Topic: Have you noticed
wildsideof35's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:30 AM

that the blueboxes from JSH has changed colors on Mingle2....they are just a yucky grey now.......ohwell ohwell

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:38 AM
Kinda reminds me of one of my body parts...well actually two....they used to be blue and lively but the damn things are grey and dead now.

robert1652's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:41 AM

Kinda reminds me of one of my body parts...well actually two....they used to be blue and lively but the damn things are grey and dead now.
you don't say (says it in a cockney accent)laugh laugh

robert1652's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:42 AM
How are you Dude M.B.?

robert1652's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:44 AM
hello wild sideflowerforyou

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:45 AM

How are you Dude M.B.?

Hiya Robert I'm doing good, hope you are.

somewhatshy2's photo
Tue 06/24/08 04:49 AM
everything is different on mingle 2....don't like it...grumble

michiganman3's photo
Tue 06/24/08 05:07 AM
Come and Mingle2
You will be assimilated, resistance is futile!

beachbum069's photo
Tue 06/24/08 05:14 AM
On Mingle 2 I feel like I should be shopping for Halloween.