Topic: NO Contradictions in the Bible ..... | |
Contemplate the contradictions
A thoughtful person who thinks about God cannot help but notice the amazing contradictions. They are everywhere you look. Here is one very simple example. On the day Moses comes down from Mount Sinai with the stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments, he discovers that the Israelites have created a golden calf. To punish the people, Moses gathers a group of men and takes the following action in the book of Exodus, Chapter 32: Then he [Moses] said to them, "This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: 'Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.' " The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. So... one minute we have God carving into stone, "Thou shalt not kill." Then the next minute we have God telling each man to strap a sword to his side and lay waste to thousands. Wouldn't you expect the almighty ruler of the universe to be slightly more consistent than this? 3,000 dead people is a lot of commandment breaking. Obviously that is a total contradiction. The reason why you find contradictions like that in the Bible is because God is imaginary. When you look at slavery, you get the same feeling of total contradiction. It is obvious to modern human beings that slavery is an abomination. The fact that God is a huge proponent of slavery in the Bible shows us that God is imaginary. |
What does God plan to do to people who do not accept Jesus Christ as their savior? According to the Christian faith, he plans to torture them for eternity in the fires of hell. Since we all know that torture is always wrong, we have a contradiction.
According to Genesis, God also tortures all women for eternity with painful childbirth. For her trangression of eating the fruit, God says to Eve: "I will greatly increase your pains in Childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children." This, of course, is torture. Inflicting excruciating pain on someone as punishment is the dictionary definition of torture, as you can see here: torture: Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion. So, according to the Bible, God is the universe's all-powerful torturer. Unfortunately, according to Christianity Today, torture is always wrong. The fact that a perfect God is doing something that is always wrong shows you the contradiction. If you would simply look at and accept how obvious these contradictions are, you can see the truth: God is imaginary. The evidence is all around you. |
I had this done once.....and bam it was gone......but let me say this....
satan your not going to win....and I cast you to the pits of hell.......And I ask you Lord protect me...give me the wisdom, in Your Precious Name this I pray AMEN no contradictions Think about this for a minute.....The Israelites were waiting for Moses to come down from Mount Sinai with a word from "God" do you even phanthom how huge that is. So Moses comes down with the tablets written by God as to the 10 basic laws for mankind.....(613) total laws. He comes down to see them breaking the first law...Thou shalt not worship any other god or false idols......Hmmmm what should God of done....said, "Oh so my people have decided to worship a gold cow, no biggie." WRONG....Now understand it wasn't God that did the was the people in choosing to worship a gold cow...just as it was Pharoah's choice to disobey God and worship all his demon gods.....And just as it was satan's to think he was better then God....BIG MISTAKE Call it cruel call it whatever you like but it is what it is. All human beings were given free choice with a purpose....and make the wrong choice and pay the price. If the people who all knew Moses was going to speak to God and "CHOSE" to disobey then by golly the price is what they pay...... Not all died....only the ones who did not listen. Also remember that God is God.....and when he wrote the Commandments they were for the people to live by...He meant what he said, and said what he meant......not up for interpretation. As with Pharoah whos heart was hardened, so the israelites....and satan....then God uses for his Glory.....You say it's a contracdiction, I say it's stuborn man and his rebellion. And slaves in those times were treated very very very well...and most that were set free chose to stay.....also God had very very strict rules about the slaves...also understand God didn't create slavery man did. And by the time we are looking at the slaves that were brought to the US man was in such a rebellion that slaves were treated horrible.....But cmon people you need to cast the blame where it belongs.....People bring it all on themselves......God is a God of Love and like with Pharoah will give chance after chance....But like with Pharoah, satan, and even the Israelites...think your better then God...and pay the price...... |
Well Smiles.......again it each and every human beings choice. Every man woman and child will know of Christ....and they choose to either take the mark of the beast or not. And when you are called to answer to God, and he opens the Book of Life well then and only then will your fate be sealed.
