Topic: Z'S PUB........................Part 3
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Sat 05/19/07 12:15 PM
well ACTUally.. the lil devil can STEAM it herSELF no?? laugh

one zap o that pitch fork and TOAST!! laugh

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Sat 05/19/07 12:17 PM
thanks karma.. YUM!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... icy B-J happy it IS a
might toasty out thar today.. :wink:drinker

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Sat 05/19/07 12:18 PM
Me pitchfork is for jabbin people who annyo me or cleanin dung off Nus's
car LOL

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Sat 05/19/07 12:18 PM
so.. what's y'all doing this LONGGGGGGGGGGGGG weekend karma??

next week is YOUR Turn poet.. AND Mine bigsmile
hey.. did you ever go to that Meatloaf concert? or is it yet to come?

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Sat 05/19/07 12:19 PM
OK so.. note to self.. steer clear of poet's poke laugh

oooooooo you do cars TOO?? laugh

karmafury's photo
Sat 05/19/07 12:21 PM
Preping to move.

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Sat 05/19/07 12:25 PM
No sis I had to bail on the concert thats when my Dad was real
no biggie I'll see Meatloaf sooner or later

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Sat 05/19/07 12:27 PM
sorry bout all that poet.. you were soo excited to see him.. but you ARE
rite.. he'll come again :wink:

ooooooo that's RITE karma.. so.. what like in 2 weekends?

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Sat 05/19/07 12:30 PM
just don't forget to pack me Karma

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Sat 05/19/07 12:30 PM
OMG.. july 14th is coming fast EH?? weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee HP in Albany
:wink: I'm SOOOOOOOO looking forward to meeting you poet happy

karmafury's photo
Sat 05/19/07 12:31 PM
Yup 2 weekends.

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Sat 05/19/07 12:32 PM
I can't wait sis!!!! I'm gonna meet up with Wego sis before then tho

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Sat 05/19/07 12:34 PM
that's AWEsome.. I'm gonna call her later :wink: see how she is.. sigh..
I miss her here.. ohwell

she IS a hOOT poet.. lots of fun to hang around.. and so easy going..

wonder if we'll be watching much of the FLICK laugh

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Sat 05/19/07 12:35 PM
great karma.. then you'll be back on FULL time.. well.. kinda sorta

Hey.. I saw a guy today selling chain mail.. VERY cool stuff.. couldn't
get a price cuz he was yacking with some OTHER dude but he had a shirt
AND head piece.. AWESOME!! happy

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Sat 05/19/07 12:37 PM
I also treated myself to a lil something blushing

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Sat 05/19/07 12:39 PM
I miss her here tooohwell

a lil something eh???

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Sat 05/19/07 12:42 PM
yUPPERs bigsmile

well.. actually it's a BIG something.. bigsmile

I got us a 21' round above ground pool with ALL the accessories happy
wanna come for a dip?? weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee splash!!!!!!!!!

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Sat 05/19/07 12:44 PM
and ya know what the BEST PART IS?? laugh

you'll go like noway but it's TRUEEEEE!!

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Sat 05/19/07 12:44 PM
Ooooo pool!!!

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Sat 05/19/07 12:46 PM
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OUCH.. that's GOTTA hurt
