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Topic: proves bush is a coward.
01tim's photo
Sat 07/12/08 02:58 PM
An examination of the Bush military files within the context of US Statutory Law, Department of Defense regulations, and Air Force policies and procedures of that era lead to a single conclusion: George W. Bush was considered a deserter by the United States Air Force.

After Bush quit TXANG, he still had nine months of his six-year military commitment left to serve. As a result, Bush became a member of the Air Force Reserves and was transferred to the authority of the Air Reserve Personnel Center (ARPC) in Denver, Colorado. Because this was supposed to be a temporary assignment, ARPC had to review Bush’s records to determine where he should ultimately be assigned. That examination would have led to three conclusions: That Bush had “failed to satisfactorily participate” as defined by United States law and Air Force policy, that TXANG could not account for Bush’s actions for an entire year, and that Bush’s medical records were not up to date. Regardless of what actions ARPC contemplated when reviewing Bush’s records, all options required that Bush be certified as physically fit to serve, or as unfit to serve. ARPC thus had to order Bush to get a physical examination, for which Bush did not show up. ARPC then designated Bush as AWOL and a “non-locatee” (i.e. a deserter) who had failed to satisfactorily participate in TXANG, and certified him for immediate induction through his local draft board. Once the Houston draft board got wind of the situation, strings were pulled; and documents were generated which directly contradict Air Force policy, and which were inconsistent with the rest of the records released by the White House.

krupa's photo
Sat 07/12/08 04:40 PM
Edited by krupa on Sat 07/12/08 04:40 PM
Yeah, I saw a 20/20 report on it. But, hey! At least he showed up in uniform to get a couple of pictures snapped before jetting off again.

The Dixie Chicks were right.....I am from Texas and just mentioning him is an embarrassment. Even the local hardcore republicans (Like my parents)......simply won't speak about him.

willy_cents's photo
Sat 07/12/08 04:49 PM
Talk about cowards???? Tell me precisely all the details about Obama's and Clinton's service records. Expound at length on their medals and service awards, their duty stations, In fact, kindly produce their dates of enlistment. Talk about cowards...In fact, the Obama campaign believes that military service is not necessary to "protect and defend the constitution." Yup, lets talk about cowards, please

01tim's photo
Sat 07/12/08 04:57 PM
well lets see, Clinton was in collage, he did not join then not show up, as for obama. he is not old enough to have to be in a war, now for bush, he was in air force but did not show up. so i guess like i said bush is a coward.

t22learner's photo
Sat 07/12/08 04:58 PM
Bush and Cheney are both Chickenhawks.

01tim's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:00 PM
yes bush and Cheney chicken out going to vietnam. i guess they through there liefs were more important then the soldiers who gave their life for old glory.

willy_cents's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:04 PM

well lets see, Clinton was in collage, he did not join then not show up, as for obama. he is not old enough to have to be in a war, now for bush, he was in air force but did not show up. so i guess like i said bush is a coward.
Since when did there have to be a war to join the military? Obama purely lacked the guts to join, and Clinton was too self-important and above the law to report. In fact, the majority of liberal candidates for any office never had the guts to join the military. IMAO. most of the liberal men running for office would rather have a sex change operation rather than join the military. Most of them are just "girly men" to quote the governatorlaugh

01tim's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:06 PM
and bush and guts don't go together, hell i don't really like obama either. but dam sure not voting for another republican.

willy_cents's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:15 PM
Edited by willy_cents on Sat 07/12/08 05:17 PM
Well, I vote based on the person running, and their views as compared to mine. Only Idiots vote strictly on party nominee. They are just a bunch of sheep, and not very bright ones at that.noway laugh

However, back to your what cost Dan Rather his job? The documents referred to were proven to be forgeries.

01tim's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:21 PM
no that statement was only made buy fox news, everybody no bush is a coward.

awolf1010's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:22 PM
ask hillary about watergate.......hmmm oh yes she lost her law license over that one......

01tim's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:28 PM
clinton and watergate. i beleive that was nixon not clinton.

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:36 PM

Bush and Cheney are both Chickenhawks.

I do believe that as it is obvious .