I don't believe that all are going to be tortured. I think that if you are left on earth when the 7 year tribulation happens...that earth will be hell....but again what does it come down to? CHOICE This is ultimately why God gave you choose....If you choose to rebel and think God is a myth or just not......well thats your choice and live or die with the consequences are going to just be. Did God do the wrong.....or eve......and again she directly went against what God had you think......oh well so she went against God no biggie..."WRONG" She rebelled and listen to satan...therefore she paid the she could of chose the right Noah and others that listen and did exactly as God told them....So again no contradiction just plain and simple rebellion.... If you smiles take a woman and sexually abuse and torture her....that my friend is breaking God's Law....If just like with eve she broke what God said directly....God is then going to see her hardened heart and he is going to use for his Glory.....and to teach......DONT MESS WITH GOD. And anything that you could possibly say.....I can tell you why you are sooooooo wrong....and if anyone should be looked at as imaginary it is you smiles.......But hey your choice......your will you pay the ultimate price......yes my friend you will. |
Edited by
Sat 06/28/08 03:15 PM
Well Smiles.......again it each and every human beings choice. Every man woman and child will know of Christ....and they choose to either take the mark of the beast or not. And when you are called to answer to God, and he opens the Book of Life well then and only then will your fate be sealed. I don't believe that all are going to be tortured. I think that if you are left on earth when the 7 year tribulation happens...that earth will be hell....but again what does it come down to? CHOICE This is ultimately why God gave you choose....If you choose to rebel and think God is a myth or just not......well thats your choice and live or die with the consequences are going to just be. Did God do the wrong.....or eve......and again she directly went against what God had you think......oh well so she went against God no biggie..."WRONG" She rebelled and listen to satan...therefore she paid the she could of chose the right Noah and others that listen and did exactly as God told them....So again no contradiction just plain and simple rebellion.... If you smiles take a woman and sexually abuse and torture her....that my friend is breaking God's Law....If just like with eve she broke what God said directly....God is then going to see her hardened heart and he is going to use for his Glory.....and to teach......DONT MESS WITH GOD. And anything that you could possibly say.....I can tell you why you are sooooooo wrong....and if anyone should be looked at as imaginary it is you smiles.......But hey your choice......your will you pay the ultimate price......yes my friend you will. One doesn't need a religous book to tell me that raping a woman is bad. One can only envision how bad it is if one did it. You use the bible as if it is a set of laws one must abide by and I am sure it is for you. Yes it probably was also a strategy to control the masses (at the time) or even challenge another system of beliefs. I know Romans at the time felt threatened by it. Not everyone will share your views and you will see slowly that less and less people will share the faith of Christianity. I believe everyone will go to a better place regardless of what faith they have or none at all. You see that is what makes the difference between you and me. You believe only those who believe in the bible that offers you a way to understand the faith and relationship with god will go to a better place. Others believe everyone will go to a better place regardless if they go by the scriptures or not. and then there are some people who actually need facts and evidence for they cannot just blindly believe something that isn't there. That is just how it is. I know that you will disagree with me, but that doesn't mean I am wrong either even if you truly don't want to see it. It is just that we each have different ways of believing or not. In the long run I am just posting articles to have people understand the hard questions Agnostic or Atheists ask. They are valid even for "true christians" and are for educational purposes only. |
I truly wish you people would stop with the kick that there is some conspiracy or strategy to control the masses. It's so lame.
