Topic: Update on Lynn--not too good. | |
We need all the prayers for healing and love of the God kind now!
Lynn has been on Chemo for months now. Let me start over. Lynn had the hysterectomy because of the mass they saw in the scan. Thought it was her ovaries with solid masses. Turned out it was fallopian tube cancer. She had the hysterectomy and then soon after that was in the emergency room with pains in her abdoman. They did a cat scan and sent her home. They thought it was her appendix. They sent her results to her Dr that did the surgery. Three weeks ago she had to get all her tests results for the ssi people. We read the one from the catscan. It said they found a mass in her abdoman..yep that wass also found at the other hospital by intrauterin scope. It was from the surgery. It also said they found one on her liver (which the Oncologist found and took out.) Then we read on and it said there was a mass on her right kidney....cancer cell mass!!! They never sent it to her oncologist!! He didn't know about it! He is one mad Dr. He said the hospital should have told her as should the Dr that did her other surgery. WTF!!!!!?????? Then they should have made damn sure he knew! He could have looked into it when he was in there! To top that off she had a deep pap done three weeks ago and they called her today and told her it came back abnormal! ![]() He ays they are gonna do another one in a couiple of weeks. From that they will have another plan to take. He says they have to set her up for a date in the hospital to do a kidney scope where they are gonna put a needle in her kidney after they do a cat scan to locate it and get a biopsy of it. The Chemo that she is doing now will not do what it takes for that. And if the paps come back abnormal again they will have to do something else again! What more people!!?? I am beside myself with worry for so much. I don't know how much more I can take of this. Lynn is getting worried now. She has held up her end with a smile and an attitude like no other. I want to know why the hospital and the Dr that got her results did not get on the ball and get her results to her oncologist?? She wouldn't have even known if it hadn't been for she needed those reports for SS Disability! I need prayer warriors united for this. Pray for Lynn....this is so much crap. Lord in heaven I ask so much from you. I come to you with a heart so heavy and tears from my spirit spilling from my soul. I implore you to heal my sister Lynn from this sickness that invades her body. Take all the cancer from her...the worry from her. Give the Dr, Dr Smith the guidance to heal her using your hands in his to guide in his search to heal what she needs done so desperately. You say that we shall receive what we ask for if we have asked for forgiveness and receive your blessing we have the right to ask. God in the name if Jesus the savior I call upon you for all your promises and fully espect to know that you are good as your word promises. Take Lynn...heart... soul...spirit...and body... make it yours...lay upon her your powers of healing light and honor her with your loving kindness. This I pray the name of Jesus your Holy Son. AMEN and AMEN Kat |
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you have my prayers, and sounds like someone isent doing there job right sense her doc was pisted when he found out
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Edited by
Thu 07/10/08 11:50 PM
Yeah...someone didn't do their job. The hospital...the Dr that did her hysterctomy! She should have been told! SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN TOLD!! That is incomptence to the hilt! Medical malpractice. She should have been told. This was in January folks. She has had this in her body and never knew it til three weeks ago. And there were tests to show it!
Kat |
Edited by
Fri 07/11/08 12:44 AM
Kat, I am praying with you right now for Lynn.
Kat, tell Lynn to get the Annointed Word of God into her spirit. Day and night, she needs to get saturated in God's Annointed Word . (She neds LIVE ANNOINTED Words going into her, cause the annointing breaks the yoke). Here is a powerful anointed ministry that will pray along with her ,and send helpful Healing scriptures and reading material(request the free phamplets plus the FREE monthly magazine called ,"Word of Faith"), along with Encouragment . (call Kenneth Hagin Ministries....1-888-28-FAITH) or go to... ( Find ALL scriptures on healing. Again....Tell her to allow that Word to get into her spirit..and meditate on that word day and night. ![]() Praying and Believing with you, Kat, for Lynn's Total Recovery now. In Jesus Name, I speak to this sickness in her body, and command it to LEAVE, in Jesus Name!!! And am Praying Health and Healing WILL return unto Lynn once more. ![]() ![]() ![]() One more thing... this is also on my heart : ALKALINE FOODS!! Tell her to drink raw juices( get a juicerator), to help get her body back into an alkaline state...her body is probably very acidic right now...restoring the body's alkalinity , will also help beat sickness , and will help her body to recover also. We do our part....God does His part...Amen? Believing with you now Kat , that Lynn WILL beat this. Amen!! ![]() |
Love ... Love ... Love ... and an outpouring of light!!!
