Topic: I'm afraid of 19 out of 73 common fears | |
Edited by
Sat 06/21/08 07:35 AM
If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you’re paranoid. If you get 10-20, you are normal If you get 10 or less, you’re fearless I Fear… [] black people [] the dark [x] staying single forever [] being a parent [] being myself in front of others [] open spaces [] closed spaces [x] heights [] dogs [] birds [] fish [x] spiders [] flowers or other plants Total so far:3 [] being touched by older guys [] fire [x] deep water [x] snakes [] silk [] the ocean [x] failure [] success [] lightning [] frogs/toads [] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad [] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom [x] rats [x] jumping from high places [] snow total so far: 5 [] rain [] wind [x] crossing hanging bridges [x] death [] heaven [] God himself [x] being robbed/mugged [] falling [] clowns [] dolls [] large crowds of people [] men [] women [] having great responsibilities [x] doctors, including dentists [x] tornadoes Total so far:5 [x] hurricanes [x] incurable diseases [x] sharks [] Friday the 13th [x] ghosts [x] poverty [x] Halloween [] school [] trains [] odd numbers [] even numbers [x] being alone [x] becoming blind [x] becoming deaf [] growing up Total so far:9 [] creepy noises in the night [] not accomplishing my dreams/goals [x] needles [] blood [] dinosaurs [] the welcome mat [] high speed [] throwing up [x] falling in love Final Total: 2 Post it with the subject - I'm afraid of __ out of 73 common fears i have 24 |
I have 6.
only afraid of spiders
and have vertigo .. not really afraid of heights, just can't do it.. |
just 2 rats and being single forever
hahaha u people are funny......
why are we funny??
black people? this is ****ing awful.
i didnt write this..... i got it off a friend
why are we funny?? u said rats and being single rats is funny |
uh obviously, but why is the answers ppl give funny???
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13 for me =D
why are we funny?? u said rats and being single rats is funny rats are pretty ****ed up they carry diseases and ****.. id rather be scared of a rat than a spider |
hey hey dont be hating on me being scared pd sp[iders they freak me out
I had 2 frogs and falling in love~
im not hating just saying u were making light of rats. u want rats in ur house?
i didnt write this..... i got it off a friend Ohhhhh, then it is not YOU who is the ignoramous. At least not in full! |
2 for me
1. closed spaces 2. being touched by older guys. (this can be changed to any guys) ![]() ![]() ![]() Hi D ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 06/21/08 09:13 AM
look, it just bothers me that "black people" is at the very pinacle of the list. I mean, come on, you should edit that
black people? this is ****ing awful. ![]() I have 6 and possibly 2 more? A couple are situational does that work? |
Whos afraid of dinosaurs? they are extinct =X