Topic: advice
nurjoyce's photo
Wed 07/16/08 06:52 PM
if you "go out" with someone for a month and decide that person is not the right match for you, but he has already said he was "falling" for would you tell him it will not work?

Wed 07/16/08 06:54 PM
just tell him you dont want to hurt him... but you dont feel the same way he does and he deserve a woman that will love him properly

no photo
Wed 07/16/08 06:56 PM
Just be honest....

no photo
Wed 07/16/08 06:57 PM
I would tell him I'm suffering from multiple personality disorder.And the that the 1 your falling 4 doesn't show up 4 at least a couple more yrs.laugh drinker

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Wed 07/16/08 06:57 PM
staight and to the point, itll hurt regardless more so if you beat around the bush

Cinderella75's photo
Wed 07/16/08 06:58 PM
Well a month ain't nothing..just be honest and upfront about won't hurt as much now as it would later down the road..
And men will say stuff like that "I am falling for you" to get more from I would not read into that comment to

mcattygarnett's photo
Wed 07/16/08 06:59 PM
Just be up front and honest with him.flowerforyou

zman000081's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:00 PM
Just let him know. The longer you wait the more it will probaly hurt him.

no photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:02 PM
how about a chorus of Hit the road Jack and don't ya come back no more, no more, no more, no more, hit the road Jack, and don"t ya come back no more

nurjoyce's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:15 PM
would you tell him the reason?

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:19 PM

would you tell him the reason?

yea. And don't say 'i dont want to hurt you'. Because lets face it, your probly going to hurt him. It doesn't make you evil, but atleast give him the option to hate you. It makes things easier on him.

lov2fish's photo
Wed 07/16/08 07:54 PM
yes you definately tell him.. and although a month may not be that long.. whos to say he isnt genuine with his feelings.. do it.. but do it honestly and explain to him why..

michiganman3's photo
Wed 07/16/08 08:10 PM
Sooner is better than later.

Tell him you don't share the level of feelings, and that you can't see it going any further than it already has.

HeSearches's photo
Thu 07/17/08 12:17 AM
Just say I'm sorry but it's not working for me. I know you have feelings for me but I can't reciprocate and have the same feelings for you. You deserve a woman who has feelings for you and I'm sorry that I don't.

Good Bye.

livelife68's photo
Thu 07/17/08 12:19 AM
honest straight forward no bs. If your asked for a reason tell it shouldn't be any reason not to.

HeSearches's photo
Thu 07/17/08 12:21 AM
You don't have to give a reason unless you really want to but then that leads to the path of further discussion which you're trying to avoid.

I think you'd like to give the lad some closure so he'll do better with someone else. Whatever it is that he lacks for you he may not lack for another. It's just you and your preferences.

fuzzi's photo
Thu 07/17/08 10:24 AM
your breaking up with me?!! Just kidding. Like many have said before just be honost. Try to do it in person. It would mean more that way. Well good luck with the break up.

BlueskyJ's photo
Thu 07/17/08 11:38 AM
Edited by BlueskyJ on Thu 07/17/08 11:41 AM

Well a month ain't nothing..just be honest and upfront about won't hurt as much now as it would later down the road..
And men will say stuff like that "I am falling for you" to get more from I would not read into that comment to

agree :smile: just give him as much of a reason as you are comfortable sharing....usually its best to not hurt someones feelings, but in breaking up that's hard to do....

nurjoyce's photo
Thu 07/17/08 11:39 AM
okay- i did tell him

michiganman3's photo
Thu 07/17/08 02:37 PM

If you care to share, that is.