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Topic: Looks Teen
MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:12 PM
what What if an attractive young woman at the mall gives you her phone number but you think that she is lying about being 18, would you call her ?what

bluesunflower's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:13 PM

hmmmm not a guy but i would go with no

TwilightsTwin's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:13 PM

what What if an attractive young woman at the mall gives you her phone number but you think that she is lying about being 18, would you call her ?what

when in doubt ....RUN!

hikerchick's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:13 PM
I think this one is a no-brainer, hon.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:14 PM

I think this one is a no-brainer, hon.

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:15 PM
I've had a couple of girls who say their 19,20 etc, they have given me their phone #, I'm flattered, but no-way!!!!

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:15 PM

what What if an attractive young woman at the mall gives you her phone number but you think that she is lying about being 18, would you call her ?what

The Mirror I know would.............devil

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:15 PM

what What if an attractive young woman at the mall gives you her phone number but you think that she is lying about being 18, would you call her ?what

when in doubt ....RUN!
:laughing: :laughing: You look teen TwilightsTwin:laughing: :laughing:

s1owhand's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:16 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Fri 06/27/08 09:19 PM
a lot of places the age of consent is 16 drinker laugh

14 for females in SC laugh noway

Milk1234's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:18 PM

what What if an attractive young woman at the mall gives you her phone number but you think that she is lying about being 18, would you call her ?what

itsmetina's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:18 PM
mirror are u jokin?

ljcc1964's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:19 PM
Pretty much not even if the alternative was being covered with bees.

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:19 PM

what What if an attractive young woman at the mall gives you her phone number but you think that she is lying about being 18, would you call her ?what

I think I'd at least card her, and that's before even being a friend to her.

s1owhand's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:19 PM

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:21 PM
ask for a drivers license next time and keep your self from being someones bi--h in prison!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:22 PM
Mirror........ Was she selling cookies??laugh

s1owhand's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:23 PM

Mirror........ Was she selling cookies??laugh

laugh laugh laugh

bl4cks4bb4th's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:26 PM

what What if an attractive young woman at the mall gives you her phone number but you think that she is lying about being 18, would you call her ?what

I think I'd at least card her, and that's before even being a friend to her.

That's got to be awkward. laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:30 PM

Mirror........ Was she selling cookies??laugh
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/27/08 09:30 PM

Mirror........ Was she selling cookies??laugh
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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