01tim's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:38 PM
Clinton got blew big deal. if she would have swallowed . this problem would have never come up.

awolf1010's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:44 PM

clinton and watergate. i beleive that was nixon not clinton.
check your facts...hillary was nixons legal advisor for watergate......she was banned for life from practicing law in DC......thats how she ended up in arkansas......(easier to sleep your way to the top)......oooooohh!!! can you say scandel since the 70'slaugh laugh laugh

01tim's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:45 PM
well one way or another. sounds like a republican trick, if you cant win an argument, attack the messenger.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:47 PM

well lets see, Clinton was in collage, he did not join then not show up, as for obama. he is not old enough to have to be in a war, now for bush, he was in air force but did not show up. so i guess like i said bush is a coward.
Since when did there have to be a war to join the military? Obama purely lacked the guts to join, and Clinton was too self-important and above the law to report. In fact, the majority of liberal candidates for any office never had the guts to join the military. IMAO. most of the liberal men running for office would rather have a sex change operation rather than join the military. Most of them are just "girly men" to quote the governatorlaugh

Would you say that to Jim Webb??

laugh laugh laugh

01tim's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:49 PM
jim's the man. vietnam veteran. son in Iraq.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:52 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 07/12/08 06:05 PM
Facts? (You got me interested)

Prominent Democrats!

Rick Noriega, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate from Texas -- joined the U.S. Army in 1979; currently Lt. Colonel in Texas Army National Guard, served in Afghanistan. (1)
Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) -- rifle platoon and company commander with the Fifth Marine Regiment in the An Hoa Basin west of Danang; was awarded the Navy Cross, the Silver Star Medal, two Bronze Star Medals, and two Purple Hearts. (1)
Representative Tim Walz, D-MN - Twenty-four years of service in the Army National Guard, retiring in 2005.
Representative Joe Sestak, D-PA - 31 years of service in the Navy, rising to the rank of Vice Admiral.
Representative Chris Carney, D-PA - Lieutenant Commander in the United States Naval Reserve, Carney served multiple tours overseas and was activated for Operation Enduring Freedom, Noble Eagle, and Southern Watch.
Representative Patrick Murphy, D-PA - extensive career in the U.S. Army from 1993-2004; earned Bronze Star and Presidential Unit Citation.
Representative Phil Hare, D-IL - Served in the United States Army Reserve for six years.

Representative Jack Murtha (D-PA) - distinguished 37-year career in the U.S. Marine Corps, Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts, retired from the Marine Corps Reserve as a colonel in 1990. (1)
Former House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt - Missouri Air National Guard, 1965-71. (1, 2)
Representative David Bonior - Staff Sgt., United States Air Force 1968-72 (1, 2)
Former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle - 1st Lt., U.S. Air Force SAC 1969-72 (1, 2)
Former Vice President Al Gore - enlisted August 1969; sent to Vietnam January 1971 as an army journalist, assigned to the 20th Engineer Brigade headquartered at Bien Hoa, an airbase twenty miles northeast of Saigon. More facts about Gore's Service
Former Senator Bob Kerrey... Democrat... Lt. j.g., U.S. Navy 1966-69; Medal of Honor, Vietnam (1, 2)
Senator Daniel Inouye, US Army 1943-'47; Medal of Honor, World War Two (1, 2)
Senator John Kerry, Lt., U.S. Navy 1966-70; Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat V, and three awards of the Purple Heart for his service in combat (1)
Representative Charles Rangel, Staff Sgt., U.S. Army 1948-52; Bronze Star, Korea (1, 2)
Former Senator Max Cleland, Captain, U.S. Army 1965-68; Silver Star & Bronze Star, Vietnam (1, 2)
Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) - U.S. Army Reserve, 1968-1975.
Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) - U.S. Army, 1951-1953. (1)
Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) - Lt., U.S. Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74. (1, 2)
Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) - U.S. Army Ranger, 1971-1979; Captain, Army Reserve 1979-91 (1)
Former Senator Fritz Hollings (D-SC) - served as a U.S. Army officer in World War II, receiving the Bronze Star and seven campaign ribbons. (1)