This is true I would assume you would see the wrong in raping a woman...but believe it or not a lot of men would justify it...She is my wife, it's not rape, She was asking for it because of how she was dressed....With everything in life there are people that will justify anything to fit their needs. Yes you could look in the Bible for the answer imo. Because even if you know right from wrong....many many more don't. Everyone is entitled to believe what will get them through...I have no qualms with that. But I do have a problem with not being treated the same. You call my God a lie, imaginary, or a myth.....this is not only a slap in my Lord's face but also in mine. I have said countless times my relationship with Christ is a personal one as is my walk.....Take the religion out of least for me. Religion is man made if anything....and I am a Christian for the fellowship for the teachings, and because they are just a bunch of awesome people.....But like I said my walk is mine and even though the path I choose is a narrow one, I do so with a glad and happy heart. And in no way, shape, or form is their any control of any kind. And again believe or don't....your choice...have faith or have none...again your choice. My Faith is and always will be unwavering for what the Lord God has shown me...plain and simple. Again please get this....I believe in the Living God, and his son Jesus Christ because of personal experiences....It has nothing to do with what anyone else including my fellow Christians relationship is mine....PERIOD. And again don't assume that I have blind faith.......that is so more then annoying....And for you He isn't there....For me he is a real. He and only He has shown me.....and that is why I am who I am and do what I do.......All in the Glory of God. So that my sweets is not "how it is" All have the freewill to believe as they see fit......This is how it is......And I say bring on anything as far as posting....But believe this.....You say My God, His Son, and the word of the Living God is not real....I will be right behind you with what I think.... Because for me God led me here for this purpose and also to inform and there ya have it. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dancing for the Lord Oh yea Good day today.......whole sermon was so all about you was a beautiful thing. |
I was interested in understanding how poeple come to beleive in Judeo-Christian beliefs. So I found a religion that has amazingly been extrememly well documented from it beginning. It began at a time when mass media actually existed, when personal transactions and actions were a matter of public record. The Morman religion. We can study every fascet of it from the beginning of the life of it's founder through every president of the organization. We can see EVERY SINGLE change in dogma with every single 're-write' the was wholly and totally an inspiration from god. Christains scoff at the rediculous nature of the Book of Morman. Call it a lie, call it offensive, call it the work of evil. Yet where did Jesus go in the three days after death before he rose. Obviously Christians don't believe it was to America to speak to the Native Indians. How rediculous. But Joseph Smith was given this information by the Holy Spirit, an angel of god. But Christians seem to know who the Holy Spirit speaks to and who it doesn't. My, my, such a dilemma Christians have, such a web they have woven with their mystacism, and their dogma. How to lure others in, without giving credit to those who also claim to know and have the inspired word of god. Joseph Smith did a ONE UP on Christians, he provided a way in which the head of the Mormans, the President will always be the sanctioned prophet of god. While Christians, on the other hand, no longer have prophets. In "profits" have switched hands, for the Mormans, the last I looked surprassed any religion in property and wealth. So who's more up to date, who has a better connection with the heavenly, and who actually holds an "inspired word of god?". ...and I wish secularists & assorted heathen would stop using these pseudo words that have no meaning to explain what they know nothing about. Talk about "dogma." LOL |
Wasn't the Bible interpreted by man? So some mistakes could've been made upon interpretation...the Bible has contradictions, too many to list in fact. The Bible is the Inspired Word of God....but man must also have the Holy Spirit in him, to rightly interpret the Word of God. ![]() If that was the case then no one would interpret contradictions. Well that's why God's word asks people to seek out the "WISDOM" of God's word. I can understand the confusion but also know that it's the Lord who makes His word alive for people. His word might seem like a contradiction but it's not really if you take into consideration that it takes MAN time to evolve. Maybe that's the real answer to the question of confusion...that a person divided can't stand...or nation...or whoever. That's why Jesus said to pray for unity IN THE SPIRIT! |
actually there is no laws... jesus came back in the gospels to have a reformed judaism where he says all the old rules are to be forgotten the only rule is to love thy neighbor. BZZZZ...Wrong! Jesus SAID "I came not to abolish the law but to FULFILL it." I can agree that Jesus came to replace doubt, fears & hate with hope. faith & love... but that means to fulfill the laws. God said He would replace the carnal man & make a new creation in Christ for all good works. Where do you get that Jesus came to do away with the law?????? |
