Topic: Not Good Enough
Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:09 PM
I'm just tired of breaking my back for every ****in body and it not being good enough........anyone else have family members that even though you do everything but wipe their ass for them, treat you like sh!t?

hikerchick's photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:12 PM
No, because I wouldn't let them do that to me.

Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:15 PM
don't have a choice till i afford my own place.....definitely don't wnat to be living in the woods again

Max_Darkling's photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:15 PM
Edited by Max_Darkling on Sat 06/28/08 05:17 PM
I had a so called friend like that. My family doesn't pay enough attention to me to treat me like anything.

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:15 PM

No, because I wouldn't let them do that to me.

(((((((((((((((((:heart: Hiker:heart: )))))))))))))))))))

and yes Amber..I know the feeling....brokenheart sorry hun:cry:

hikerchick's photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:19 PM

don't have a choice till i afford my own place.....definitely don't wnat to be living in the woods again
you still don't have to let them treat you badly.

hikerchick's photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:19 PM

No, because I wouldn't let them do that to me.

(((((((((((((((((:heart: Hiker:heart: )))))))))))))))))))

and yes Amber..I know the feeling....brokenheart sorry hun:cry:
Love ya babe.

Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:23 PM

I had a so called friend like that. My family doesn't pay enough attention to me to treat me like anything.

It's not like what you may be thinking.....Yeah, they took me in when I left my abusive ex..........but they'll ask me to do something, and I'll do it EXACTLY as they want it done, but then it's not done right!!!!!!frustrated

They can ***** and gripe at me all damn day long, yet if I am ill (and if you had a toothache as bad as mine, you would be too) they want to have committed into the state psychiatric hospital or tell me I need to change my crappy attitude.

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:26 PM
Find peace in job well done...."they" suck

I'm just tired of breaking my back for every ****in body and it not being good enough........anyone else have family members that even though you do everything but wipe their ass for them, treat you like sh!t?

no photo
Sun 06/29/08 04:32 AM

I had a so called friend like that. My family doesn't pay enough attention to me to treat me like anything.

It's not like what you may be thinking.....Yeah, they took me in when I left my abusive ex..........but they'll ask me to do something, and I'll do it EXACTLY as they want it done, but then it's not done right!!!!!!frustrated

So you married that which you had grown accustomed to. Aint that a bthinktch. While we're molded by the things we're exposed to, it is possible to break or fix the mold, depending on your perspective.

mcattygarnett's photo
Sun 06/29/08 04:43 AM
Sure do and I try to have as little to do with her as possible.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Tue 07/01/08 02:44 PM
I remember that feeling...wish you could move out.