Topic: Is Honesty the best Policy??
chris1979's photo
Mon 07/14/08 03:09 PM

I was taught that honesty was the best policy from a very young age...

However, I find there are very few people anymore that actually want honesty, that can actually deal with a person who can be 110% honest with them.

Most people seem to think that no one can be 100% honest with anybody, so they can't believe my honesty.
is this percentage correct, or are you lying to usbigsmile

feistybaby's photo
Mon 07/14/08 03:10 PM
Honesty is the best policy~

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 03:11 PM

I was taught that honesty was the best policy from a very young age...

However, I find there are very few people anymore that actually want honesty, that can actually deal with a person who can be 110% honest with them.

Most people seem to think that no one can be 100% honest with anybody, so they can't believe my honesty.

People are just humans .
To think otherwise is a venture .
I never met 100% honest person .
I am sure I will never find one at 100% .
I will be happy with 80% though .
I AGREEE!!!!!!!!!

Tanzkity's photo
Mon 07/14/08 03:11 PM
I think it is the best policy.......but there are exceptions to the rule and i dont think if its an old wound or an old secret that has no ties to the person you are with you have to be honest........its all within context........:smile:

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 07/14/08 03:37 PM
Of course it is.

Most people have a difficult time dealing with true honesty however so be prepared to be lonely.

marionikbarieh's photo
Mon 07/14/08 04:47 PM
i agree heres what i say tell me the truth i tell no lies but i can accept a white lie not a strait out lie,a white lie means u dont want to hurt someone i tell the truth too much ur right people cant handle it

DestinysDream's photo
Mon 07/14/08 04:57 PM
You need to earn their honesty. You are human and make mistakes wait was that a lie they caught you in? No matter you need to earn that honesty again! Have fun...and around and around she goes.

krupa's photo
Mon 07/14/08 05:05 PM
Oh Hell no!!!!!!!!

Honesty is purely a matter of circumstance.

At times it is effortless to be honest.

Sometimes it is easy to be brutally honest.

Yet, when you fall deeply for someone but can't stand thier freakshow family...Do you bluntly tell them? (Not saying anything is simply not saying how you honestly feel)

IF her butt IS getting you blurt out the honest truth? (I know better than to do something that stupid....yet honest)

My point is, somethings are better left unsaid. It is not honest, yet, not quite dishonest.

So all this 100+% honesty that I am reading about here just ain't for me.

chuck366's photo
Mon 07/14/08 05:06 PM

I was taught that honesty was the best policy from a very young age...

However, I find there are very few people anymore that actually want honesty, that can actually deal with a person who can be 110% honest with them.

Most people seem to think that no one can be 100% honest with anybody, so they can't believe my honesty.


bgreymc88's photo
Mon 07/14/08 07:51 PM
By 110% honesty, I meant honest to a fault even when it hurts me to be honest... I have lost relationships over honesty more often than by deceit...

krupa's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:13 PM
...and...if honesty gets you sh*t canned...what did you learn?

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:17 PM
Honestly I think Honesty is the best policey.

Sometimes though I think little white lies may
be nessasary... :angel:

Kravynn's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:20 PM
Im sure my profile says it. I know my myspace says it. Id rather hear the truth now and deal with the pain than find out the truth later and deal with the rage. I HATE beating around the bush. Out with it.

livelife68's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:22 PM
honesty is the best policy. even when I don't want to hear it. I'd rather be honest and have it hurt me or someone else rather than to lie or be lied to.

plk1966's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:24 PM

i believe in Honesty....however, the second part of Honesty is Communication....can't have one without the other.....

I agree, they go hand in hand! drinks drinks

Amathyst2's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:24 PM

yes and if they dont like the truth, then tough ****

laugh laugh

Truth, sometimes it hurts, but it always preveils! :wink:

therooster's photo
Mon 07/14/08 09:26 PM
not on this website !!!!!!!!!!drinker

bgreymc88's photo
Tue 07/15/08 05:43 AM

...and...if honesty gets you sh*t canned...what did you learn?

Near as I can figure, I learned that the people that sh*t canned me couldn't handle the truth!!

MLG40's photo
Tue 07/15/08 06:01 AM

I really don't think people want you to be honest with them all the time. I have even seen that in these forums, some people get very defensive when an honest question or answer has been posted.
I think they like to hear what they want to. As some have pointed out, it is better to throw a small white lie instead of the truth.
In important situations, yes be totally honest.

no photo
Tue 07/15/08 06:33 AM

I was taught that honesty was the best policy from a very young age...

However, I find there are very few people anymore that actually want honesty, that can actually deal with a person who can be 110% honest with them.

Most people seem to think that no one can be 100% honest with anybody, so they can't believe my honesty.

110% honesty, is that 100% honesty with attitude? laugh laugh

Something from another thread seems to fit here too. I'd rather scare someone away with the truth than try to fool them into thinking they can handle me. One didn't run. smitten smitten smitten