Representative Leonard Boswell (D-IA) - Lt. Col., U.S. Army 1956-76; two tours in Vietnam, two Distinguished Flying Crosses as a helicopter pilot, two Bronze Stars, and the Soldier's Medal. (1, 2)
Former Representative "Pete" Peterson, Air Force Captain, POW, Ambassador to Viet Nam, and recipient of the Purple Heart, the Silver Star and the Legion of Merit. (1, 2)
Rep. Mike Thompson, D-CA: Staff sergeant/platoon leader with the 173rd Airborne Brigade, U.S. Army; was wounded and received a Purple Heart. (1, 2)
Bill McBride, Democratic Candidate for Florida Governor - volunteered and served as a U.S. Marine in Vietnam; awarded Bronze Star with a combat "V." (1)
Gray Davis, former California Governor, Army Captain in Vietnam; received Bronze Star. (1)
Pete Stark, D-CA, served in the Air Force 1955-57
Wesley Clark, Democratic Presidential Candidate - 38-year career of public service in the Army, culminating as Supreme Allied Commander of NATO.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:55 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 07/12/08 06:16 PM
Prominent Republicans,

Representative Patrick McHenry, R-NC - did not serve.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY - did not serve (1)
Senate Assistant Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-MI - avoided the draft, did not serve.
Senate Republican Conference Chairman Jon Kyl, R-AZ - did not serve.
Senate Republican Conference Vice Chair John Cornyn, R-TX - did not serve.
National Republican Senatorial Committee Chair John Ensign, R-NV - did not serve.

House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-OH - did not serve.
House Minority Whip Roy Blunt, R-MO - did not serve.
House Republican Conerence Chair Adam Putnam, R-FL - did not serve.
House Republican Policy Committee Thaddeus McCotter, R-MI - did not serve.
National Republican Congressional Committee Chair Tom Cole, R-OK - did not serve.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani - did not serve.
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney - did not serve in the military but did serve the Mormon Church on a 30-month mission to France.
Former Senator Fred Thompson - did not serve.
Senator John McCain - McCain's naval honors include the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross. Why did the Bush campaign smear him so in 2000? At least Senators Cleland (D-GA), Kerry (D-MA), Kerrey (D-NE), Robb (D-VA) and Hagel (R-NE) defended him.

Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert - avoided the draft, did not serve.
Former House Majority Leader **** Armey - avoided the draft, did not serve.
Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay - avoided the draft, did not serve (1). "So many minority youths had volunteered ... that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like himself."
Former House Majority Whip Roy Blunt - did not serve
Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist - did not serve.
Rick Santorum, R-PA, formerly third ranking Republican in the Senate - did not serve. (1)
George Felix Allen, former Republican Senator from Virginia - a supporter of Nixon and the Vietnam war, did not serve. (1)

Former Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld - served in the U.S. Navy (1954-57) as an aviator and flight instructor.
GW Bush - decided that a six-year Nat'l Guard commitment really means four years. Still says that he's "been to war." Huh?
VP Cheney - several deferments (1, 2), the last by marriage (in his own words, "had other priorities than military service") (1)
Former Att'y Gen. John Ashcroft - did not serve (1, 2); received seven deferment to teach business ed at SW Missouri State

Jeb Bush, Florida Governor - did not serve. (1)

Karl Rove - avoided the draft, did not serve (1), too busy being a Republican.

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich - avoided the draft, did not serve (1, 2)
Former President Ronald Reagan - due to poor eyesight, Did not serve
Bob Dornan - avoided Korean War combat duty by enrolling in college acting classes (Orange County Weekly article). Enlisted only after the fighting was over in Korea.
Phil Gramm - avoided the draft, did not serve, four (?) student deferments
Congressman Ron Paul - active duty flight surgeon from 1963-65; Air National Guard from 1965-68. (link)
Former Senator Bob Dole - an honorable man.
Chuck Hagel - two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, Vietnam.
Duke Cunningham - nominated for the Medal of Honor, received the Navy Cross, two Silver Stars, fifteen Air Medals, the Purple Heart, and several other decorations
Senator Jeff Sessions U.S. Army Reserves, 1973-1986
Colin Powell. US Army 4 Star General, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Air Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal

Representative Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD), served in USMC in Vietnam; wounded in action.

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