Love thy neighbor? Nope... for Joshua it was kill them all and take the promised land. And the war for the promised land IS STILL GOING ON!! STOP THAT WAR! STOP SUPPORTING ZIONISM! What do you think the war in Iraq is all about? What do you thing the tension with Iran is all about? Its about Israel and that stupid idea about the stupid promised land. And many Christians are supporting that idea like they believe it. JB Excuse me while I put on my political hat.... I'm glad JB that you're showing what a bigot you really are. It's ok for terrorists to hold oil over everyone's head because of their backward irrational hate for Jews???? You need to get your head out of your "you know what" & rethink these DUMB remarks! |
Jim Jones called himself a Christian, as did Applegate. Eventually their actions did not show their claims to be valid. Technically that would go for atleast 8 popes. I'll agree with you on this though. My grandfather was probly the only person i ever felt followed the bible. He never preached, nor tried to convert. His faith was firm beyond belief. He was accepting, and loving, and lived by the each his own. Whenever i asked why he wasn't like grandma, who tried to convert the world, he would simply say that jesus never tried to convert anyone. He was just himself, and spoke how he felt. People choose to believe him because they felt it in there hearts. 100% Agree Unique...... Yes well I'm sure his dad grew up in a better time when people had & LIVED their moral & ethical values & the world was a more peaceful place too. :) |
I had this done once.....and bam it was gone......but let me say this.... satan your not going to win....and I cast you to the pits of hell.......And I ask you Lord protect me...give me the wisdom, in Your Precious Name this I pray AMEN no contradictions Witchcraft is wrong. Magic is wrong. That has litterly no difference then a spell. Both are asking a higher power to change or alter something. Magic is prayer. Prayer is magic. A contradiction would be to claim that either is wrong. If the people who all knew Moses was going to speak to God and "CHOSE" to disobey then by golly the price is what they pay...... Not all died....only the ones who did not listen. Also remember that God is God.....and when he wrote the Commandments they were for the people to live by...He meant what he said, and said what he meant......not up for interpretation. Apparently it is. it's being interupted as murder, and you can kill, but only in certin situations. As with Pharoah whos heart was hardened, so the israelites....and satan....then God uses for his Glory.....You say it's a contracdiction, I say it's stuborn man and his rebellion. So your saying God couldn't of found another way? He's the one who said killing was wrong. Why didn't he just make the people leave? And slaves in those times were treated very very very well...and most that were set free chose to stay.....also God had very very strict rules about the slaves...also understand God didn't create slavery man did. And by the time we are looking at the slaves that were brought to the US man was in such a rebellion that slaves were treated horrible.....But cmon people you need to cast the blame where it belongs.....People bring it all on themselves......God is a God of Love and like with Pharoah will give chance after chance....But like with Pharoah, satan, and even the Israelites...think your better then God...and pay the price......
Slaves where slaves. They where treated like cattle. Reguardless if you prize your herd more or less then another man, there still cattle. That being said, i can show you pictures of torture devices used on slaves at that time. There pretty grusome. The ones that where freed, historicly where put into indentured servatude. It's the same thing as slavery, with a prettier name. |
Jim Jones called himself a Christian, as did Applegate. Eventually their actions did not show their claims to be valid. Technically that would go for atleast 8 popes. I'll agree with you on this though. My grandfather was probly the only person i ever felt followed the bible. He never preached, nor tried to convert. His faith was firm beyond belief. He was accepting, and loving, and lived by the each his own. Whenever i asked why he wasn't like grandma, who tried to convert the world, he would simply say that jesus never tried to convert anyone. He was just himself, and spoke how he felt. People choose to believe him because they felt it in there hearts. 100% Agree Unique...... Yes well I'm sure his dad grew up in a better time when people had & LIVED their moral & ethical values & the world was a more peaceful place too. :) The world hasn't changed that much in the last 5000 years. Technology has. The church has always went through times of resurgence. Another one is commoning up. typically they vileify something to rally people to their cause. It happens about once every 50 or 100 years. the majority of humanity has held the same values and ideals. The truth is, while most of us try to live up to these standards, the majority has always fallen short. These morals and ethicals arn't christian either. It's just we get sick of treated eachother like crap after a while, so we become moral and ethical again. |