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I go with Lynn Monday to have a kidney biopsy done. Then from there...who knows.
I am going to talk with Lynn to get in tune with God right now. She must. My heart is breaking into pieces. Her..then Chuy...then her again...and Chuy some more. Please please pray for Lynn. I am losing weight and looking really bad right now. I have aged in these past few months. We need some relief. Kat |
I would get a copy of all of the medical records. You have a right to them. I would just state you want them for your own records. Then I would take them to a lawyer to see if you have a legitimate lawsuit. It sounds to me like you do.
*sending prayers for your situation and for a recovery* ![]() |
((((Kat ))))
I have no words to fully express the Love I have for you and ((( Lynn )))) Tears fill my eyes and brings back those moments in one's life I try so hard to put aside Love & light Angel,,, Guide her with your love, hold her with your tears,, Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn as I sit here and Yell,,, life is so not fair,,, (((( Kat )))))) ![]() ![]() I shall go to my calm and pray my love,, Candles lit,,, |
Much love and healing light sent her way.
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prayers and light..
Ouch!!! Warm Aussie sunshine, and healing light for Lynn, Hugs and a calloused, sandy, salty hand to hold for you Lovely...
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Edited by
Sat 07/12/08 08:19 PM
Thank you all for your loving thoughts..kind words...and prayers.
As for her medical records...that is how "WE" found the info! Isn't that a bunch of crap??! She is trying to get temporary ssi disability, and they asked for all of her records from everyone....WE found it and took it to her Oncologist and he was on vacation and when he got back he called her and asked her to get another copy from that Dr again. It says right on the bottom "fax to Dr Smith"!!!!! Damnit......He never got the fax. He says he could have went in there and took care of it when he was in if it is still there he will most likely have to take out the kidney! To do any surgery she will have to stop her Chemo in order to not get an infection. Her system is weak as it is. I give her shots three in a row every other week to get her white blood cells up. They get dangerously low. Now her daughter is very sick and she is not supposed to be around anyone sick at all. And if she is she is to call her Dr. Oh man...I better call her. She was just here to get her shot and I forgot to tell her he said that. I gave her all the preaching she wanted to hear. Like, you better get out the lysol and spray everything and everywhere, and I told her I mean it! Kat Jess!!!!! Oh good to see you. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
i added sent her name last wk w/my daughter to add to the prayer request at our church...hang in there and try and de-stress so you can stay strong for lynn
Thank you honey. I am in such a bad way. I'm a mess.
But, it is Lynn that is having the most trouble right now. Kat |
Edited by
Sun 07/13/08 11:34 AM
"shameless bump"
Came in to see if there were any new prayers for Lynns hopeful outcome. For those that do not know....Lynn is my baby sister. This cancer thing is hitting me like a ton of bricks. Dear Lord Jesus I come through you to the Father for healing praises and gracious heavenly light upon my sister Lynn. Take away her cancers and heal her Lord. Heal her from desease that spreads through her body. Remove all that is not Godly. Cleanse her kidney Jesus and her whole intire body that is in peril of being infected with this terrible killing destructive mass of evil, of which has entered into her body Lord. I praise you Lord...I believe in you to heal and make whole this young, loving and full of life woman that you created. Give her powers to know what to eat and how to do your will Jesus. Place upon her the spiritual power to come out of this inscathed. This I pray to you God, in the Holy name of Jesus the Son. Amen Kat Where is all the prayer peeps?? |
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Always love and light...
Strength to maintain positive emotions... ![]() |
Love & Light
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