience was brief, and I was unsure about the reality of it all/ it felt more like a set up. I understand about the frustration of hoping some of the people will be real, most of the time its a chance to write. In the single world expression to others is half the battle.

The key to online dating, is don't be offended its a computer until your on a date. Then its just a blind date, until they show up. Then from there for me it always seem like they know way too much. (smile) can't figure that one out.

I changed my name from sealove42 because of wierd problems, and I was hoping to be someone different. But, I can't lie very well and the people I did get along with I liked very much.

I have been a writer on this site, and it has allowed me to share poems that I hope reach someone soul. Otherwise, I think I have meet some sincere people here.


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