Love thy neighbor? Nope... for Joshua it was kill them all and take the promised land. And the war for the promised land IS STILL GOING ON!! STOP THAT WAR! STOP SUPPORTING ZIONISM! What do you think the war in Iraq is all about? What do you thing the tension with Iran is all about? Its about Israel and that stupid idea about the stupid promised land. And many Christians are supporting that idea like they believe it. JB Excuse me while I put on my political hat.... I'm glad JB that you're showing what a bigot you really are. It's ok for terrorists to hold oil over everyone's head because of their backward irrational hate for Jews???? You need to get your head out of your "you know what" & rethink these DUMB remarks! may i just point out that america has more oil then the middle east, we just have restrictions so we won't tap into it. The strategy is to dry the other country's out. |
Love thy neighbor? Nope... for Joshua it was kill them all and take the promised land. And the war for the promised land IS STILL GOING ON!! STOP THAT WAR! STOP SUPPORTING ZIONISM! What do you think the war in Iraq is all about? What do you thing the tension with Iran is all about? Its about Israel and that stupid idea about the stupid promised land. And many Christians are supporting that idea like they believe it. JB Excuse me while I put on my political hat.... I'm glad JB that you're showing what a bigot you really are. It's ok for terrorists to hold oil over everyone's head because of their backward irrational hate for Jews???? You need to get your head out of your "you know what" & rethink these DUMB remarks! may i just point out that america has more oil then the middle east, we just have restrictions so we won't tap into it. The strategy is to dry the other country's out. I'm not sure if that a good strategy...if that's it we will go bankrupt first. |
Love thy neighbor? Nope... for Joshua it was kill them all and take the promised land. And the war for the promised land IS STILL GOING ON!! STOP THAT WAR! STOP SUPPORTING ZIONISM! What do you think the war in Iraq is all about? What do you thing the tension with Iran is all about? Its about Israel and that stupid idea about the stupid promised land. And many Christians are supporting that idea like they believe it. JB Excuse me while I put on my political hat.... I'm glad JB that you're showing what a bigot you really are. It's ok for terrorists to hold oil over everyone's head because of their backward irrational hate for Jews???? You need to get your head out of your "you know what" & rethink these DUMB remarks! may i just point out that america has more oil then the middle east, we just have restrictions so we won't tap into it. The strategy is to dry the other country's out. I'm not sure if that a good strategy...if that's it we will go bankrupt first. Actually, right now there debating on using some of the oil from the alaskian pipe line. There thinking of taking off the block. |
I am sorry........but satan trying to stop me from saying what I need to....and witchcraft are totally two differewnt things. And no absolute no correlation between magic and prayer......
Like I said before unique when God tries and tries and man's stuborness gets in the way...He will always use the situation for His Glory.....You can look at it as murder is murder....but trust me their is a big in certain situations. Come on unique how many chances is God supposed to give a man that prayed to false gods.....Each plague that was brought upon Egypt was for every false god that Pharoah worshipped......This is the biggest no no for God......You worship no other gods.....PERIOD. And also remember if God had just sent them away would that of made them listen...nope....would they all still of worshiped their false idols....They had to let God's people go....thats it.......stubborn stubborn Pharoah. You need to read....they were not treated like cattle...that happened when man in his rebellion at it's worst brought the slaves the US.....They were treated very very well....and like I said when the slaves were set free...because they were only slaves for a short time...they chose to if they were being treated so you ever think that would be the case.. And yes show me pics....of slaves in Egypt being treated bad. |
And yes show me pics....of slaves in Egypt being treated bad. "feralcatlady" just stated that they were slaves which is an indication that they lack the free choice to live their lives you actually need a picture to know that this is bad treatment .. to suggest that someone is a slave but they are treated well is a contradiction |
And yes show me pics....of slaves in Egypt being treated bad. "feralcatlady" just stated that they were slaves which is an indication that they lack the free choice to live their lives you actually need a picture to know that this is bad treatment .. to suggest that someone is a slave but they are treated well is a contradiction The simple fact is....yes they were slaves....but again people not knowing scripture or you would know how very well they were treated...and do you think if they were treated as bad as you seem to think...that when given their freedom, land, etc...that they said no...and stayed...I think not. |