Topic: Decompress
Jim519's photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:38 AM
Ever worked yourself so hard you just need a day to stay home and decompress? Too much exhaustion?

That is what I am doing today...Staying home to recharge! drinks

somewhatshy2's photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:41 AM
i'm staying home but because of a lousy migrainesick

mry's photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:42 AM
I have no excuses so I have to go to work...

You enjoy your day off!

no photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:47 AM
Yup, it's called a mental health day. Enjoy drinker drinker drinker

Topsykretts's photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:48 AM
I badly need one. :cry:

no photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:49 AM
Not just from work. Sometimes I need a decompression from vacation and guests when they leave!!! It'a amazing how much we really exert trying to "have fun" or "entertain", too!! drinker

AtariBaby's photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:51 AM

I badly need one. :cry:
Then it is simple. Just take the day off!!


kkKen's photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:55 AM
Yep,actually i've worked 6 and 7 day weeks for the last 5 years in a job i hated,so monday i quit.Take a couple of weeks to wind down and start again fresh somewhere else

no photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:57 AM

Ever worked yourself so hard you just need a day to stay home and decompress? Too much exhaustion?

That is what I am doing today...Staying home to recharge! drinks
YAY for you! Everone needs that occasionally...Have a good onebigsmile

cflbikedog's photo
Wed 07/23/08 05:58 AM
Wow, that's exactly what I'm doing today- Nothin'!

Jim519's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:04 AM
It is amazing how much you can exhaust yourself. For the last 18 months I have been doing 6 days a week and be a single Dad...It finally caught up with me

cflbikedog's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:07 AM
When I was in college I had 3 part time jobs, a full class schedule, 2 boys at home and went to the gym 4 nights a week. How the hell did I survive? yawn

franshade's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:08 AM
sometimes one needs to do nothing! biggrin

enjoy your day off Jim and all others, while the rest of us slave away at work pitchfork and on m2/jsh devil

AtariBaby's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:08 AM

It is amazing how much you can exhaust yourself. For the last 18 months I have been doing 6 days a week and be a single Dad...It finally caught up with me
Jim i think you need a holiday. I reccomend 21 days off work!!!

No work!! Just relax and chill with your family and friends!!

Any complaints, tell your boss to mail me
at this address;!!


Jim519's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:16 AM
laugh drinker laugh drinker Will do!

It is amazing how much you can exhaust yourself. For the last 18 months I have been doing 6 days a week and be a single Dad...It finally caught up with me
Jim i think you need a holiday. I reccomend 21 days off work!!!

No work!! Just relax and chill with your family and friends!!

Any complaints, tell your boss to mail me
at this address;!!


AtariBaby's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:22 AM

laugh drinker laugh drinker Will do!

It is amazing how much you can exhaust yourself. For the last 18 months I have been doing 6 days a week and be a single Dad...It finally caught up with me
Jim i think you need a holiday. I reccomend 21 days off work!!!

No work!! Just relax and chill with your family and friends!!

Any complaints, tell your boss to mail me
at this address;!!



Joaverage's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:27 AM

It is amazing how much you can exhaust yourself. For the last 18 months I have been doing 6 days a week and be a single Dad...It finally caught up with me

Sounds like a good woman and some R&R with your
little one may be in store. You'd be surprised
how quickly all that energy will come back. Laughter and sunshine helps::thumbsup:
Try it, can't hurt.