franshade's photo
Thu 07/24/08 11:13 AM
What is your take? Should the court step in? Should the court allow parents to name their kids as they see fit?

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A family court judge in New Zealand has had enough with parents giving their children bizarre names here, and did something about it.

Just ask Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii. He had her renamed.

Judge Rob Murfitt made the 9-year-old girl a ward of the court so that her name could be changed, he said in a ruling made public Thursday. The girl was involved in a custody battle, he said.

The new name was not made public to protect the girl's privacy.

"The court is profoundly concerned about the very poor judgment which this child's parents have shown in choosing this name," he wrote. "It makes a fool of the child and sets her up with a social disability and handicap, unnecessarily."

The girl had been so embarrassed at the name that she had never told her closest friends what it was. She told people to call her "K" instead, the girl's lawyer, Colleen MacLeod, told the court.

In his ruling, Murfitt cited a list of the unfortunate names.

Registration officials blocked some names, including Fish and Chips, Yeah Detroit, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit, he said. But others were allowed, including Number 16 Bus Shelter "and tragically, Violence," he said.

New Zealand law does not allow names that would cause offense to a reasonable person, among other conditions, said Brian Clarke, the registrar general of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

Clarke said officials usually talked to parents who proposed unusual names to convince them about the potential for embarrassment.

iceprincess's photo
Thu 07/24/08 11:16 AM
I know it's horrible when parents do this.........but no it's not the courts responsibility nor their right to govern what parents name their children. When the child becomes an adult they can change it themselves to something more suitable.

I do however agree with trying to "talk" the parents out of the name, but if they are adament about it then the courts should stay out of it.

charles's photo
Thu 07/24/08 11:16 AM
That's so weird. I was opened this forum to post the same article. noway noway

Anyway, I think that the courts should step in when parents name their child something ridiculous. Most kids have a tough enough time growing up.

franshade's photo
Thu 07/24/08 11:30 AM

That's so weird. I was opened this forum to post the same article. noway noway

Anyway, I think that the courts should step in when parents name their child something ridiculous. Most kids have a tough enough time growing up.

great minds think alike??? winking

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 11:45 AM
Edited by littleredhen on Thu 07/24/08 11:46 AM
Wow, those names make you wonder about the parents sanity &/drug use, but I am not sure I like the courts interfering. This is a tough call.
My daughter dosn't like her name & shortened it, not legally yet, but in use. She's a journalist & I respect her wishes on this, though her name is perfectly normal, she just thinks it's unsophisticated to have a 2 part southern sounding name. I would accept her changing it legally if she wishes, but it would make me sad.

franshade's photo
Thu 07/24/08 11:47 AM
more unusual names

Free Rob Cannabis
Marijuana activist from Glastonbury, UK

Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig El Abderahman El Mohammed Ahmed El Abdel Karim El Mahdi
actor from TV series Star Trek: Deep Space 9

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 11:57 AM

I know it's horrible when parents do this.........but no it's not the courts responsibility nor their right to govern what parents name their children. When the child becomes an adult they can change it themselves to something more suitable.

I do however agree with trying to "talk" the parents out of the name, but if they are adament about it then the courts should stay out of it.

Their daughter was experiencing daily mental anguish from their decision, I don't believe the young lady could wait until she was an adult.

iceprincess's photo
Thu 07/24/08 12:02 PM

I know it's horrible when parents do this.........but no it's not the courts responsibility nor their right to govern what parents name their children. When the child becomes an adult they can change it themselves to something more suitable.

I do however agree with trying to "talk" the parents out of the name, but if they are adament about it then the courts should stay out of it.

Their daughter was experiencing daily mental anguish from their decision, I don't believe the young lady could wait until she was an adult.

The problem arises though as to when it stops...........I mean if we are willing to give the courts the right to tell us what we can and can not name our children are we next going to give them the right to tell us when we can have them? Things of this nature never stop it's always a gradual downward spiral that starts with something as simple as this.

charles's photo
Thu 07/24/08 12:07 PM

That's so weird. I was opened this forum to post the same article. noway noway

Anyway, I think that the courts should step in when parents name their child something ridiculous. Most kids have a tough enough time growing up.

great minds think alike??? winking

Indeed. winking

Let me correct my terrible grammar, by the way:
I just opened this forum to post the same article. slaphead

franshade's photo
Thu 07/24/08 12:24 PM

I know it's horrible when parents do this.........but no it's not the courts responsibility nor their right to govern what parents name their children. When the child becomes an adult they can change it themselves to something more suitable.

I do however agree with trying to "talk" the parents out of the name, but if they are adament about it then the courts should stay out of it.

Their daughter was experiencing daily mental anguish from their decision, I don't believe the young lady could wait until she was an adult.

The problem arises though as to when it stops...........I mean if we are willing to give the courts the right to tell us what we can and can not name our children are we next going to give them the right to tell us when we can have them? Things of this nature never stop it's always a gradual downward spiral that starts with something as simple as this.

I see your point but when should the court step in, I had a neighbor name her dog, F'er (yes actual name) would it be ok for her to name her son/daughter the same???

when and where should a line be drawn?

iceprincess's photo
Thu 07/24/08 12:51 PM
Edited by iceprincess on Thu 07/24/08 12:52 PM

I know it's horrible when parents do this.........but no it's not the courts responsibility nor their right to govern what parents name their children. When the child becomes an adult they can change it themselves to something more suitable.

I do however agree with trying to "talk" the parents out of the name, but if they are adament about it then the courts should stay out of it.

Their daughter was experiencing daily mental anguish from their decision, I don't believe the young lady could wait until she was an adult.

The problem arises though as to when it stops...........I mean if we are willing to give the courts the right to tell us what we can and can not name our children are we next going to give them the right to tell us when we can have them? Things of this nature never stop it's always a gradual downward spiral that starts with something as simple as this.

I see your point but when should the court step in, I had a neighbor name her dog, F'er (yes actual name) would it be ok for her to name her son/daughter the same???

when and where should a line be drawn?

If she chose to do so then yes...........Line should be drwn for abuse............I'm sorry getting saddled with an asinine name is not abuse........My mother hated her name (it is pretty bad) and yes she told her friends to call her something else and to this day doesn't share her name freely. This child could have chosen to go by talula (which in and of itself isn't so bad) It's not the courts right to tell you when, where, what sex and what you can or can't name your child